Thanks again to @wlandau and @nevrome for reviewing the package and providing insightful comments. I have updated the package greatly based on the various suggestions and questions. These updates are documented in the package's github repo issue and change logs. I detailed the changes as they pertain to the reviewers' comments point by point below. For unchecked, please see the comments that follow. In addition, I would like to point out that the package repo is now hosted at, which is the result of shifts in how the project is now being managed.
[x] @wlandau Please include a file at the top level in your repo. You could generate one here or call usethis::use_code_of_conduct() . On this page, you can even generate issue and pull request templates that remind people of the code of conduct.
Added at the top level via usethis::use_code_of_conduct().
[x] @wlandau Consider renaming to the more widely-used .
Changed to
[x] @wlandau Do you have a longer, real-world script to show? simple_script.R gets the idea across, but if you show how to extract simple chunks from a confusing script with 1000+ lines, you could make Rclean really shine.
I agree, and I added a longer, more realistic, script to the example scripts, see "examples/long_script.R". I used this in the vignette to demonstrate the utility of retrieving the code to produce a specific result when it is embedded in a longer, somewhat complicated script. I wasn't able to simply use an existing script from a real project because of issues with data dependencies. If the reviewer has a suggestion of an example, I would be happy to look at including it in a future update.
[x] @wlandau At the top of the README, please consider reorganizing those bullet points into two paragraphs or subheadings: one introducing the existing problems in scripts and reproducibility, and then another focusing on how Rclean solves those problems. Maybe also elaborate on both points as well. I do not think this is the place to mention the provenance model or graphs, but you could definitely talk more about the survey you mentioned, the problem of messy code in science, and the fact that Rclean sifts through code to extract just what you need for a given result.
I have edited and re-organized the content of the README to focus on the purpose of the package, installation and a quick start guide. The README refers users to the vignette for more information.
[x] @wlandau Would you cite that survey from the third bullet in the README? If you cannot find the citation, feel free to remove the mention entirely and choose a different way to motivate the problem.
A recent survey of over 1500 scientists reported a crisis of reproducibility with “selective reporting” being the most cited contributing factor and 80% saying code availability is playing a role.
This reference has been removed from the README.
[x] @wlandau You might consider using a README.Rmd to generate the so it is easier to refresh the docs when you change the package (example here).
Updated to use README.Rmd.
[x] @wlandau I strongly agree with @nevrome to add examples to the help files for the exported functions you choose to keep (see below). It is difficult for me to understand how to create arguments for most of your exported functions.
Exported functions now have simple examples to illustrate usage.
[x] @wlandau The vignette repeats a lot of information from the README. Let's think about removing the redundant sections and refocusing the vignette on a deeper dive in a feature set not covered in the README. Perhaps retrospective provenance ? See the next comment. now functions as a quick start guide, and more detailed information has been moved to the vignette and JOSS paper.
[x] @wlandau It is not intuitively clear from the docs why we need retrospective provenance. In the README or vignette, please demonstrate a situation where prospective provenance is not enough and retrospective provenance gives us what we seek.
Thank you for this question, it has really pushed the development of a more focused package. I have removed the retrospective provenance functionality from the package, as I came to realize that it was unnecessarily slowing Rclean and complicating usage. The code to use retrospective provenance has been integrated into, but it is now not used for Rclean. However, to explain the difference, retrospective provenance gets the lineage of a result by monitoring the execution of code, while prospective provenance infers similar information from the code prior to execution. Because of this difference, retrospective provenance can do things that prospective provenance can't, such as observe and record random numbers and which paths were taken through control statements. I have clarified this information in the vignette and similar information will be added to the JOSS article.
[x] @wlandau Please consider citing a paper to make it clear that "retrospective" and "prospective" are widely used and accepted terms to describe provenance. A quick search reveals a couple possibilities (examples here and here)?
See the previous comment. Thanks for the references, I have added provenance explanations and other references to the vignette.
[x] @nevrome Please add some more descriptive text and example code for clean , codeGraph and write.code . I would like to see codeGraph mentioned in the README/vignette.
Examples are now present for exported functions and more expository text has been added.
[x] @nevrome I would love to have an example script (maybe example/simple_script.R ) as a package example dataset that allows to explore the functions without the need to provide/prepare an own script. An example script will also allow you to add meaningful example code for the functions.
Two example scripts, simple_script and long_script, are now available as R package data files. However, as clean() requires a file path, they cannot be passed directly into clean().
[x] @nevrome Retrospective Provenance remained a mystery for me. The missing piece of the puzzle is how to generate the relevant json file. Maybe I just missed the crucial hint? I would prefer to see a more extensive explanation of this feature and how to use it in the README/vignette.
See my explanation and comments above.
[x] @nevrome In the context of the Retrospective Provenance feature
you use the option interface to access the content of the
json file. I do not understand why this rather unusual solution is
necessary. Why can't the rd parameter simply get the relevant
character vector? Instead of options(prov.json =
readLines("example/prov_micro.json")); clean(file =
"example/micro.R", rp = TRUE) the interface could simply be
clean(file = "example/micro.R", rp =
or even just the path
clean(file = "example/micro.R", rp = "example/prov_micro.json") .
Why did you decide against this?
Similarly here, see previous provenance comments.
[x] @nevrome You could add a help page for the whole package as described here. I often use this page as an entry point for the function index.
A whole package help page has been added.
[x] @nevrome This might be way beyond the purpose of this review, but as I personally consider these kind of things when I decide whether I want to use a package, I would like to add that I was not able to access neither your homepage nor the one the Github Orga ProvTools [2019-09-24].
Thanks for checking these links. The provtools website is now defunct and materials have been moved to However, is still supported and is working for me. Let me know if you happen to try accessing it again and have an issue.
@wlandau: missing all sections @nevrome: missing short summary
@mklau: The initial submission of the JOSS paper was based on an example of a submitted article present on the JOSS instructions. However, after this package review, there will be substantial content added to the article. I am currently working on these updates to the text.
@mklau: This has been added to the README.
[x] @wlandau The clean() function tries to do three things: (1) list lines of execution, (2) list the names of possible results, and (3) get the code required to produce one of the results. I agree that clean() should do (3), but I think (1) and (2) are not really cleaning yet and should go in their own functions. Maybe list_lines() (which returns an integer vector) and list_results()?
The clean function has been significantly refactored. Now that the retrospective provenance has been removed from the package, clean has been streamlined. It still returns a list of possible results, if no results are inputed, but the focus in now on getting the script and a variable or several variables to determine and return the minimal code. There is now an exported function get_vars to return a list of variables in a given script.
[x] @wlandau Similarly, it is also worth considering an entirely new set of functions for retrospective provenance because they have different inputs and your underlying code is entirely different.
Already discussed above, this feature has been removed from Rclean.
[x] @wlandau In help(package = "Rclean") , I see several API functions that represent very technical steps and need esoteric data structures. Are there specific reasons why you exported these things to the user? I am not sure users will want to handle matrix representations of graphs or PROV-JSON-formatted provenance objects in memory. It seems like the easiest inputs to understand are R script files and JSON files. Similarly, the best outputs are human-readable: cleaned-up scripts and plotted code graph visualizations. Maybe even consider writing files directly from clean() . Consistency and simplicity are extremely valuable.
Again, the API has been substantially simplified. Specific to this comment, JSON is no longer required because the package no longer uses retrospective provenance, which stores provenance in PROV-JSON format.
[x] @wlandau I am questioning the need for most of Rclean 's exported functions. Not all your functions need to be exported, and not all of them need roxygen2 docstrings.
Good suggestion. The API has been updated with a reduction in the exported functions, and significant refactoring has been done to the code base, particularly clean.R, which now has internal functions included in the clean.R file itself.
[x] @wlandau Do we really need p.spine() and p.spine() ? If you add a function to get the igraph from a script, it seems like you can simply instruct users to call dfs() themselves.
Per the previous comment, these functions (p.spine and get.spine) have been refactored and integrated into clean.R. In order to keep the workflow and API simple for users, manually conducting the depth first search is not described for the users. This could be done for some more advanced applications, but currently I can't see a purpose for exposing the user to this complexity.
[x] @wlandau Should get.libs() , var.lineage() , and really be exported? clean() needs them, but do you expect most users to ever invoke them manually? has been removed. var.lineage(), now var_lineage(), has been internalized. get.libs(), now get_libs(), is still a part of the API for users, as it allows users to quickly dig out the libraries used in code.
[x] @wlandau Do we really need a write.code() function? readLines() already writes code to a file, and clipr::write_clip() writes to the clipboard. Optional: maybe clean() itself could have an argument to control where the output goes: either to the clipboard with write_clip() or to a file if a path is given.
Thanks for these suggestions. write.code() has become keep(), which now uses the clipr package. Although it may seem like a small step, my sense in using Rclean is that abstracting writeLines(), which requires the creation of a file connection, and combining its functionality with clipr's write_clip(), substantially eases the management of cleaned code.
[x] @wlandau You explicitly list , read.prov() , and parse.graph() as internal functions. Perhaps these should not be exported either.
I agree here, however, as discussed above, this feature has been removed.
[x] @wlandau The names of exported functions have different naming conventions: codeGraph() (camel case) vs prov_json() (snake case) vs get.spine() (dot-separated). For the exported functions you choose to keep, please consider sticking to one of these conventions (I recommend snake case). Depending on the user base you have right now, you may want to gracefully deprecate those functions as described here.
Good suggestion. Switched to snake case throughout.
[x] @wlandau Re, I also had some trouble installing Rclean . I needed to install Rgraphviz directly from Bioconductor. I suggest adding the following to the installation instructions in the README. At the very least, it is a useful stopgap until @annakrystalli's pull request to CodeDepends reaches CRAN.
BiocManager::install(c("graph", "Rgraphviz"))
This has been added to the README and vignette.
[x] @wlandau devtools::spell_check("Rclean") identifies several correctly spelled words. I recommend listing them in an inst/WORDLIST file (example here).
Thanks for this. I have added inst/wordlist.
[x] @wlandau goddpractice::gp("Rclean") suggests a bunch of style
fixes I agree with. The styler package can help you turn
assignment =into <-
. Please let me know if you would like
clarification on any of these notes.
```r It is good practice to
✖ write unit tests for all functions, and all package code in general. 86% of code lines are covered by test cases.
... and 21 more lines
✖ use '<-' for assignment instead of '='. '<-' is the standard, and R users and developers are used it and it is easier to read your code for them if you use '<-'.
✖ avoid long code lines, it is bad for readability. Also, many people prefer editor windows that are about 80 characters wide. Try make your lines shorter than 80 characters
... and 1 more lines
✖ avoid sapply(), it is not type safe. It might return a vector, or a list, depending on the input data. Consider using vapply() instead.
✖ avoid 1:length(...), 1:nrow(...), 1:ncol(...), 1:NROW(...) and 1:NCOL(...) expressions. They are error prone and result 1:0 if the expression on the right hand side is zero. Use seq_len() or seq_along() instead.
... and 4 more lines
These have either been fixed or deleted from the package. goodpractice::gp() currently reports "Ah! Perfect package! Keep up the cat's pajamas work!".
[x] @wlandau I am a bit concerned about the scope of the built-in unit tests. It would be helpful to test at least one longer script to make sure the correct lines get captured in a serious workflow. Not only that, but when you actually run the longer script and various object-specific scripts generated by clean() , do the output data objects agree?
A longer script, that is arguably more realistic, has been added along with associated tests to check that minimized code for an entangled result can be correctly extracted.
[x] @wlandau What is the reason you chose JSON to store retrospective provenance? Have you considered a tidier format such as a long-form data frame? I like how pkgapi represents its output.
This functionality has been removed, but the PROV-JSON format was chosen to comply with standards used by the retrospective provenance community.
[x] @wlandau The clean() function is ambitious, long, and deeply indented. Please consider decomposing this monolithic function into smaller helper functions. No need to export the helper functions or write roxygen2 docstrings. A particularly good resource on this kind of refactoring is Jenny Bryan's talk on code smells and feels.
As mentioned previously, clean() has been refactored and the API as a whole has been re-organized to make it more transparent and approachable.
[x] @wlandau Are you open to using styler instead of formatR to reformat code? It is more modern and more actively maintained.
Given the higher maintenance activity, Rclean now uses styler.
[x] @nevrome When I tried to apply clean to some of my own scripts,
I realized that all packages necessary to run this script have to
be loaded in the current session. If this was not the case, then I
got the error message Error in as.environment(pos): no item
called "package:dplyr" on the search list
. I got this message
10+ times for one of my more complex scripts before clean went
through, until I loaded all the packages. This is a little bit
tedious. Is there another way to implement package loading? Maybe
the automagic package
could help to automate that? If this is not possible or if you
don't want to have an automatic solution, then I would at least
ask you to catch the current error message and replace it with
something more intelligible, e.g. "Package xyz has to be loaded
to analyze this script.".
Sorry you ran into this hurdle with the package. This should now no longer be an issue, as it was a product of how the get.libs() function found the packages that were being used in the script and the need for the retrospective provenance to run the code prior to analyzing it. Now, get_libs() no longer needs the packages to be loaded and retrospective provenance is no longer used.
[x] @nevrome Internal functions do not need to be exported (e.g. , read.prov ). Remove the @export tag for these functions and add the tags @keywords internal and @noRd .
Agreed, the API has been updated and @noRd has been added where needed.
[x] @nevrome The simple_script.R code appears many times in the package (in the directories test/ , inst/ , exec/ , example/ ). I don't think you need this file so many times.
simple_script.R now only occurs in inst/examples.
[ ] @nevrome Although you not seem to work in RStudio I suggest to add a Rstudio project file in the root directory (+ the necessary additions to .Rbuildignore ). That simplifies contributing for RStudio users.
Yes, I don't work in RStudio, except when I'm teaching. So, I'm not sure how to best set this up for using with the package dev. If someone who uses RStudio starts to contribute, I would be happy to have it added.
[x] @nevrome In the travis-ci setup I suggest to treat warnings as errors ( warnings_are_errors: true ). I think this is usual for R packages, because no package with warnings can go to CRAN.
This has been updated to treat warnings as errors..
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