#' ## Written by Mercedeh Movassagh <mercedeh@ds.dfci.harvard.edu>, Aug 2020
#' #' rsquRes returns r matrix of correlation
#' #'
#' #' This function parses R correlation value of the from the list of significant FDR adjusted models with
#' #' negative/positive correlations.
#' #' @param FDRSigList list of FDR adjusted models with negative/positive correlations.
#' #' @return matrix of correlation
#' #' @export
#' #' @keywords R correlation
#' #' @examples
#' #' \donttest{
#' #' x <- rsquRes(FDRSigList)
#' #' }
#' #'
#' rsquRes <- function(FDRSigList) {
#' # for all mirnas, for all the models get the r-squares
#' rsquares <- lapply(FDRSigList, function(x) sapply(x[["all_models"]], modelRsquared))
#' # make rownames and colnames for the matrix we want to make
#' colnames <- sort(unique(unlist(sapply(rsquares, names))))
#' rownames <- names(rsquares)
#' # make matrix with zeros
#' m <- matrix(0.0, nrow = length(rownames), ncol = length(colnames))
#' # set colnames and rownames
#' rownames(m) <- rownames
#' colnames(m) <- colnames
#' # for all mirnas, put the rsqaures in the right places (by name)
#' for (row in rownames) {
#' m[row, names(rsquares[[row]])] <- rsquares[[row]]
#' }
#' m1 <- -sqrt(m)
#' return(m1)
#' }
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