## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# if(!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("RogerGinBer/RHermes")
## ---- message=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- RHermesExp()
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- setExpParam(myHermes, params = ExpParam(ppm = 4, res = 120000,
ion = "+"))
myHermes <- setExpParam(myHermes, template = "orbi-pos")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- setDB(myHermes, db = "hmdb") #Loads a small HMDB subset
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- setDB(myHermes, db = "hmdb", admult = 2, adcharge = 2)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#We will manually add the "M+2H" adduct
myHermes <- addAd(myHermes, name = "M+2H", deltam = 2*1.00727600, ch = 2,
mult = 1, toadd = "H2")
#For instance, remove adducts of unused solvents
myHermes <- remAd(myHermes, c("M+DMSO+H", "M+IsoProp+H"))
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# adlist(myHermes)
## ----echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
## ---- message = TRUE----------------------------------------------------------
myHermes #Shows a summary of all set parameters and object info
## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#For speed with a small dataset
myHermes <- setCluster(myHermes, BiocParallel::SerialParam())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- processMS1(myHermes,
package = "RHermes"))
## ---- message = TRUE----------------------------------------------------------
#You could do either of these, but PL it's more direct if you just want to check
#one file:
# myHermes
PL(myHermes, 1)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
s <- getSOIpar("double")
myHermes <- findSOI(myHermes, s, 1)
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# #Generate a SOI list of file 2 without blank subtraction and another one
# #using file 1 as blank
# myHermes <- findSOI(myHermes, s, c(2,2), c(0,1))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- filterSOI(myHermes, id = 1, minint = 20000, isofidelity = TRUE)
## ---- message = TRUE----------------------------------------------------------
#Only uses SOIs of adducts in "ad". In this case, only M+H adducts
myHermes <- generateIL(myHermes, id = 1, par = ILParam(priorization = "only", ad = "M+H"))
#If there's an M+H adduct annotation, don't include other adducts.
#Only works if you've performed filterSOI first, since it requires adduct
#annotation grouping
myHermes <- generateIL(myHermes, id = 1, par = ILParam(priorization = "yes", ad = "M+H"))
#Use all SOIs in the SOI list
myHermes <- generateIL(myHermes, id = 1, par = ILParam(priorization = "all"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#This removes all IL entries below 50000 intensity in the 0s-150s RT interval
myHermes <- filterIL(myHermes, 1, rts = c(0,150), minint = 5e4)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# exportIL(myHermes, id = 1, file = "InclusionList", maxOver = 5, sepFiles = TRUE)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# myHermes <- processMS2(myHermes, id = 1,
# MS2files = c("./file1.mzML", "./file2.mzML",
# "./file3.mzML", "./file4.mzML"),
# sstype = "regular", useDB = FALSE)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myHermes <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
package = "RHermes"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ident(myHermes, 1)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# saveRDS(myHermes, "testRHermes.rds")
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# myHermes <- readRDS("testRHermes.rds")
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