
Defines functions binarySearch

Documented in binarySearch

binarySearch <- function(a, target, lower = TRUE) {
  # search the index i in a such that a[i] == target 
  # if it doesn't exists and lower, it searches the closer a[i] such that a[i] < target
  # if !lower, it seraches the closer a[i] such that a[i] > target 
  # a should be monotone but can be increasing or decreasing
  # if a is increasing INVARIANT: a[amin] < target < a[amax]
  N <- length(a)
  if ((a[N] - target) * (a[N] - a[1]) <= 0) {
  if ((a[1] - target) * (a[N] - a[1]) >= 0) {
  amin <- 1
  amax <- N
  while (amin + 1 < amax) {
    amid <- floor((amin + amax)/2)
    if ((a[amid] - target) * (a[amax] - a[amid]) < 0) {
      amin <- amid
    } else if ((a[amid] - target) * (a[amax] - a[amid]) > 0) {
      amax <- amid
    } else {
      # a[amid] == a[amax] or a[amid] == target In both cases, a[amid] ==
      # target
  if (xor(lower, a[amin] > a[amax])) {
    # (lower && a[amin] < a[amax]) || (!lower && a[min] > a[max]) 
    # If increasing and we want the lower, we take amin 
    # If decreasing and we want the bigger, we take amin too
  } else {
ManonMartin/PEPSNMR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 8:45 p.m.