knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = ">" )
PhysioSpace is a robust statistical method for relating high dimensional omics data sets^[Lenz, Michael, et al. "PhysioSpace: relating gene expression experiments from heterogeneous sources using shared physiological processes." PLoS One 8.10 (2013): e77627]. It is designed to take advantage of the vast availability of public omics data, which in combination with statistical approaches makes a potent tool capable of analyzing heterogeneous biological data sets.
PhysioSpaceMethods is a R package which provides an implementation of PhysioSpace method alongside other handy functions for making PhysioSpace an easily accessible tool for R users.
You can install this package by:
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_gitlab("jrc-combine/PhysioSpaceMethods", host = "")
PhysioSpaceMethods can map user samples inside a physiological space, calculated beforehand from a compendium of known samples. This process is demonstrated here by an example.
Before running through the example, we load all required packages of the vignette:
library(SummarizedExperiment) #SummarizedExperiment is needed for #working with RangedSummarizedExperiment objects. library(EnrichmentBrowser) # For converting IDs of a # RangedSummarizedExperiment object. library( #For ID conversion library(ExperimentHub) #Downloads datasets from ExperimentHub web service library(PhysioSpaceMethods) #Main package
The data set used in this example is E-MTAB-2836, a RNA-seq atlas of coding RNA from tissue samples of 122 human individuals representing 32 different tissues, stored on ebi's Expression Atlas.
Before starting the analysis, we need a physiological space in which we could map E-MTAB-2836 samples. There are spaces available in 'HumanPhysioSpace' package, accessible at For demonstration purposes, we won't use that package. Instead, we will make a new physiological space in the next section, and use it through the rest of this vignette.
In this section we use lukk et. al. human atlas^[Lukk, Margus, et al. "A global map of human gene expression." Nature biotechnology 28.4 (2010): 322.] to make a human tissue space.
Lukk et. al. atlas is generated using DNA-microarray (Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array). We chose this data set for analyzing E-MTAB-2836 (RNA-Seq) to demonstrate PhysioSpace robustness against measurement technology, normalization or batch effects.
In the first step, we download the Lukk atlas gene expression data from ExperimentHub:
hub <- ExperimentHub() HumanAffys <- query(hub, "HumanAffyData") LukkData <- HumanAffys[["EH177"]]
We have to prepare the gene expression data set for the function spaceMaker(). spaceMaker expects a matrix of input gene expressions (or a SummarizedExperiment object), with genes as rows and samples as columns. LukkData is an ExpressionSet object, so we will use exprs() function from Biobase package to extract the expression matrix:
LukkDataMatrix <- exprs(LukkData)
Corresponding Entrez Gene IDs must be assigned to 'rownames', and name of each sample should be written in 'colnames' of the matrix. Rownames of LukkDataMatrix already contain Entrez IDs of each gene. But as for the sample names, we have to extract them from LukkData using pData() function and assign them to colnames of LukkDataMatrix:
colnames(LukkDataMatrix) <- make.names(pData(LukkData)$Groups_369) #'make.names' is used so that some specific names won't break the pipeline #later on.
spaceMaker uses (linear) modeling and statistical testing while generating the mathematical space. In that process, it needs one or few 'Control' or 'Reference' samples. It assumes the first column (or all samples with the same label as the first column) to be the reference of the experiment and uses it as control. In this experiment, we use the mean value of all samples as control:
LukkDataMatrix <- cbind(apply(LukkDataMatrix,1,mean),LukkDataMatrix) colnames(LukkDataMatrix)[1] <- "Ctrl"
LukkDataMatrix is ready to be used by spaceMaker():
LukkSpace <- spaceMaker(GeneExMatrix = LukkDataMatrix)
E-MTAB-2836 can be downloaded manually from this page (the "Summary of the expression results for this experiment ready to view in R"" link), or loaded directly into R by the following command:
#Download: load(url(paste0("", "E-MTAB-2836/static/E-MTAB-2836-atlasExperimentSummary.Rdata")))
After downloading (and normalizing if necessary), the data can be analysed using "calculatePhysioMap()" function. It is important to note that 'InputData' of this function has specific format requirements which are needed to be met for the function to perform properly. Detailed description of input requirements can be found in calculatePhysioMap's help page. In short,
In case InputData is a matrix, it should be: a. a matrix (clearly), b. with genes in rows, identified by Entrez IDs which are stored in 'rownames' of the matrix. And c. samples in columns, identified by sample names stored in 'colnames' of the matrix. Lastly, d. values of InputData matrix should be relative, e.g. fold changes of genes, rather than pure gene expressions.
In case InputData is a SummarizedExperiment object, it is supposed to have: a. a component named 'EntrezID' in its rowData, containing Entrez IDs of rows in the object. And b. a component named 'SampleName' in its colData, containing name or the main annotation of the samples in the object. Lastly, c. the assay in the SummarizedExperiment object (accessible by using SummarizedExperiment::assay(obj)) has to have relative values, e.g. fold changes of genes, rather than pure gene expressions.
In case user has their own list of significantly up and down regulated genes, it is also possible for InputData to be a list: a. containing Entrez IDs (or any other identifier which is used as rownames in 'Space') of up regulated genes in InputData[[1]], and b. Entrez IDs (or any other identifier which is used as rownames in 'Space') of down regulated genes in InputData[[2]].
For demonstration purposes, in this example we prepare the InputData as a matrix, and also as a SummarizedExperiment.
We prepare E-MTAB-2836 for calculatePhysioMap() in four steps:
#Making the gene expression matrix: EMTAB2836CountMatrix <- assay(experimentSummary$rnaseq)
#Converting Ensembl to Entrez IDs: ENSEMBL2EG <- as.list(org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG) IDIndx <- match(rownames(EMTAB2836CountMatrix), names(ENSEMBL2EG), nomatch = 0) EMTAB2836CountMatrix <- EMTAB2836CountMatrix[IDIndx!=0,] rownames(EMTAB2836CountMatrix) <- sapply(ENSEMBL2EG[IDIndx], function(x) x[1])
#Assigning colnames: colnames(EMTAB2836CountMatrix) <- colData(experimentSummary$rnaseq)$organism_part
#Calculating Fold-Changes: EMTAB2836CountMatrixRelativ <- EMTAB2836CountMatrix - apply(EMTAB2836CountMatrix,1,mean)
We used the gene-wise mean value of the whole data set as a virtual control sample and calculated the fold changes based on this virtual control, since all data points in E-MTAB-2836 are biopsy samples and there are no actual control samples. At the same time, because of the high number of samples in E-MTAB-2836, the mean value is a good measure of background noise on each gene. Therefore, mean values work great as controls to compare against. As mentioned above, there are more sophisticated ways for this calculation, one example could be to use the signed p value of a statistical test in logarithm scale.
As an alternative, InputData could be a SummarizedExperiment object when passed to the calculatePhysioMap() function. Here, we prepare the object in three steps:
#Loading the object into R: EMTAB2836_SEObj <- experimentSummary$rnaseq # #Converting Ensembl to Entrez IDs: EMTAB2836_SEObj <- idMap(EMTAB2836_SEObj, org="hsa", from="ENSEMBL", to="ENTREZID") #Making EntrezID in rowData: rowData(EMTAB2836_SEObj) <- data.frame("EntrezID" = rownames(EMTAB2836_SEObj))
We used idMap function from EnrichmentBrowser package for converting Ensembl to Entrez IDs. Alternatively, we could use annotation package:
EMTAB2836_SEObj <- experimentSummary$rnaseq # #Converting Ensembl to Entrez IDs, and making EntrezID in rowData: ENSEMBL2EG <- as.list(org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG) IDIndx <- match(rownames(EMTAB2836_SEObj), names(ENSEMBL2EG), nomatch = 0) EMTAB2836_SEObj <- EMTAB2836_SEObj[IDIndx!=0,] rowData(EMTAB2836_SEObj) <- data.frame("EntrezID" = sapply(ENSEMBL2EG[IDIndx], function(x) x[1]))
#Assigning SampleName: names(colData(EMTAB2836_SEObj))[names(colData(EMTAB2836_SEObj)) == "organism_part"] <- "SampleName"
#Calculating Fold-Changes: assay(EMTAB2836_SEObj) <- assay(EMTAB2836_SEObj) - apply(assay(EMTAB2836_SEObj),1,mean)
Having the proper format for the input, the main calculation can be done easily by the calculatePhysioMap() function.
calculatePhysioMap() has two required input arguments: InputData, which is the relative gene expression matrix (or SummarizedExperiment obj.), and Space, which is the Physiological Space in which we want to map our input data. In this example, we use E-MTAB-2836 data set and LukkSpace we prepared above, as InputData and Space respectively. We should mention that there are 200 samples in E-MTAB-2836. Since it is not possible to plot results of all 200 samples and go through all of them individually in this vignette, we randomly choose 5 samples out of 200 and show the matching between RNA-seq input data set to micro-array reference compendium is successful:
#Choosing 5 random samples: set.seed(seed = 0) #So results would be reproducible Samples5Random <- sample(x = 1:ncol(EMTAB2836CountMatrixRelativ), size = 5) #Main calculation: RESULTS5 <- calculatePhysioMap( InputData = EMTAB2836CountMatrixRelativ[,Samples5Random], Space = LukkSpace)
#Main calculation, for SummarizedExperiment input obj.: RESULTS5_SE <- calculatePhysioMap( InputData = EMTAB2836_SEObj[,Samples5Random], Space = LukkSpace)
#Check to see if the results are the same, regardless of input format: identical(RESULTS5, RESULTS5_SE)
As expected, results are the same for both input types of matrix and SummarizedExperiment obj.. In this vignette from here onward, we do all the calculations in the matrix format.
In cases with large number of input samples, we recommend running calculatePhysioMap() in parallel:
#Main calculation in parallel: RESULTS5 <- calculatePhysioMap( InputData = EMTAB2836CountMatrixRelativ[,Samples5Random], Space = LukkSpace, NumbrOfCores = 2)
The output of calculatePhysioMap(), which we named 'RESULTS5', is a matrix with the same number of columns as the number of samples in 'InputData', and the same number of rows as the number of axes (Columns) in the 'Space'. The value in row M and Column N in RESULTS5 is the mapped values of Nth sample on Mth axis of the Space.
#Plotting the results: PhysioHeatmap(PhysioResults = RESULTS5, main = "RNA-seq vs Microarray", SymmetricColoring = TRUE, SpaceClustering = FALSE, Space = LukkSpace, ReducedPlotting = 5)
As shown in figure above, we expect to have the highest values (most red) in the intersection of each column with its corresponding tissue in rows. From the 5 samples we analysed, "skeletal muscle tissue", "esophagus" and "placenta" are clearly matched to their corresponding tissues from micro-array space. From two remaining samples, "vermiform appendix" is matched to blood; that is because there is no appendix tissue sample in Lukk data set. Considering that, matching to blood makes sense because the vermiform appendix biopsy is very likely to contain a large portion of blood, hence the conversion from RNA-seq to micro-array is probably successful in this sample as well. Same is true for the sample "smooth muscle tissue": there are many organs from which this smooth muscle sample could be acquired. Since no more extra information is provided in E-MTAB-2836 about this sample except that the sample is smooth muscle tissue from a female adult human, based on our results, it is highly probable that the smooth muscle sample is acquired from uterine wall (myometrium is the middle layer of the uterine wall, consisting mainly of uterine smooth muscle cells^[]).
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