
Defines functions findMaxima

Documented in findMaxima

#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand start end
#' @importFrom S4Vectors runValue
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
findMaxima <- function(regions, range, metric, ignore.strand=TRUE)
# This function finds the maximum window in 'data', given a range
# around which the maxima is to be considered. The 'metric' is,
# by default, the average count, but others can be used if supplied.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 9 November 2014.
    strs <- strand(regions)
    if (!ignore.strand && length(runValue(strs))!=1) {
        # Strand-specific maxima identification.
        forward <- as.logical(strs=="+")
        reverse <- as.logical(strs=="-")
        neither <- as.logical(strs=="*")

        out <- logical(length(regions))
        if (any(forward)) { 
            out[forward] <- Recall(regions=regions[forward], range=range, metric=metric[forward], ignore.strand=TRUE) 
        if (any(reverse)) { 
            out[reverse] <- Recall(regions=regions[reverse], range=range, metric=metric[reverse], ignore.strand=TRUE) 
        if (any(neither)) { 
            out[neither] <- Recall(regions=regions[neither], range=range, metric=metric[neither], ignore.strand=TRUE) 

    chrs <- as.integer(seqnames(regions))
    starts <- start(regions)
    ends <- end(regions)
    o <- order(chrs, starts, ends)

    if (length(metric)!=length(regions)) { 
        stop("one metric must be supplied per region") 
    if (any(is.na(metric))) {
        stop("missing values in 'metric'")
    if (!is.double(metric)) { 
        metric <- as.double(metric) 
    if (!is.integer(range)) { 
        range <- as.integer(range) 

    out <- .Call(cxx_find_maxima, chrs[o], starts[o], ends[o], metric[o], range)
    out[o] <- out
LTLA/csaw documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 8:21 p.m.