knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE )
library(brainstorm) library(VariantAnnotation) library(here) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(purrr) library(pheatmap)
snpsGeno <- make_snpsGeno(snpsGeno_VCF) snpsGeno[1:5, 1:5]
# Make sure colnames are all IDs in pd table all(colnames(snpsCalled_VCF) %in% pd_example$SAMPLE_ID) colnames(snpsCalled_VCF) <- ss(colnames(snpsCalled_VCF),"_accepted") all(colnames(snpsCalled_VCF) %in% pd_example$SAMPLE_ID) dim(snpsCalled_VCF) snpsCalled_filter <- filter_called(snpsCalled_VCF) dim(snpsCalled_filter)
snpsRNA <- make_snpsRNA(snpsGeno_VCF, snpsCalled_filter) print("snpsGeno2: Matching Genotype snps") snpsRNA$snpsGeno2[1:5, 1:5] print("snpsCalled: snpsCalled_VCF RNA snps") snpsRNA$snpsCalled[1:5, 1:5]
No high correlation between samples.
basic_cor <- cor(snpsGeno, use = "pairwise.comp") pheatmap( basic_cor, cluster_rows = FALSE, show_rownames = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE )
all(colnames(snpsGeno) %in% brain_sentrix$ID) corLong_dna_dna <- make_corLong(snpsGeno, BrainTable1 = brain_sentrix) head(corLong_dna_dna)
But samples from the same brain have low correlation.
corLong_dna_dna %>% filter(row_BrNum == col_BrNum)
basic_cor <- cor(snpsRNA$snpsCalled, use = "pairwise.comp") pheatmap( basic_cor, cluster_rows = FALSE, show_rownames = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE )
pd_simple <- pd_example[,c("SAMPLE_ID", "RNum", "BrNum", "BrainRegion")] corLong_rna_rna <- make_corLong( snps1 = snpsRNA$snpsCalled, BrainTable1 = pd_simple, ID_col1 = "SAMPLE_ID" ) head(corLong_rna_rna)
corLong_rna_rna %>% # filter(row_BrNum == col_BrNum) %>% ggplot(aes(x = cor)) + geom_density() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.59, color = "red", linetype = "dashed")
corLong_dna_rna <- make_corLong( snps1 = snpsRNA$snpsGeno2, snps2 = snpsRNA$snpsCalled, BrainTable1 = brain_sentrix, BrainTable2 = pd_simple, ID_col1 = "ID", ID_col2 = "SAMPLE_ID" ) head(corLong_dna_rna)
corLong_dna_rna %>% filter(row_BrNum == col_BrNum) %>% ggplot(aes(x = cor)) + geom_density() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.59, color = "red", linetype = "dashed")
dna_dna_groups <- grouper(corLong_dna_dna) length(dna_dna_groups) table(unlist(purrr::map_int(dna_dna_groups, "nBrNum")))
dna_multi_br <- keep(dna_dna_groups, ~ .x$nBrNum > 1) length(dna_multi_br)
rna_rna_groups <- grouper(corLong_rna_rna) length(rna_rna_groups) message("How many samples in each group?") table(purrr::map_int(rna_rna_groups, "n")) message("How many Brains in each group?") table(purrr::map_int(rna_rna_groups, "nBrNum"))
dna_rna_groups <- grouper(corLong_dna_rna) message("How many groups?") length(dna_rna_groups) message("How many samples in each group?") table(purrr::map_int(dna_rna_groups, "n")) message("How many Brains in each group?") table(purrr::map_int(dna_rna_groups, "nBrNum"))
multi_samples <- keep(rna_rna_groups, ~ .x$n > 1)
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