checkRepeatedDesign | Check if data represents repeated measurements design |
dataProcess | Process MS data: clean, normalize and summarize before... |
dataProcessPlots | Visualization for explanatory data analysis |
DDARawData | Example dataset from a label-free DDA, a controlled spike-in... |
DDARawData.Skyline | Example dataset from a label-free DDA, a controlled spike-in... |
designSampleSize | Planning future experimental designs of Selected Reaction... |
designSampleSizePlots | Visualization for sample size calculation |
DIARawData | Example dataset from a label-free DIA, a group comparison... |
dot-addCoverageInfo | Add coverage information to a data.table |
dot-addModelInformation | Add model information |
dot-addModelVariances | Add model variances |
dot-addNInformativeInfo | Add information about number of informative features |
dot-addNoisyFlag | Add flag for noisy features |
dot-addOutlierCutoff | Add outlier cutoff |
dot-addOutlierInformation | Add flag for outlier |
dot-addSurvivalPredictions | Get predicted values from a survival model |
dot-adjustLRuns | Adjust summarized abundance based on the heavy channel |
dot-calculateOutlierCutoff | Calculate cutoff to label outliers |
dot-calculatePower | Power calculation |
dot-calculateProteinVariance | Calculate protein variances |
dot-checkContrastMatrix | Check if contrast matrix includes all conditions |
dot-checkDataProcessParams | Check validity of parameters to dataProcess function |
dot-checkExperimentDesign | Check if a given column exists in the data |
dot-checkGCPlotsInput | Check groupComparisonPlots parameters |
dot-checkGroupComparisonInput | Check if groupComparison input was processed by the... |
dot-checkSingleFeature | Check if data has less than two features |
dot-checkSingleLabelProteins | Check if there are proteins with a single label in a labeled... |
dot-checkSingleSubject | Check if there is only single subject |
dot-checkTechReplicate | Check if there are technical replicates |
dot-checkUnProcessedDataValidity | Check validity of data that were not processed by MSstats... |
dot-countInformative | Count informative features |
dot-countMissingPercentage | Count percentage of missing values in given conditions |
dot-documentFunction | A dummy function to store shared documentation items. |
dot-finalizeInput | Add summary statistics to dataProcess output |
dot-finalizeLinear | Summary statistics for linear model-based summarization |
dot-finalizeTMP | Summary statistics for output of TMP-based summarization |
dot-fitHuber | Wrapper to fit robust linear model for one protein |
dot-fitLinearModel | Fit a linear model |
dot-fitModelForGroupComparison | Choose a model type (fixed/mixed effects) and fit it for a... |
dot-fitModelSingleProtein | Fit model and perform group comparison for a single protein |
dot-fitTukey | Fit tukey median polish for a data matrix |
dot-flagLowCoverage | Flag for low coverage features |
dot-flagUninformativeSingleLabel | Flag uninformative features |
dot-getAllComparisons | Get all comparisons for a single protein and a contrast... |
dot-getColorKeyGGPlot2 | Create colorkey for ggplot2 heatmap |
dot-getColorKeyPlotly | Create colorkey for plotly heatmap |
dot-getContrast | Create a contrast for a model with only group as a fixed... |
dot-getContrastLabels | Get labels for contrasts |
dot-getEmptyComparison | Comparison output when there are measurements only in a... |
dot-getFeatureVariances | Calculate variances of features |
dot-getMedian | Get median of protein abundances for a given label |
dot-getMedianSigmaSubject | Get median per subject or group by subject |
dot-getMin | Utility function: get 0.99 * minimum of non-missing values |
dot-getModelParameters | Get params (coefficients, covariance matrix, degrees of... |
dot-getNonMissingFilter | Identify non-missing values |
dot-getNonMissingFilterStats | Get a logical vector for non-missing values to calculate... |
dot-getNumSample | Get sample size |
dot-getSingleProteinForProfile | Get data for a single protein to plot |
dot-getVarComponent | Get variances from models fitted by the groupComparison... |
dot-getWideTable | Utility function for quantile normalization - get table in... |
dot-getYaxis | Get name for y-axis |
dot-groupComparisonWithMultipleCores | Perform group comparison per protein in parallel |
dot-groupComparisonWithSingleCore | Perform group comparison per protein iteratively with a... |
dot-handleEmptyConditions | Handle contrast when some of the conditions are missing |
dot-handleSingleContrast | Group comparison for a single contrast |
dot-isSummarizable | Check if a protein can be summarized with TMP |
dot-logDatasetInformation | Log information about feature-level data |
dot-logMissingness | Log information about missing data |
dot-logSingleLabeledProteins | Print proteins with a single label to the log file |
dot-logSummaryStatistics | Print summary statistics to the log file |
dot-makeComparison | Create comparison plot |
dot-makeConditionPlot | Make condition plot |
dot-makeFactorColumns | Make factor columns where needed |
dot-makeHeatmapPlotly | Create heatmap |
dot-makeProfilePlot | Create profile plot |
dot-makeQCPlot | Make QC plot |
dot-makeSummaryProfilePlot | Make summary profile plot |
dot-makeVolcano | Create a volcano plot |
dot-nicePrint | Print a table nicely |
dot-normalizeGlobalStandards | Normalization based on standards |
dot-normalizeMedian | Median normalization |
dot-normalizeQuantile | Quantile normalization based on the 'preprocessCore' package |
dot-onLoad | Set default logging object when package is loaded |
dot-plotComparison | Preprocess data for comparison plots and create them |
dot-plotHeatmap | Prepare data for heatmaps and plot them |
dot-plotVolcano | Preprocess data for volcano plots and create them |
dot-prepareForDataProcess | Check validity of data already processed by MSstats converter |
dot-prepareLinear | Prepare feature-level data for linear summarization |
dot-prepareSingleProteinForGC | Prepare data for a single protein for group comparison |
dot-prepareSummary | Prepare feature-level data for summarization |
dot-prepareTMP | Prepare feature-level data for TMP summarization |
dot-preProcessIntensities | Create ABUNDANCE column and log-transform intensities |
dot-quantileNormalizationSingleLabel | Quantile normalization for a single label |
dot-replaceZerosWithNA | Utility function for normalization: replace 0s by NA |
dot-runTukey | Fit Tukey median polish |
dot-saveSessionInfo | Save information about R session to sessionInfo.txt file. |
dot-saveTable | Save a data table to a file |
dot-selectHighQualityFeatures | Select features of high quality |
dot-selectTopFeatures | Select features with highest average abundance |
dot-setCensoredByThreshold | Set censored values based on minimum in run/feature/run or... |
dot-updateColumnsForProcessing | Create columns for data processing |
dot-updateUnequalVariances | Adjust model for unequal variances |
example_SDRF | Example SDRF. |
extractSDRF | Extract experimental design from MSstats format into SDRF... |
getProcessed | Get feature-level data to be used in the... |
getSamplesInfo | Get information about number of measurements for each group |
getSelectedProteins | Get proteins based on names or integer IDs |
groupComparison | Whole plot testing |
groupComparisonPlots | Visualization for model-based analysis and summarizing... |
groupComparisonQCPlots | Visualization for model-based quality control in fitting... |
makePeptidesDictionary | Prepare a peptides dictionary for global standards... |
modelBasedQCPlots | Visualization for model-based quality control in fitting... |
MSstatsContrastMatrix | Create a contrast matrix for groupComparison function |
MSstatsGroupComparison | Group comparison |
MSstatsGroupComparisonOutput | Create output of group comparison based on results for... |
MSstatsGroupComparisonSingleProtein | Group comparison for a single protein |
MSstatsHandleMissing | Handle censored missing values |
MSstatsMergeFractions | Re-format the data before feature selection |
MSstatsNormalize | Normalize MS data |
MSstatsPrepareForDataProcess | Prepare data for processing by 'dataProcess' function |
MSstatsPrepareForGroupComparison | Prepare output for dataProcess for group comparison |
MSstatsPrepareForSummarization | Prepare feature-level data for protein-level summarization |
MSstatsSelectFeatures | Feature selection before feature-level data summarization |
MSstatsSummarizationOutput | Post-processing output from MSstats summarization |
MSstatsSummarize | Feature-level data summarization |
MSstatsSummarizeSingleLinear | Linear model-based summarization for a single protein |
MSstatsSummarizeSingleTMP | Tukey Median Polish summarization for a single protein |
MSstatsSummarizeWithMultipleCores | Feature-level data summarization with multiple cores |
MSstatsSummarizeWithSingleCore | Feature-level data summarization with 1 core |
quantification | Protein sample quantification or group quantification |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
savePlot | Save a plot to pdf file |
SDRFtoAnnotation | Convert SDRF experimental design file into an MSstats... |
SRMRawData | Example dataset from a SRM experiment with stable isotope... |
theme_msstats | Theme for MSstats plots |
validateAnnotation | Check if annotation matches intended experimental design |
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