library(knitr) knit_hooks$set(crop = hook_pdfcrop) knitr::opts_chunk$set(crop=TRUE, tidy=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.align="center") Biocpkg <- function (pkg){ sprintf("[%s](", pkg, pkg) } CRANpkg <- function(pkg){ cran <- "" fmt <- "[%s](%s=%s)" sprintf(fmt, pkg, cran, pkg) }
library(ggplot2) library(phyloseq) library(dplyr) library(tibble) library(MicrobiomeAnalysis) library(conflicted) conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr") conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")
seq_tab <- readRDS( system.file("extdata", "dada2_seqtab.rds", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis")) tax_tab <- readRDS( system.file("extdata", "dada2_taxtab.rds", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis")) sam_tab <- read.table( system.file("extdata", "dada2_samdata.txt", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis"), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1) ps <- import_dada2(seq_tab = seq_tab, tax_tab = tax_tab, sam_tab = sam_tab) ps
otuqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "table.qza", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis") taxaqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "taxonomy.qza", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis") sample_file <- system.file( "extdata", "sample-metadata.tsv", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis") treeqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "tree.qza", package = "MicrobiomeAnalysis") ps_object <- import_qiime2( otu_qza = otuqza_file, taxa_qza = taxaqza_file, sam_tab = sample_file, tree_qza = treeqza_file) ps_object
ps_genus <- aggregate_taxa(ps_object, level = "Genus") ps_genus head(ps_genus@otu_table@.Data, 3)
ps_summarize_genus <- summarize_taxa( ps_object, level = "Genus") ps_summarize_genus
, which applying a mathematical transformation on individual values themselves.ps_genus_transform <- transform_abundances( object = ps_genus, transform = "log10p") head(ps_genus_transform@otu_table@.Data, 3)
ps_genus_impute <- impute_abundance( object = ps_genus, group = "", ZerosAsNA = TRUE, RemoveNA = TRUE, cutoff = 20, method = "half_min") head(ps_genus_impute@otu_table@.Data, 3)
ps_genus_norm <- normalize( object = ps_genus, method = "TSS") head(ps_genus_norm@otu_table@.Data, 3)
ps_genus_scale <- scale_variables( object = ps_genus, method = "zscore") head(ps_genus_scale@otu_table@.Data, 3)
ps_genus_trim <- trim_prevalence( object = ps_genus, level = NULL, cutoff = 0.1, trim = "feature") ps_genus_trim head(ps_genus_trim@otu_table@.Data, 3)
Filtering taxa who is low relative abundance or unclassified (Ref: [@thingholm2019obese])
Taxa more than Mean relative abundance across all samples: 100;
Taxa more than Minimum relative abundance at least one sample: 1000.
ps_genus_filter <- filter_abundance( object = ps_genus, level = NULL, cutoff_mean = 100, cutoff_one = 1000, unclass = TRUE) ps_genus_filter head(ps_genus_filter@otu_table@.Data, 3)
Know more details of the aftermentioned statistical methods to see [@xia2018statistical].
run_betadisper(object = ps_object, level = "Genus", variable = "", method = "bray")
run_PERMANOVA(object = ps_object, level = NULL, method = "bray")
run_MANTEL(object = ps_object, y_variables = "", z_variables = c("subject", "reported.antibiotic.usage"), norm = FALSE, method = "mantel.partial", method_dist = c("bray", "euclidean", "jaccard"))
run_ANOSIM(object = ps_object, level = "Genus", variable = "", method = "bray")
run_MRPP(object = ps_object, level = "Genus", variable = "", method = "bray")
alphaindex <- get_alphaindex( ps = ps_object, level = "Genus", indices = c("Shannon", "Chao1")) head(alphaindex)
data("Zeybel_2022_gut") run_betadisper( object = Zeybel_2022_gut, level = "Phylum", variable = "LiverFatClass", method = "bray")
data("Zeybel_2022_gut") ps_zeybel <- summarize_taxa(Zeybel_2022_gut, level = "Genus") ord_result <- run_ord( object = ps_zeybel, variable = "LiverFatClass", method = "PCoA") plot_ord( reslist = ord_result, variable = "LiverFatClass", ellipse_type = "ellipse_groups", sideboxplot = TRUE, sample_label = FALSE)
ps_genus_group <- phyloseq::subset_samples( ps_genus, %in% c("gut", "tongue")) run_aldex(ps = ps_genus_group, group = "", taxa_rank = "Genus")
run_limma_voom(ps = ps_genus_group, group = "", taxa_rank = "Phylum")
data("enterotypes_arumugam") ps_enterotypes <- phyloseq::subset_samples( enterotypes_arumugam, Enterotype %in% c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2")) run_ancom(ps = ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype")
run_ancombc(ps = ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype", confounders = "Gender")
run_deseq2(ps = ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype")
run_edger(ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype")
run_lefse(ps = ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype")
run_metagenomeseq(ps = ps_enterotypes, group = "Enterotype")
ps <- phyloseq::subset_samples( enterotypes_arumugam, Enterotype %in% c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2", "Enterotype 1")) run_test_multiple_groups(ps = ps, group = "Enterotype", method = "anova")
ps_small <- phyloseq::subset_taxa( enterotypes_arumugam, Phylum %in% c("Firmicutes", "Bacteroidetes") ) mm <- run_sl( ps = ps_small, group = "Gender", taxa_rank = "Genus", nfolds = 2, nrepeats = 1, top_n = 15, norm = "TSS", method = "LR") mm
Differential approaches:
FoldChange analysis
VIP (Variable important in projection) analysis
data("Zeybel_2022_protein") Zeybel_2022_protein_imput <- impute_abundance( Zeybel_2022_protein, group = "LiverFatClass", method = "knn") Zeybel_2022_protein_norm <- scale_variables( Zeybel_2022_protein_imput, method == "zscore") DA_results <- run_metabolomeDA( object_raw = Zeybel_2022_protein, object_norm = Zeybel_2022_protein_norm, variable = "LiverFatClass", variable_name = c("None", "Severe")) head(DA_results[, 1:4], 4)
plot_volcano( da_res = DA_results, group_names = c("None", "Severe"), x_index = "Log2FoldChange", x_index_cutoff = 0.1, y_index = "AdjustedPvalue", y_index_cutoff = 0.5, group_color = c("red", "grey", "blue"), add_enrich_arrow = TRUE, topN = 10)
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