
Defines functions pairDist GetCellGeneSet.SingleCellExperiment GetCellGeneSet.Seurat GetCellGeneSet GetCellGeneRanking.SingleCellExperiment GetCellGeneRanking.Seurat GetCellGeneRanking GetCellGeneDistance.SingleCellExperiment GetCellGeneDistance.Seurat GetCellGeneDistance

Documented in GetCellGeneDistance GetCellGeneDistance.Seurat GetCellGeneDistance.SingleCellExperiment GetCellGeneRanking GetCellGeneRanking.Seurat GetCellGeneRanking.SingleCellExperiment GetCellGeneSet GetCellGeneSet.Seurat GetCellGeneSet.SingleCellExperiment pairDist

#' Distance Calculation
#' @description Small intermediate function for euclidean distance calculation between
#' MCA feature coordinates and cell coordinates. Due to MCA pseudo barycentric relationship, 
#' the closer a gene g is to a cell c, the more specific to such a cell it can be considered. 
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCell Experiment Object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with
#' reduction embedding and loading for distance calculation.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset
#' feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features
#' available from specified reduction Loading.
#' @param cells Character vector of cell names to subset
#' cell coordinates.
#' If not specified will take all cells available from specified reduction Embedding.
#' @return Distance Matrix with genes at row and cells at column
GetCellGeneDistance <- function(X, reduction, dims, features, cells) {
    UseMethod("GetCellGeneDistance", X)

#' @rdname GetCellGeneDistance
#' @export
GetCellGeneDistance.Seurat <- function(X, reduction = "mca", dims, features = NULL, cells = NULL) {
    check <- checkCelliDArg(
        X = X, reduction = reduction, dims = dims,
        features = features, cells = cells
    dims <- check$dims
    features <- check$features
    cells <- check$cells
    message("\ncalculating distance\n")
    # recover coordinates from slots
    cellsEmb <- Embeddings(X, reduction)[cells, dims]
    genesEmb <- Loadings(X, reduction)[features, dims]

    # calculate distances
    CellGeneDistance <- pairDist(cellsEmb, genesEmb)


#' @rdname GetCellGeneDistance
#' @export
GetCellGeneDistance.SingleCellExperiment <- function(X, reduction = "MCA", dims, features = NULL, cells = NULL) {
    check <- checkCelliDArg(
        X = X, reduction = reduction, dims = dims,
        features = features, cells = cells
    dims <- check$dims
    features <- check$features
    cells <- check$cells
    message("\ncalculating distance\n")
    cellsEmb <- reducedDim(X, reduction)[cells, dims]
    genesEmb <- attr(reducedDim(X, reduction), "genesCoordinates")[features, dims]
    CellGeneDistance <- pairDist(cellsEmb, genesEmb)

#' Ranking Extraction
#' @description Intermediate function for ranking extraction from Cell Gene Distance Matrix. 
#' Genes are ordered from the most specific to the least specific to the cell according to their euclidean distances.
#' Value indicates the euclidean distances between the cell and the genes in the MCA coordinates.
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embedding and loading for distance calculation.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loading
#' @param cells Character vector of cell names to subset cell coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Embedding.
#' @return A cell named list of gene rankings ordererd by distances from shortest (most specific) to farthest (less specific)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' ranking <- GetCellGeneRanking(seuratPbmc, reduction = "mca", dims = 1:5)
GetCellGeneRanking <- function(X, reduction, dims, features, cells) {
    UseMethod("GetCellGeneRanking", X)

#' @rdname GetCellGeneRanking
#' @export
GetCellGeneRanking.Seurat <- function(X, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, cells = NULL) {
    CellGeneDistance <- GetCellGeneDistance(
        X = X, dims = dims, reduction = reduction,
        features = features, cells = cells
    CellGeneRanking <- DistSort(CellGeneDistance)

#' @rdname GetCellGeneRanking
#' @export
GetCellGeneRanking.SingleCellExperiment <- function(X, reduction = "MCA",
                                                    dims = seq(50), features = NULL, cells = NULL) {
    CellGeneDistance <- GetCellGeneDistance(
        X = X, dims = dims, reduction = reduction,
        features = features, cells = cells
    CellGeneRanking <- DistSort(CellGeneDistance)

#' Gene sets extraction from MCA
#' @description Calculate cells and genes distances, rank them per cell and extract top n features.
#' The obtained top n features represents features thatare highly specific to that cell.
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCell Experiment Object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loadings
#' @param cells Character vector of cell names to subset cell coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Embeddigns.
#' @param n.features single integer specifying how many top features should be extracted from the ranking
#' @return A cell named list of gene rankings ordererd by distances from shortest (most specfic) to farthest (less specific)
#' @export
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' GroupGeneRanking <- GetGroupGeneRanking(seuratPbmc, group.by = "seurat_clusters", dims = 1:5)
GetCellGeneSet <- function(X, reduction = "mca", dims, features, cells, n.features) {
    UseMethod("GetCellGeneSet", X)

#' @rdname GetCellGeneSet
#' @export
GetCellGeneSet.Seurat <- function(X, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50),
                                  features = NULL, cells = NULL, n.features = 200) {
    CellGeneRanking <- GetCellGeneRanking(X, dims, reduction = reduction, features = features, cells = cells)
    message("\ncreating geneset\n")
    geneset <- pblapply(CellGeneRanking, function(x) names(head(x, n.features)))

#' @rdname GetCellGeneSet
#' @export
GetCellGeneSet.SingleCellExperiment <- function(X, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50),
                                                features = NULL, cells = NULL, n.features = 200) {
    CellGeneRanking <- GetCellGeneRanking(X, dims, reduction = reduction, features = features, cells = cells)
    message("\ncreating geneset\n")
    geneset <- pblapply(CellGeneRanking, function(x) names(head(x, n.features)))

#' Distance Calculation
#' @description Small function to calculate quickly the distance between rows of two matrix.
#' @param x a matrix
#' @param y a matrix
#' @return A Distance Matrix
pairDist <- function(x, y) {
    z <- fastPDist(y, x)
    rownames(z) <- rownames(y)
    colnames(z) <- rownames(x)
RausellLab/CelliD documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 3:44 a.m.