#' wrapper of all avaliable sorting methods in uSORT
#' Sorting methods include \code{autoSPIN}, \code{sWanderlust}, \code{monocle},
#' \code{Wanderlust}, \code{SPIN}. Any of the sorting method can be called directly
#' using this funciton.
#' @param data Input preprocessed data matrix with row.name of cells and col.name of genes.
#' @param data_raw Input raw data matrix with row.name of cells and col.name of genes, for monocle method.
#' @param method The name of the sorting method to use, including \code{autoSPIN}, \code{sWanderlust}, \code{monocle}, \code{Wanderlust}, \code{SPIN} and \code{none}.
#' @param data_type The type of the data, either \code{linear} or \code{cyclical}.
#' @param SPIN_option The runing option of SPIN, \code{STS} or \code{neighborhood}.
#' @param SPIN_sigma_width Sigma width for SPIN.
#' @param autoSPIN_alpha alpha for autoSPIN.
#' @param autoSPIN_randomization Number of randomization for autoSPIN.
#' @param wanderlust_start_cell The id of the starting cell for wanderlust.
#' @param wanderlust_dfmap_components The number of components from diffusionmap for wanderlust.
#' @param wanderlust_l The number of nearest neighbors used for wanderlust.
#' @param wanderlust_num_waypoints The number of waypoints for wanderlust.
#' @param wanderlust_waypoints_seed The seed for reproducible analysis.
#' @param wanderlust_flock_waypoints The bumber of flock times for wanderlust.
#' @return return the order of sorting results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file('extdata', package='uSORT')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' exprs <- uSORT_preProcess(exprs_file = file)
#' exp_trimmed <- t(exprs$exprs_log_trimed)
#' PCA_selected_genes <- pca_gene_selection(exp_trimmed)
#' exp_PCA_genes <- exp_trimmed[, PCA_selected_genes]
#' #order <- uSORT_sorting_wrapper(data = exp_PCA_genes, method = 'autoSPIN')
uSORT_sorting_wrapper <- function(data, data_raw,
method = c("autoSPIN", "sWanderlust", "monocle", "Wanderlust",
"SPIN", "none"),
data_type = c("linear", "cyclical"),
SPIN_option = c("STS", "neighborhood"),
SPIN_sigma_width = 1,
autoSPIN_alpha = 0.2,
autoSPIN_randomization = 20,
wanderlust_start_cell = NULL,
wanderlust_dfmap_components = 4,
wanderlust_l = 15,
wanderlust_num_waypoints = 150,
wanderlust_waypoints_seed = 2711,
wanderlust_flock_waypoints = 2) {
data_type <- match.arg(data_type)
method <- match.arg(method)
data_type <- match.arg(data_type)
SPIN_option <- match.arg(SPIN_option)
switch(method, autoSPIN = {
res <- autoSPIN(data, data_type = data_type,
sorting_method = SPIN_option,
sigma_width = SPIN_sigma_width, alpha = autoSPIN_alpha,
no_randomization = autoSPIN_randomization)
order <- res$SampleID
}, SPIN = {
res <- SPIN(data = data, sorting_method = SPIN_option,
sigma_width = SPIN_sigma_width)
order <- res$SampleID
}, monocle = {
order <- monocle_wrapper(log2_exp = data,
expression_data_raw = data_raw)
}, Wanderlust = {
res <- wanderlust_wrapper(data, s = wanderlust_start_cell,
diffusionmap_components = wanderlust_dfmap_components,
l = wanderlust_l, k = wanderlust_l,
num_waypoints = wanderlust_num_waypoints,
waypoints_seed = wanderlust_waypoints_seed,
flock_waypoints = wanderlust_flock_waypoints)
order <- res$Order
}, sWanderlust = {
res <- sWanderlust(data, data_type = data_type,
alpha = autoSPIN_alpha,
SPIN_option = SPIN_option, sigma_width = SPIN_sigma_width,
diffusionmap_components = wanderlust_dfmap_components,
l = wanderlust_l, k = wanderlust_l,
num_waypoints = wanderlust_num_waypoints,
waypoints_seed = wanderlust_waypoints_seed,
flock_waypoints = wanderlust_flock_waypoints)
order <- res
}, none = {
order <- NULL
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