outputDir <- getwd();
inputFile1Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331T.fa",
package = "CRISPRseek")
inputFile2Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331C.fa",
package = "CRISPRseek")
inputFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "inputseq.fa", package = "CRISPRseek")
REpatternFile <- system.file("extdata", "NEBenzymes.fa", package = "CRISPRseek")
gRNAFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "testHsap_GATA1_ex2_gRNA1.fa",
package = "CRISPRseek")
outputPairedSearchRE <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/pairedSearch/withRE"
outputPairedSearchNoRE <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/pairedSearch/withoutRE"
outputUnPairedSearchRE <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/unPairedSearch/withRE"
outputUnPairedSearchNoRE <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/unPairedSearch/withoutRE"
outputgRNAProvided <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/gRNAProvidedSearch"
### recreate data for notarget found
inputFilePath <- system.file("extdata/testNoTarget/",
"negativeCntl-gRNA.fa", package = "CRISPRseek")
chroms <- c("chr19", "chr18", "chr13", "chr12", "chr11")
scoring.method = "CFDscore",
min.score = 0.001,
format = "fasta",
findgRNAs = FALSE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE,
findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE,
annotatePaired = FALSE,
BSgenomeName = Mmusculus,
chromToSearch= chroms,
max.mismatch = 3,
annotateExon = FALSE,
fetchSequence = FALSE,
outputDir = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/testNoTarget",
overwrite = TRUE)
## recreate data for compare2sequences
inputFile1Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331T.fa",
package = "CRISPRseek")
inputFile2Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331C.fa",
package = "CRISPRseek") <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
outputDir = getwd(),
overwrite = TRUE,scoring.method = "CFDscore") <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
outputDir = getwd(),
overwrite = TRUE) <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
outputDir = getwd(), PAM.location = "5prime", PAM = "GCT", PAM.pattern = "^NCN",
overwrite = TRUE, subPAM.position = c(1,2))
saveRDS(, file ="~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/seqs2.5prime.RDS")
saveRDS(, file = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/seqs2.RDS")
saveRDS(, file = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/seqs2CFD.RDS")
offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath = gRNAFilePath, findgRNAs = FALSE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, REpatternFile = REpatternFile,
findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE, BSgenomeName = Hsapiens,
txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
orgAnn = org.Hs.egSYMBOL, max.mismatch = 3,
chromToSearch = c("chrX", "chr11", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6", "chr8", "chr15", "chr3"),
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
outputDir = outputgRNAProvided, overwrite = TRUE)
gRNAFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "tobi2.fa", package = "CRISPRseek")
outputNoOffTarget <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/gRNAProvidedSearchNOoffTarget"
outputNoOffTargetNoAnn <- "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/gRNAProvidedSearchNOoffTargetNoAnn"
cat("Creating output for findgRNAs = FALSE and no off target found and annotateExon FALSE...\n")
offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath = gRNAFilePath, findgRNAs = FALSE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, REpatternFile = REpatternFile,
findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE, BSgenomeName = Dmelanogaster,
txdb = TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene, annotateExon = FALSE,
orgAnn = org.Dm.egFLYBASE2EG, max.mismatch = 3,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
outputDir = outputNoOffTargetNoAnn, overwrite = TRUE)
cat("Creating output for findgRNAs = FALSE and no off target found, annotateExon TRUE...\n")
offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath = gRNAFilePath, findgRNAs = FALSE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, REpatternFile = REpatternFile,
findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE, BSgenomeName = Dmelanogaster,
txdb = TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene,
orgAnn = org.Dm.egFLYBASE2EG, max.mismatch = 3,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
outputDir = outputNoOffTarget, overwrite = TRUE)
chroms <- c("chr22", "chrX", "chr15", "chr18", "chr20", "chr5", "chr17", "chr19", "chr16", "chr10", "chr9", "chr1", "chr8", "chr12", "chrY", "chr2", "chr14", "chr11", "chr3", "chr7", "chr13", "chr4", "chr6")
for (isPaired in c(TRUE, FALSE))
for (isRE in c(TRUE, FALSE))
if (isRE)
if (isPaired)
outputDir <- outputPairedSearchRE
outputDir <- outputUnPairedSearchRE
if (isPaired)
outputDir <- outputPairedSearchNoRE
outputDir <- outputUnPairedSearchNoRE
offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath = inputFilePath,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = isRE, REpatternFile = REpatternFile,
findPairedgRNAOnly = isPaired, BSgenomeName = Hsapiens,
orgAnn = org.Hs.egSYMBOL, max.mismatch = 3,
chromToSearch = chroms,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
outputDir= outputDir, overwrite = TRUE)
inputFilePath = system.file("extdata", "RIPK1stop.fa", package = "CRISPRseek")
#inputFilePath = "~/CRISPRseekDemo/RIPK1stop.fa"
outputDir = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/testMouse/WithorgAnn"
results <- offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath, findgRNAs = TRUE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE,
BSgenomeName = Mmusculus, annotateExon=TRUE, outputDir = outputDir,
overwrite = TRUE, max.mismatch=1, txdb = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
chromToSearch = chroms,
orgAnn = org.Mm.egSYMBOL)
outputDir = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/testMouse/NOorgAnn"
results <- offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath, findgRNAs = TRUE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE,
BSgenomeName = Mmusculus, annotateExon=TRUE, outputDir = outputDir,
overwrite = TRUE, max.mismatch=1,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
chromToSearch = chroms,
txdb = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene)
outputDir = "~/DropboxUmass/Bioconductor/Trunk/CRISPRseek/inst/extdata/testMouse/NOTannotateExon"
results <- offTargetAnalysis(inputFilePath, findgRNAs = TRUE,
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE, findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE,
BSgenomeName = Mmusculus, annotateExon=FALSE, outputDir = outputDir,
min.score = 0.5, topN = 100,
chromToSearch = chroms,
overwrite = TRUE, max.mismatch=1)
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