akira.cortal@institutimagine.org antonio.rausell@institutimagine.org
CelliD is based on R version >= 4.1. It contains dependencies with several CRAN and Biocondutor packages as described in the Description file
To install CelliD, set the repositories option to enable downloading Bioconductor dependencies:
if(!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse") if(!require("ggpubr")) install.packages("ggpubr") BiocManager::install("CelliD")
macOS users might experience installation issues related to Gfortran library. To solve this, download and install the appropriate gfortran dmg file from https://github.com/fxcoudert/gfortran-for-macOS
library(CelliD) library(tidyverse) # general purpose library for data handling library(ggpubr) #library for plotting
To illustrate CelliD usage we will use throughout this vignette two publicly available pancreas single-cell RNA-seq data sets provided in Baron et al. 2016 and Segerstolpe et al. 2016. We provide here for convenience the R objects with the raw counts gene expression matrices and associated metadata
#read data BaronMatrix <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/BaronMatrix.rds")) BaronMetaData <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/BaronMetaData.rds")) SegerMatrix <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/SegerstolpeMatrix.rds")) SegerMetaData <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/SegerstolpeMetaData2.rds"))
While CelliD can handle all types of genes, we recommend restricting the analysis to protein-coding genes. CelliD package provides two gene lists (HgProteinCodingGenes and MgProteinCodingGenes) containing a background set of 19308 and 21914 protein-coding genes from human and mouse, respectively, obtained from BioMart Ensembl release 100, version April 2020 (GrCH38.p13 for human, and GRCm38.p6 for mouse). Gene identifiers here correspond to official gene symbols.
# Restricting to protein-coding genes data("HgProteinCodingGenes") BaronMatrixProt <- BaronMatrix[rownames(BaronMatrix) %in% HgProteinCodingGenes,] SegerMatrixProt <- SegerMatrix[rownames(SegerMatrix) %in% HgProteinCodingGenes,]
CelliD use as input single cell data in the form of specific S4objects. Currently supported files are SingleCellExperiment from Bioconductor and Seurat Version 3 from CRAN. For downstream analyses, gene identifiers corresponding to official gene symbols are used.
Library size normalization is carried out by rescaling counts to a common library size of 10000. Log transformation is performed after adding a pseudo-count of 1. Genes expressing at least one count in less than 5 cells are removed. These steps mimic the standard Seurat workflow described here.
# Create Seurat object and remove remove low detection genes Baron <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = BaronMatrixProt, project = "Baron", min.cells = 5, meta.data = BaronMetaData) Seger <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = SegerMatrixProt, project = "Segerstolpe", min.cells = 5, meta.data = SegerMetaData) # Library-size normalization, log-transformation, and centering and scaling of gene expression values Baron <- NormalizeData(Baron) Baron <- ScaleData(Baron, features = rownames(Baron))
While this vignette only illustrates the use of CelliD on single-cell RNA-seq data, we note that the package can handle other types of gene matrices, e.g sci-ATAC gene activity score matrices.
CelliD is based on Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), a multivariate method that allows the simultaneous representation of both cells and genes in the same low dimensional vector space. In such space, euclidean distances between genes and cells are computed, and per-cell gene rankings are obtained. The top 'n' closest genes to a given cell will be defined as its gene signature. Per-cell gene signatures will be obtained in a later section of this vignette.
To perform MCA dimensionality reduction, the command RunMCA
is used:
Baron <- RunMCA(Baron)
The DimPlotMC
command allows to visualize both cells and selected gene lists in MCA low dimensional space.
DimPlotMC(Baron, reduction = "mca", group.by = "cell.type", features = c("CTRL", "INS", "MYZAP", "CDH11"), as.text = TRUE) + ggtitle("MCA with some key gene markers")
In the previous plot we colored cells according to the pre-established cell type annotations available as metadata ("cell.type") and as provided in Baron et al. 2016. No clustering step was performed here. In the common scenario where such annotations were not available, the DimPlotMC
function would represent cells as red colored dots, and genes as black crosses. To represent all genes in the previous plot, just remove the "features" parameter from the previous command, so that the DimPlotMC
function takes the default value.
For the sake of comparisson, state-of-the-art dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA, UMAP and tSNE can be obtained as follows:
Baron <- RunPCA(Baron, features = rownames(Baron)) Baron <- RunUMAP(Baron, dims = 1:30) Baron <- RunTSNE(Baron, dims = 1:30) PCA <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "pca", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("PCA") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) tSNE <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type")+ ggtitle("tSNE") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) UMAP <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("UMAP") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) MCA <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "mca", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("MCA") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(PCA, MCA, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top") ggarrange(tSNE, UMAP, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top")
At this stage, CelliD can perform an automatic cell type prediction for each cell in the dataset. For that purpose, prototypical marker lists associated with well-characterized cell types are used as input, as obtained from third-party sources. Here we will use the Panglao database of curated gene signatures to predict the cell type of each individual cell in the Baron data.
We will illustrate the procedure with two collections of cell-type gene signatures: first restricting the assessment to known pancreatic cell types, and second, a more challenging and unbiased scenario where all cell types in the database will be evaluated. Alternative gene signature databases and/or custom made marker lists can be used by adapting their input format as described below. The quality of the predictions is obviously highly dependent on the quality of the cell type signatures.
# download all cell-type gene signatures from panglaoDB panglao <- read_tsv("https://panglaodb.se/markers/PanglaoDB_markers_27_Mar_2020.tsv.gz") # restricting the analysis to pancreas specific gene signatues panglao_pancreas <- panglao %>% filter(organ == "Pancreas") # restricting to human specific genes panglao_pancreas <- panglao_pancreas %>% filter(str_detect(species,"Hs")) # converting dataframes into a list of vectors, which is the format needed as input for CelliD panglao_pancreas <- panglao_pancreas %>% group_by(`cell type`) %>% summarise(geneset = list(`official gene symbol`)) pancreas_gs <- setNames(panglao_pancreas$geneset, panglao_pancreas$`cell type`)
#filter to get human specific genes panglao_all <- panglao %>% filter(str_detect(species,"Hs")) # convert dataframes to a list of named vectors which is the format for CelliD input panglao_all <- panglao_all %>% group_by(`cell type`) %>% summarise(geneset = list(`official gene symbol`)) all_gs <- setNames(panglao_all$geneset, panglao_all$`cell type`) #remove very short signatures all_gs <- all_gs[sapply(all_gs, length) >= 10]
A per-cell assessment is performed, where the enrichment of each cell's gene signature against each cell-type marker lists is evaluated through hypergeometric tests. No intermediate clustering steps are used here. By default, the size n of the cell's gene signature is set to n.features = 200
By default, only reference gene sets of size ≥10 are considered. In addition, hypergeometric test p-values are corrected by multiple testing for the number of gene sets evaluated. A cell is considered as enriched in those gene sets for which the hypergeometric test p-value is <1e-02 (-log10 corrected p-value >2), after Benjamini Hochberg multiple testing correction. Default settings can be modified within the RunCellHGT
The RunCellHGT
function will provide the -log10 corrected p-value for each cell and each signature evaluated, so a multi-class evaluation is enabled. When a disjointed classification is required, a cell will be assigned to the gene set with the lowest significant corrected p-value. If no significant hits are found, a cell will remain unassigned.
# Performing per-cell hypergeometric tests against the gene signature collection HGT_pancreas_gs <- RunCellHGT(Baron, pathways = pancreas_gs, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200) # For each cell, assess the signature with the lowest corrected p-value (max -log10 corrected p-value) pancreas_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_pancreas_gs)[apply(HGT_pancreas_gs, 2, which.max)] # For each cell, evaluate if the lowest p-value is significant pancreas_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_pancreas_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = pancreas_gs_prediction, "unassigned") # Save cell type predictions as metadata within the Seurat object Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction <- pancreas_gs_prediction_signif
The previous cell type predictions can be visualized on any low-dimensionality representation of choice, as illustrated here using tSNE plots
# Comparing the original labels with CelliD cell-type predictions based on pancreas-specific gene signatures color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) OriginalPlot <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) Predplot1 <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "pancreas_gs_prediction") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(OriginalPlot, Predplot1, legend = "top",common.legend = TRUE)
From an unbiased perspective, CelliD cell type prediction can be performed using as input a comprehensive set of cell types that are not necessarily restricted to the organ or tissue under study. To illustrate this scenario all cell types in the Panglao database can be evaluated at once.
HGT_all_gs <- RunCellHGT(Baron, pathways = all_gs, dims = 1:50) all_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_all_gs)[apply(HGT_all_gs, 2, which.max)] all_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_all_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = all_gs_prediction, "unassigned") # For the sake of visualization, we group under the label "other" diverse cell types for which significant enrichments were found: Baron$all_gs_prediction <- ifelse(all_gs_prediction_signif %in% c(names(pancreas_gs), "Schwann cells", "Endothelial cells", "Macrophages", "Mast cells", "T cells","Fibroblasts", "unassigned"), all_gs_prediction_signif,"other") color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "grey", "black") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "Fibroblasts", "Schwann cells", "unassigned", "other")) Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction <- factor(Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "Fibroblasts", "Schwann cells", "unassigned", "other")) PredPlot2 <- DimPlot(Baron, group.by = "all_gs_prediction", reduction = "tsne") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop = FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(OriginalPlot, PredPlot2, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE)
CelliD performs cell-to-cell matching across independent single-cell datasets. Datasets can originate from the same or from a different tissue / organ. Cell matching can be performed either within (e.g. human-to-human) or across species (e.g. mouse-to-human). CelliD cell matching across datasets is performed by a per-cell assessment in the query dataset evaluating the replication of gene signatures extracted from the reference dataset. Gene signatures from the reference dataset can be automatically derived either from individual cells (CelliD(c)), or from previously-established groups of cells (CelliD(g)).
In CelliD(c), the gene signatures extracted for each cell n in a dataset D can be assessed through their enrichment against the gene signatures extracted for each cell n’ in a reference dataset D’. Alternatively, CelliD(g) takes advantage of a grouping of cells in D, where per-group gene signatures are extracted and evaluated against the gene signatures for each cell n in the query dataset D. We note that the groupings used in CelliD(g) should be provided as input and tipically originate from a manual annotation process.
Analogous to the previous section, CelliD(c) and CelliD(g) evaluate such enrichments through hypergeometric tests, and p-values are corrected by multiple testing for the number of cells or the number of groups against which they are evaluated. Best hits can be used for cell-to-cell matching (CelliD(c)) or group-to-cell matching (CelliD(g) and subsequent label transferring across datasets. If no significant hits are found, a cell will remain unassigned.
Here we illustrate CelliD(c) and CelliD(g) using the Baron dataset as a reference set from which both cell and group signatures are extracted. The Segerstolpe dataset is used as the query set on which the cell-type labels previously annotated in the Baron dataset are transferred.
# Extracting per-cell gene signatures from the Baron dataset with CelliD(c) Baron_cell_gs <- GetCellGeneSet(Baron, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200) # Extracting per-group gene signatures from the Baron dataset with CelliD(g) Baron_group_gs <- GetGroupGeneSet(Baron, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200, group.by = "cell.type")
# Normalization, basic preprocessing and MCA dimensionality reduction assessment Seger <- NormalizeData(Seger) Seger <- FindVariableFeatures(Seger) Seger <- ScaleData(Seger) Seger <- RunMCA(Seger, nmcs = 50) Seger <- RunPCA(Seger) Seger <- RunUMAP(Seger, dims = 1:30) Seger <- RunTSNE(Seger, dims = 1:30) tSNE <- DimPlot(Seger, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.1) + ggtitle("tSNE") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) UMAP <- DimPlot(Seger, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.1) + ggtitle("UMAP") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(tSNE, UMAP, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top")
HGT_baron_cell_gs <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Baron_cell_gs, dims = 1:50) baron_cell_gs_match <- rownames(HGT_baron_cell_gs)[apply(HGT_baron_cell_gs, 2, which.max)] baron_cell_gs_prediction <- Baron$cell.type[baron_cell_gs_match] baron_cell_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_baron_cell_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = baron_cell_gs_prediction, "unassigned") Seger$baron_cell_gs_prediction <- baron_cell_gs_prediction_signif color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) ggPredictionsCellMatch <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "baron_cell_gs_prediction", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Predicitons") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop =FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggOriginal <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Original") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(ggOriginal, ggPredictionsCellMatch, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE)
HGT_baron_group_gs <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Baron_group_gs, dims = 1:50) baron_group_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_baron_group_gs)[apply(HGT_baron_group_gs, 2, which.max)] baron_group_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_baron_group_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = baron_group_gs_prediction, "unassigned") Seger$baron_group_gs_prediction <- baron_group_gs_prediction_signif color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) ggPredictions <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "baron_group_gs_prediction", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Predicitons") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop =FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggOriginal <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Original") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(ggOriginal, ggPredictions, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE)
Once MCA is performed, per-cell signatures can be evaluated against any custom collection of gene signatures which can, e.g. represent functional terms or biological pathways. This allows CelliD to perfome a per-cell functional enrichment analysis enabling biological interpretation of cell's state. We illustrate here how to mine for that purpose a collection 7 sources of functional annotations: KEGG, Hallmark MSigDB, Reactome, WikiPathways, GO biological process, GO molecular function and GO cellular component. Gene sets associated to functional pathways and ontology terms can be obtained from enrichr
Here we illustrate the use of Hallmark in HyperGeometric test and integrate the results into the Seurat object to visualize the -log10 p-value of the enrichment into an UMAP.
# Downloading functional gene sets: # For computational reasons, we just developed here the assessment on Hallmark MSigDB gene sets that is provided in the package # Other functionnal pathways can be obtained using the msigdbr package # library(msigdbr) # msigdf <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens") # msigdf_filtered <- msigdf %>% select(gs_cat, gs_subcat, gs_name, gene_symbol, gs_description) %>% # filter(gs_subcat == "CP:KEGG") %>% # mutate(gs_subcat = ifelse(gs_subcat == "", "Hallmark", gs_subcat)) # KEGGgenesetDF <- msigdf_filtered %>% mutate(gs_name = str_replace(sub("^.*?_{1}", "", gs_name), "_", "\\-")) %>% # group_by(gs_subcat, gs_name) %>% # summarise(geneset = list(gene_symbol)) %>% # group_by(gs_subcat) %>% # summarise(all_geneset = list(setNames(geneset, gs_name))) # KEGGgeneset <- setNames(KEGGgenesetDF$all_geneset, KEGGgenesetDF$gs_subcat) # Assessing per-cell functional enrichment analyses HGT_Hallmark <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Hallmark, dims = 1:50) #Integrating functional annotations as an "assay" slot in the Seurat objects Seger[["Hallmark"]] <- CreateAssayObject(HGT_Hallmark) # Visualizing per-cell functional enrichment annotations in a dimensionality-reduction representation of choice (e.g. MCA, PCA, tSNE, UMAP) ggG2Mcell <- FeaturePlot(Seger, "G2M-CHECKPOINT", order = TRUE, reduction = "tsne", min.cutoff = 2) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggG2Mcell
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