
Defines functions brainflowprobes_cov

Documented in brainflowprobes_cov

#' Extract coverage data for a set of regions
#' This function extracts the data from the BigWig coverage files that is then
#' used by \link{four_panels}. This function can take a while to run depending
#' on your internet connection. Furthermore, this function relies on
#' functionality in the rtracklayer package for reading BigWig files which
#' does not work in Windows machines. The data extracted by this function is
#' also used by \link{plot_coverage}.
#' @inheritParams four_panels
#' @param PD A list of data.frames with the \code{sumMapped} and \code{files}
#' columns. Defaults to the data included in this package.
#' @return A list of region coverage coverage data.frame lists used by
#' \link{four_panels} and \link{plot_coverage}. That is, a list with one
#' element per dataset in \link{pd} (so four: `Sep`, `Deg`, `Cell`, `Sort`).
#' Each element of the output list is a list with one data.frame per input
#' region. In the case of `four_panels_example_cov` there was only one input
#' region hence each region coverage data.frame list has one element. A region
#' coverage data.frame has one column per sample and one row per genome
#' base-pair for the given region and dataset.
#' @export
#' @import derfinder GenomicRanges
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @examples
#' ## This function loads data from BigWig files using the rtracklayer package.
#' ## This functionality is not supported on Windows OS machines!
#' if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
#'     ## How long this takes to run will depend on your internet connection.
#'     example_cov <- brainflowprobes_cov("chr20:10286777-10288069:+",
#'         PD = lapply(brainflowprobes::pd, head, n = 2)
#'     )
#'     ## Output examination:
#'     # A list with one element per element in brainflowprobes::pd
#'     stopifnot(is.list(example_cov))
#'     stopifnot(identical(
#'         names(example_cov),
#'         names(brainflowprobes::pd)
#'     ))
#'     # For each dataset, brainflowprobes_cov() returns a list of region
#'     # coverage data.frames. In this example, there was a single input region.
#'     stopifnot(all(
#'         sapply(example_cov, length) ==
#'             length(
#'                 GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr20:10286777-10288069:+")
#'             )
#'     ))
#'     # Then each data.frame itself has 1 row per genome base-pair in the region
#'     stopifnot(
#'         all(
#'             sapply(example_cov, function(x) {
#'                 nrow(x[[1]])
#'             }) ==
#'                 GenomicRanges::width(
#'                     GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr20:10286777-10288069:+")
#'                 )
#'         )
#'     )
#'     # and one column per sample in the dataset unless you subsetted the data
#'     # like we did earlier when creating "example_cov".
#'     stopifnot(identical(
#'         sapply(four_panels_example_cov, function(x) {
#'             ncol(x[[1]])
#'         }),
#'         sapply(pd, nrow)
#'     ))
#' }
#' ## This is how the example data included in the package was made:
#' \dontrun{
#' ## This can take about 10 minutes to run!
#' four_panels_example_cov <- brainflowprobes_cov("chr20:10286777-10288069:+")
#' }
#' ## If you are interested, you could download all the BigWig files
#' ## in the \code{brainflowprobes::pd} list of data.frames from the
#' ## \code{files} column to your disk. Doing so will greatly increase the
#' ## speed for \code{brainflowprobes_cov} and the functions that depend on
#' ## this data. Then edit \code{brainflowprobes::pd} \code{files} to point to
#' ## your local files.
#' ## Web location of BigWig files
#' lapply(brainflowprobes::pd, function(x) head(x$files))
brainflowprobes_cov <- function(
        REGION, PD = brainflowprobes::pd,
        VERBOSE = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(all(vapply(PD, is.data.frame, logical(1))))
    stopifnot(all(vapply(PD, function(x) {
            c("sumMapped", "files") %in% colnames(x)
    }, logical(1))))

    gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(REGION)
    regionCov <- lapply(
        function(x) {
                regions = gr,
                totalMapped = x$sumMapped,
                files = x$files,
                verbose = VERBOSE
LieberInstitute/brainflowprobes documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 11:19 p.m.