annoDomains | Annotate domains in a Hi-C plot |
annoGenomeLabel | Annotate genomic coordinates along the x or y-axis of a plot |
annoHeatmapLegend | Add a color scale legend for heatmap-style plots |
annoHighlight | Annotates a highlight box around a specified genomic region... |
annoPixels | Annotate pixels in a Hi-C plot |
annoSegments | Annotates a line segment within a plot |
annoText | Annotates text within a plot |
annoXaxis | Add an x-axis to a plot |
annoYaxis | Add a y-axis to a plot |
annoZoomLines | Annotates zoom lines for a specified genomic region of a plot |
assembly | Make a 'assembly' object for alternate TxDb, OrgDb,and... |
c | Combine multiple pgParams objects into a vector |
calcSignalRange | Calculate a score range for multiple signals |
colorby | Handle plotgardener color scaling parameters |
defaultPackages | Display the default genomic annotation packages associated... |
dot-checkCool | Check for .(m)cool file and contents |
dot-checkCoolErrors | Error checking function for .(m)cool files |
dot-coolAutoResolution | Determine best resolution for size of region for .(m)cool... |
dot-coolRegion | Add (alt)chromstart and (alt)chromend for NULL (alt)chrom... |
dot-pullBinChunks | Read in data for a bin chunk |
genomes | Display the included available default genome assemblies |
mapColors | Maps a numeric or character vector to a color palette and... |
pageCreate | Create a page for a plotgardener layout |
pageGuideHide | Remove guides from a plotgardener page |
pageGuideHorizontal | Draw a horizontal guideline at a specified y-coordinate on a... |
pageGuideShow | Reshow guides drawn with 'pageCreate', 'pageGuideHorizontal',... |
pageGuideVertical | Draw a vertical guideline at a specified x-coordinate on a... |
pageLayoutCol | Generate column positions for a number of plot elements with... |
pageLayoutRow | Generate row positions for a number of plot elements with a... |
pagePlotPlace | Place a plot that has been previously created but not drawn |
pagePlotRemove | Remove plotgardener plots and annotations |
pgParams | pgParams: plotgardener parameters object |
plotCircle | Plot a circle within a plotgardener layout |
plotgardener | plotgardener: Coordinate-based Genomic Visualization Package... |
plotGenes | Plot a gene track for a specified genomic region |
plotGenomeLabel | Plot genomic coordinates along the x or y-axis of a... |
plotGG | Plot a ggplot2 plot, gtable, or grob object in a plotgardener... |
plotHicRectangle | Plot a triangular Hi-C interaction matrix in a rectangular... |
plotHicSquare | Plot a Hi-C interaction matrix in a square format |
plotHicTriangle | Plot a Hi-C interaction matrix in a triangular format |
plotIdeogram | Plot a chromosome ideogram with or without cytobands |
plotLegend | Plot a legend |
plotManhattan | Plot a Manhattan plot |
plotMultiSignal | Plot multiple signal tracks in line with each other |
plotPairs | Plot paired-end genomic range elements |
plotPairsArches | Plot paired-end genomic range data in an arch style |
plotPolygon | Plot a polygon within a plotgardener layout |
plotRanges | Plot genomic range elements in a pileup or collapsed format |
plotRaster | Plot a raster object within a plotgardener layout |
plotRect | Plot a rectangle within a plotgardener layout |
plotSegments | Draw a line segment within a plotgardener layout |
plotSignal | Plot any kind of signal track data for a single chromosome |
plotText | Plot text within a plotgardener layout |
plotTranscripts | Plot gene transcripts in a pileup style for a single... |
readBigwig | Read a bigWig file and return it as a data frame |
readCool | Read a .(m)cool file and return Hi-C data as a dataframe |
readCoolBpResolutions | Read basepair resolutions from an .(m)cool file |
readCoolChroms | Read chromosomes included in .(m)cool files |
readCoolNorms | Read normalizations included in .(m)cool files |
readHic | Read a .hic file and return Hi-C data as a dataframe |
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