Man pages for PhilBoileau/scPCA
Sparse Contrastive Principal Component Analysis

background_dfSimulated Background Data for cPCA and scPCA
bpContrastiveCovParallelized Contrastive Covariance Matrices
bpFitCPCAContrastive Principal Component Analysis in Parallel
bpFitGridIdentify the Optimal Contrastive and Penalty Parameters in...
checkArgsCheck Arguments passed to the scPCA Function
contrastiveCovContrastive Covariance Matrices
covMatCompute Sample Covariance Matrix
cvSelectParamsFold-Specific Selection of Contrastive and Penalization...
fitCPCAContrastive Principal Component Analysis
fitGridIdentify the Optimal Contrastive and Penalty Parameters
safeColScaleSafe Centering and Scaling of Columns
scPCASparse Contrastive Principal Component Analysis
selectParamsSelection of Contrastive and Penalization Parameters
spcaWrapperSparse PCA Wrapper
toy_dfSimulated Target Data for cPCA and scPCA
PhilBoileau/scPCA documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 3:08 p.m.