#' Extract of a Graft versus Host Disease monitoring experiment (Rizzieri et
#' al., 2007)
#' A flow cytometry high throughput screening was used to identify biomarkers
#' that would predict the development of GvHD. The GvHD dataset is an extract
#' of a collection of weekly peripheral blood samples obtained from patients
#' following allogenic blood and marrow transplant. Samples were taken at
#' various time points before and after graft.
#' This GvHD dataset represents the measurements of one biomarker (leukocyte)
#' for 5 patients over 7 visits (7 time points). The blood samples were labeled
#' with four different fluorescent probes to identify the biomarker and the
#' fluorescent intensity was determined for at least ten thousand cells per
#' sample.
#' @name GvHD
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(GvHD)
#' @format The format is an object of class \code{flowSet} composed of 35
#' \code{flowFrames}.  Each \code{flowFrame} corresponds to one sample at one
#' time point.  
#' The \code{phenodata} lists: 
#' \describe{ 
#' \item{Patient}{The patient Id code } 
#' \item{Visit}{The number of visits to the hospital}
#' \item{Days}{The number of days since the graft. Negative values correpond to
#' days before the graft.} 
#' \item{Grade}{Grade of the cancer} 
#' }
#' @references Rizzieri DA et al. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Jan 16; [Epub ahead of
#' print] PMID: 17228020
#' @source Complete dataset available at
#' \url{http://www.ficcs.org/software.html#Data_Files}, the Flow Informatics
#' and Computational Cytometry Society website (FICCS)
#' @keywords datasets
RGLab/flowCore documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:52 a.m.