
Defines functions locate_url

Documented in locate_url

#' Construct the URL to access a particular `recount3` file
#' Given an organism of interest, this function constructs the URL for accessing
#' one of the output files from the `recount3` project. You can then download
#' the file using `file_retrieve()`.
#' @param project A `character(1)` with the ID for a given study.
#' @param project_home A `character(1)` with the home directory for the
#' `project`. You can find these using `project_homes()`.
#' @param type A `character(1)` specifying whether you want to access gene
#' counts, exon counts, exon-exon junctions or base-pair BigWig coverage files
#' (one per `sample`).
#' @param organism A `character(1)` specifying which organism you want to
#' download data from. Supported options are `"human"` or `"mouse"`.
#' @param sample A `character()` vector with the sample ID(s) you want to
#' download.
#' @param annotation A `character(1)` specifying which annotation you want to
#' download. Only used when `type` is either `gene` or `exon`.
#' @param jxn_format A `character(1)` specifying whether the exon-exon junction
#' files are derived from all the reads (`ALL`) or only the uniquely mapping
#' read counts (`UNIQUE`). Note that `UNIQUE` is only available for some
#' projects: GTEx and TCGA for human.
#' @param recount3_url A `character(1)` specifying the home URL for `recount3`
#' or a local directory where you have mirrored `recount3`. Defaults to the
#' load balancer <http://duffel.rail.bio/recount3>, but can also be
#' <https://recount-opendata.s3.amazonaws.com/recount3/release> from
#' <https://registry.opendata.aws/recount/> or SciServer datascope from
#' IDIES at JHU <https://sciserver.org/public-data/recount3/data>. You can
#' set the R option `recount3_url` (for example in your `.Rprofile`) if
#' you have a favorite mirror.
#' @return A `character()` with the URL(s) for the file(s) of interest.
#' @export
#' @family internal functions for accessing the recount3 data
#' @examples
#' ## Example for metadata files from a project from SRA
#' locate_url(
#'     "SRP009615",
#'     "data_sources/sra"
#' )
#' ## Example for metadata files from a project that is part of a collection
#' locate_url(
#'     "ERP110066",
#'     "collections/geuvadis_smartseq",
#'     recount3_url = "http://snaptron.cs.jhu.edu/data/temp/recount3"
#' )
#' ## Example for a BigWig file
#' locate_url(
#'     "SRP009615",
#'     "data_sources/sra",
#'     "bw",
#'     "human",
#'     "SRR387777"
#' )
#' ## Locate example gene count files
#' locate_url(
#'     "SRP009615",
#'     "data_sources/sra",
#'     "gene"
#' )
#' locate_url(
#'     "SRP009615",
#'     "data_sources/sra",
#'     "gene",
#'     annotation = "refseq"
#' )
#' ## Example for a gene count file from a project that is part of a collection
#' locate_url(
#'     "ERP110066",
#'     "collections/geuvadis_smartseq",
#'     "gene",
#'     recount3_url = "http://snaptron.cs.jhu.edu/data/temp/recount3"
#' )
#' ## Locate example junction files
#' locate_url(
#'     "SRP009615",
#'     "data_sources/sra",
#'     "jxn"
#' )
#' ## Example for metadata files from a project from SRA
#' locate_url(
#'     "ERP001942",
#'     "data_sources/sra"
#' )
locate_url <-
    project_home = project_homes(
        organism = organism,
        recount3_url = recount3_url
    type = c("metadata", "gene", "exon", "jxn", "bw"),
    organism = c("human", "mouse"),
    sample = NULL,
    annotation = annotation_options(organism),
    jxn_format = c("ALL", "UNIQUE"),
    recount3_url = getOption("recount3_url", "http://duffel.rail.bio/recount3")) {
        project_home <- match.arg(project_home)
        type <- match.arg(type)
        organism <- match.arg(organism)
        annotation <- match.arg(annotation)
        jxn_format <- match.arg(jxn_format)

        ## Define the base directories
        base_dir <- switch(type,
            metadata = "metadata",
            gene = "gene_sums",
            exon = "exon_sums",
            jxn = "junctions",
            bw = "base_sums"

        ## Define the annotation to work with
        ann_ext <-
            annotation_ext(organism = organism, annotation = annotation)

        ## Define the file extensions
        file_ext <- paste0(".", switch(type,
            metadata = "MD.gz",
            gene = paste0(ann_ext, ".gz"),
            exon = paste0(ann_ext, ".gz"),
            jxn = paste0(jxn_format, ".", c("MM.gz", "RR.gz", "ID.gz")),
            bw = "ALL.bw"

        ## Check that sample exists when type == 'bw'
        if (type == "bw") {
            if (is.null(sample)) {
                stop("You need to specify the 'sample' when type = 'bw'.",
                    call. = FALSE

        ## Base URL
        base_url <- file.path(
            substr(project, nchar(project) - 1, nchar(project)),

        ## Metadata case
        if (type == "metadata") {
            file_tag <- c(
        } else {
            file_tag <- base_dir

        ## Define the base file path
        base_file <-
            paste0(basename(project_home), ".", file_tag, ".", project)

        ## Handle the BigWig file case
        if (type == "bw") {
            base_url <- file.path(
                    nchar(sample) - ifelse(grepl("gtex", project_home), 3, 1),
                    nchar(sample) - ifelse(
                        grepl("gtex", project_home),
            base_file <- paste0(base_file, "_", sample)

        ## Construct the final url(s)
        if (dirname(project_home) == "collections") {
            ## Deal with metadata collection case

            ## Locate the file source from the metadata files
            url_collection_meta <- file.path(
                paste0(basename(project_home), ".recount_project.gz")
            names(url_collection_meta) <-

            metadata <- read_metadata(file_retrieve(url = url_collection_meta))
            i <- which(metadata$recount_project.project == project)
            stopifnot("The 'project' is not part of this collection." = length(i) > 0)
            file_source <-

            ## Find the files from the file source
            url <- locate_url(
                project = project,
                project_home = file_source,
                type = type,
                organism = organism,
                sample = sample,
                annotation = annotation,
                recount3_url = recount3_url

            ## Deal with metadata collection case
            if (type == "metadata") {
                ## Add the custom collection metadata
                url <- c(
                        paste0(basename(project_home), ".custom.gz")
        } else {
            url <- file.path(base_url, paste0(base_file, file_ext))
        names(url) <- basename(url)

        ## Done
LieberInstitute/recount3 documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 8:35 p.m.