##' @import Biobase
##' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
##' @import methods
##' @include AllGenerics.R
Mandatory_Featurevars <- character()
Mandatory_Cellvars <- character()
##' @import SingleCellExperiment
##' @import S4Vectors
##' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors mcols
##' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment colData assays assay
setClass('SingleCellAssay', contains='SingleCellExperiment',
slots=list(cmap='character', fmap='character'),
Fluidigm_Cellvars <- c(Mandatory_Cellvars, ncells='ncells')
setClass('FluidigmAssay', contains='SingleCellAssay', prototype=list(cmap=Fluidigm_Cellvars))
## Classes
##' Linear Model-like Class
##' Wrapper around modeling function to make them behave enough alike that Wald tests and Likelihood ratio are easy to do.
##' To implement a new type of zero-inflated model, extend this class.
##' Depending on how different the method is, you will definitely need to override the \code{fit} method, and possibly the \code{model.matrix}, \code{model.matrix<-}, \code{update}, \code{coef}, \code{vcov}, and \code{logLik} methods.
##' @section Slots:
##' \describe{
##' \item{design}{a data.frame from which variables are taken for the right hand side of the regression}
##' \item{fitC}{The continuous fit}
##' \item{fitD}{The discrete fit}
##' \item{response}{The left hand side of the regression}
##' \item{fitted}{A \code{logical} with components "C" and "D", TRUE if the respective component has converged}
##' \item{formula}{A \code{formula} for the regression}
##' \item{fitArgsC}{}
##' \item{fitArgsD}{Both \code{list}s giving arguments that will be passed to the fitter (such as convergence criteria or case weights)}
##' }
##' @seealso coef
##' @seealso lrTest
##' @seealso waldTest
##' @seealso vcov
##' @seealso logLik
slots=c(design='ANY', modelMatrix='matrix', fitC='ANY', fitD='ANY', response='ANY', fitted='logical', formula='formula', fitArgsD='list', fitArgsC='list', priorVar='numeric', priorDOF='numeric',
## this speeds construction of coef and vcov, which is a pinch point in zlm
prototype=list(fitted =c(C=FALSE, D=FALSE), formula=formula(0~0),modelMatrix=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0), priorVar=0, priorDOF=0), validity=function(object){
stopifnot( all(c("C", "D") %in% names(object@fitted)))
if(any(is.na(object@response))) stop('NAs not permitted in response')
if(length(object@response)!=nrow(object@design)) stop('Response length differs from design length')
##if(nrow(object@design) != nrow(object@modelMatrix)) stop('Design length differs from model.matrix length')
##' Wrapper for regular glm/lm
##' @slot weightFun function to map expression values to probabilities of expression. Currently unused.
setClass('GLMlike', contains='LMlike', slots=c(weightFun='function'), prototype=list(weightFun=function(x){
ifelse(x>0, 1, 0)
##' Initialize a prior to be used a prior for BayeGLMlike/BayesGLMlike2
##' @param names character vector of coefficients. The `(Intercept)` will be ignored.
##' @return 3d array, with leading dimension giving the prior 'loc'ation, 'scale' and degrees of freedom (df),
##' second dimension giving the component ('C'ontinuous or 'D'iscrete)
##' and trailing dimension giving the coefficient to which the prior applies.
##' The location is initialized to be 0, the scale to 2, and degrees of freedom of 1, following the default of bayesglm.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dp <- defaultPrior('Stim.ConditionUnstim')
##' \dontrun{
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' zlmVbeta <- zlm(~ Stim.Condition, vbetaFA, method='bayesglm', coefPrior=dp)
##' }
defaultPrior <- function(names){
names <- setdiff(names, '(Intercept)')
p <- length(names)
ar <- array(rep(c(0, 2.5, 1), times=2*p), dim=c(3, 2,p), dimnames=list(metric=c('loc', 'scale', 'df'), comp=c('C', 'D'), names))
#if(p>0) ar['scale',,names=='(Intercept)'] <- 10
##' Wrapper for bayesian GLM
##' @slot prior \code{numeric} optional 3d array used to specify prior for coefficients
##' @slot useContinuousBayes \code{logical} should \code{bayesglm} be used to fit the continuous component as well?
setClass('BayesGLMlike', contains='GLMlike', slots=c(coefPrior='array', useContinuousBayes='logical'),
prototype=list(coefPrior=defaultPrior(character(0)), useContinuousBayes=FALSE),
## if(length(object@coefPrior>0))
## if(dim(object@coefPrior)[3] != sum(colnames(model.matrix(object))!='(Intercept)')) stop('prior must have same number of components as model.matrix')
setClass('BayesGLMlikeWeight', contains='BayesGLMlike')
##' Wrapper for lmer/glmer
##' A horrendous hack is employed in order to do arbitrary likelihood ratio tests: the model matrix is built, the names possibly mangled, then fed in as a symbolic formula to glmer/lmer.
##' This is necessary because there is no (easy) way to specify an arbitrary fixed-effect model matrix in glmer.
##' @slot pseudoMM part of this horrendous hack.
##' @slot strictConvergence \code{logical} (default: \code{TRUE}) return results even when the optimizer or *lmer complains about convergence
##' @slot optimMsg \code{character} record warnings from lme. \code{NA_character_} means no warnings.
setClass('LMERlike', contains='LMlike', slots=c(pseudoMM='data.frame',
if(length(object@response)>0 & nrow(object@pseudoMM)>0){
if(object@priorDOF!=0) stop('Empirical bayes shrinkage not implemented for lmer/glmer.')
prototype=list(strictConvergence=TRUE, optimMsg=c(C=NA_character_, D=NA_character_))
setClass('bLMERlike', contains='LMERlike')
setClass('ConstrainedGLMlike', contains='LMlike')
setClass('RidgeBGLMlike',contains="BayesGLMlike",slots=c(lambda='numeric'),prototype = list(lambda=0.1) )
## Ways to specify hypothesis
setClass('Hypothesis', contains='character', slots=list(contrastMatrix='matrix'))
setClass('CoefficientHypothesis', contains='Hypothesis', slots=list(index='numeric'))
##' An S4 class to hold the output of a call to zlm
##' This holds output from a call to zlm. Many methods are defined to operate on it. See below.
##' @slot coefC matrix of continuous coefficients
##' @slot coefD matrix of discrete coefficients
##' @slot vcovC array of variance/covariance matrices for coefficients
##' @slot vcovD array of variance/covariance matrices for coefficients
##' @slot LMlike the LmWrapper object used
##' @slot sca the \code{SingleCellAssay} object used
##' @slot deviance matrix of deviances
##' @slot loglik matrix of loglikelihoods
##' @slot df.null matrix of null (intercept only) degrees of freedom
##' @slot df.resid matrix of residual DOF
##' @slot dispersion matrix of dispersions (after shrinkage)
##' @slot dispersionNoShrink matrix of dispersion (before shrinkage)
##' @slot priorDOF shrinkage weight in terms of number of psuedo-obs
##' @slot priorVar shrinkage target
##' @slot converged output that may optionally be set by the underlying modeling function
##' @slot hookOut a list of length ngenes containing output from a hook function, if \code{zlm} was called with one
##' @slot exprs_values `character` or `integer` with the `assay` used.
##' @seealso zlm summary,ZlmFit-method
##' @aliases ZlmFit
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' zlmVbeta <- zlm(~ Stim.Condition+Population, subset(vbetaFA, ncells==1)[1:10,])
##' #Coefficients and standard errors
##' coef(zlmVbeta, 'D')
##' coef(zlmVbeta, 'C')
##' se.coef(zlmVbeta, 'C')
##' #Test for a Population effect by dropping the whole term (a 5 degree of freedom test)
##' lrTest(zlmVbeta, 'Population')
##' #Test only if the VbetaResponsive cells differ from the baseline group
##' lrTest(zlmVbeta, CoefficientHypothesis('PopulationVbetaResponsive'))
##' # Test if there is a difference between CD154+/Unresponsive and CD154-/Unresponsive.
##' # Note that because we parse the expression
##' # the columns must be enclosed in backquotes
##' # to protect the \quote{+} and \quote{-} characters.
##' lrTest(zlmVbeta, Hypothesis('`PopulationCD154+VbetaUnresponsive` -
##' `PopulationCD154-VbetaUnresponsive`'))
##' waldTest(zlmVbeta, Hypothesis('`PopulationCD154+VbetaUnresponsive` -
##' `PopulationCD154-VbetaUnresponsive`'))
setClass('ZlmFit', slots=list(coefC='matrix', coefD='matrix', vcovC='array', vcovD='array', LMlike='LMlike', sca='SingleCellAssay', deviance='matrix', loglik='matrix', df.null='matrix', df.resid='matrix', dispersion='matrix', dispersionNoshrink='matrix', priorDOF='numeric', priorVar='numeric', converged='matrix', hookOut='ANY', exprs_values = 'ANY'))
##' An S4 class for Gene Set Enrichment output
##' This holds output from a call to gseaAfterBoot.
##' It primarily provides a summary method.
##' @slot tests array: gene sets X {discrete,continuous} X {stat, variance, degrees of freedom, avg correlation} X {test, null}
##' @slot bootR number of bootstrap replicates
##' @seealso gseaAfterBoot
##' @seealso calcZ
##' @seealso summary,GSEATests-method
setClass('GSEATests', slots=list(tests='array', bootR='numeric'))
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