#' A data format to store genotype phenotype and sample QC results from SeqSQC.
#' A SeqSQC object is a list of two objects. The first object
#' \code{gdsfile} is the filepath of the GDS (discussed in section
#' below) file which stores the genotype information from the original
#' VCF file. The second object \code{QCresult} is a list of sample
#' information and QC results, which include the dimension (# of
#' samples and variants), sample annotation, and QC results for sample
#' missing rate, sex check, inbreeding outlier check, IBD check, and
#' population outlier check.
#' @slot gdsfile A character string for the filepath of the GDS file.
#' @slot QCresult A list with sample information and sample QC results.
#' @name SeqSQC-class
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @aliases SeqSQC-class
#' @exportClass SeqSQC
## create class definitions
## contains = "gds.class",
slots = c(
gdsfile = "character",
QCresult = "SimpleList")
#' SeqSQC object Constructor
#' @name SeqSQC-class
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @param gdsfile A character string for the filepath of the GDS file.
#' @param QCresult A list with sample information and sample QC results.
#' @export SeqSQC
SeqSQC <- function(gdsfile, QCresult=List()){
new("SeqSQC", gdsfile = gdsfile, QCresult = QCresult)
#' gdsfile getter and setter.
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @exportMethod gdsfile
setGeneric("gdsfile", function(x) standardGeneric("gdsfile"))
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @exportMethod "gdsfile<-"
setGeneric("gdsfile<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("gdsfile<-"))
#' QCresult getter and setter.
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @exportMethod QCresult
setGeneric("QCresult", function(x) standardGeneric("QCresult"))
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @exportMethod "QCresult<-"
setGeneric("QCresult<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("QCresult<-"))
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @aliases gdsfile,SeqSQC-method
#' @param x an SeqSQCClass object.
#' @param value the new value for the SeqSQC object slots.
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "example.seqfile.Rdata", package="SeqSQC"))
#' gdsfile(seqfile)
#' @return The filepath to the gds file.
setMethod("gdsfile", "SeqSQC",function(x) x@gdsfile)
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @aliases "gdsfile<-",SeqSQC-method
setReplaceMethod("gdsfile", "SeqSQC", function(x, value) {
x <- initialize(x, gdsfile = value)
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @name QCresult
#' @aliases QCresult,SeqSQC-method
#' @examples
#' QCresult(seqfile)
setMethod("QCresult", "SeqSQC", function(x) x@QCresult)
#' @rdname SeqSQC-class
#' @aliases "QCresult<-",SeqSQC-method
setReplaceMethod("QCresult", "SeqSQC", function(x, value) {
x <- initialize(x, QCresult = value)
## set show methods
setMethod("show", "SeqSQC",
res <- object@QCresult
cat("gds file:", object@gdsfile, "\n")
cat("summary: 87 benchmark samples,",
res$dimension[1]-87, "study samples,",
res$dimension[2], "variants\n")
cat("QC result:", paste(names(res), collapse=", "), "\n")
## test the validity of objects
dat <- openfn.gds(object@gdsfile)
if (!inherits(dat, "gds.class")){
return("object should inherit from 'gds.class'.")
var.names <- ls.gdsn(dat)
sampleanno <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(dat, "sample.annot"))
pops <- unique(sampleanno$population)
if (!all(c("sample.id", "sample.annot",
"snp.id", "snp.chromosome", "snp.position", "snp.allele",
"genotype") %in% var.names)){
return("sample.id, sample.annot, snp.id, snp.chromosome, snp.position, snp.allele, and genotype are required variables.")
if(!all(c("sample", "population", "gender", "relation", "group") %in% names(sampleanno))){
return("sample annotation with sample name, population, gender, relation and group info are required")
if (!all(pops %in% c("AFR", "EUR", "EAS", "SAS", "ASN"))){
return("the population group must be AFR, EUR, EAS, SAS and ASN.")
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