#' @rdname newParams
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
newSplatParams <- function(...) {
params <- new("SplatParams")
params <- setParams(params, ...)
#' @importFrom checkmate checkInt checkIntegerish checkNumber checkNumeric
#' checkFlag
setValidity("SplatParams", function(object) {
object <- expandParams(object)
v <- getParams(object, c(slotNames(object)))
nBatches <- v$nBatches
nGroups <- v$nGroups
checks <- c(nGenes = checkInt(v$nGenes, lower = 1),
nCells = checkInt(v$nCells, lower = 1),
nBatches = checkInt(v$nBatches, lower = 1),
batchCells = checkIntegerish(v$batchCells, lower = 1,
len = nBatches),
batch.facLoc = checkNumeric(v$batch.facLoc, len = nBatches),
batch.facScale = checkNumeric(v$batch.facScale, lower = 0,
len = nBatches),
mean.rate = checkNumber(v$mean.rate, lower = 0),
mean.shape = checkNumber(v$mean.shape, lower = 0),
lib.loc = checkNumber(v$lib.loc),
lib.scale = checkNumber(v$lib.scale, lower = 0),
lib.norm = checkFlag(v$lib.norm),
out.prob = checkNumber(v$out.prob, lower = 0, upper = 1),
out.facLoc = checkNumber(v$out.facLoc),
out.facScale = checkNumber(v$out.facScale, lower = 0),
nGroups = checkInt(v$nGroups, lower = 1),
group.prob = checkNumeric(v$de.prob, lower = 0, upper = 1,
len = nGroups),
de.prob = checkNumeric(v$de.prob, lower = 0, upper = 1,
len = nGroups),
de.downProb = checkNumeric(v$de.downProb, lower = 0, upper = 1,
len = nGroups),
de.facLoc = checkNumeric(v$de.facLoc, len = nGroups),
de.facScale = checkNumeric(v$de.facScale, lower = 0,
len = nGroups),
bcv.common = checkNumber(v$bcv.common, lower = 0),
bcv.df = checkNumber(v$bcv.df, lower = 0),
dropout.type = checkCharacter(v$dropout.type, len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE),
dropout.mid = checkNumeric(v$dropout.mid, finite = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1),
dropout.shape = checkNumeric(v$dropout.shape, finite = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1),
path.from = checkIntegerish(v$path.from, lower = 0,
upper = nGroups, len = nGroups),
path.nSteps = checkIntegerish(v$path.nSteps, lower = 1,
len = nGroups),
path.skew = checkNumeric(v$path.skew, lower = 0, upper = 1,
len = nGroups),
path.nonlinearProb = checkNumber(v$path.nonlinearProb,
lower = 0, upper = 1),
path.sigmaFac = checkNumber(v$path.sigmaFac, lower = 0),
seed = checkInt(v$seed, lower = 0))
# Check batchCells matches nCells, nBatches
if (v$nCells != sum(v$batchCells) || nBatches != length(v$batchCells)) {
checks <- c(checks,
"nCells, nBatches and batchesCells are not consistent")
# Check group.prob sums to 1
if (sum(v$group.prob) != 1) {
checks <- c(checks, "group.probs must sum to 1")
# Check path.from
if (!(0 %in% v$path.from)) {
checks <- c(checks, path.from = "origin must be specified in path.from")
} else if (any(v$path.from == seq_len(nGroups))) {
checks <- c(checks, "path cannot begin at itself")
# Check dropout type
if (!(v$dropout.type %in%
c("none", "experiment", "batch", "group", "cell"))) {
checks <- c(checks,
paste("dropout.type must be one of: 'none', 'experiment',",
"'batch', 'group', 'cell'"))
if (all(checks == TRUE)) {
valid <- TRUE
} else {
valid <- checks[checks != TRUE]
valid <- paste(names(valid), valid, sep = ": ")
#' @rdname setParam
setMethod("setParam", "SplatParams", function(object, name, value) {
if (name == "path.length") {
warning("path.length has been renamed path.nSteps, ",
"please use path.nSteps in the future.")
name <- "path.nSteps"
if (name == "nCells" || name == "nBatches") {
stop(name, " cannot be set directly, set batchCells instead")
if (name == "nGroups") {
stop(name, " cannot be set directly, set group.prob instead")
if (name == "batchCells") {
object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "nCells", sum(value))
object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "nBatches", length(value))
if (name == "group.prob") {
object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "nGroups", length(value))
path.from <- getParam(object, "path.from")
if (length(path.from) > 1 & length(path.from) != length(value)) {
warning("nGroups has changed, resetting path.from")
object <- setParam(object, "path.from", 0)
if (name == "dropout.type") {
mid.len <- length(getParam(object, "dropout.mid"))
mid.shape <- length(getParam(object, "dropout.shape"))
if ((value == "experiment")) {
if ((mid.len != 1) | (mid.shape != 1)) {
stop("dropout.type cannot be set to 'experiment' because ",
"dropout.mid and dropout.shape aren't length 1, ",
"set dropout.mid and dropout.shape first")
if ((value == "batch")) {
n <- getParam(object, "nBatches")
if ((mid.len != n) | (mid.shape != n)) {
stop("dropout.type cannot be set to 'batch' because ",
"dropout.mid and dropout.shape aren't length equal to ",
"nBatches (", n, "), set dropout.mid and dropout.shape ",
if ((value == "group")) {
n <- getParam(object, "nGroups")
if ((mid.len != n) | (mid.shape != n)) {
stop("dropout.type cannot be set to 'group' because ",
"dropout.mid and dropout.shape aren't length equal to ",
"nGroups (", n, "), set dropout.mid and dropout.shape ",
if ((value == "cell")) {
n <- getParam(object, "nCells")
if ((mid.len != n) | (mid.shape != n)) {
stop("dropout.type cannot be set to 'cell' because ",
"dropout.mid and dropout.shape aren't length equal to ",
"nCells (", n, "), set dropout.mid and dropout.shape ",
object <- callNextMethod()
#' @rdname setParams
setMethod("setParams", "SplatParams", function(object, update = NULL, ...) {
checkmate::assertClass(object, classes = "SplatParams")
checkmate::assertList(update, null.ok = TRUE)
update <- c(update, list(...))
update <- bringItemsForward(update, c("batchCells", "group.prob"))
object <- callNextMethod(object, update)
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
setMethod("show", "SplatParams", function(object) {
pp <- list("Batches:" = c("[Batches]" = "nBatches",
"[Batch Cells]" = "batchCells",
"[Location]" = "batch.facLoc",
"[Scale]" = "batch.facScale"),
"Mean:" = c("(Rate)" = "mean.rate",
"(Shape)" = "mean.shape"),
"Library size:" = c("(Location)" = "lib.loc",
"(Scale)" = "lib.scale",
"(Norm)" = "lib.norm"),
"Exprs outliers:" = c("(Probability)" = "out.prob",
"(Location)" = "out.facLoc",
"(Scale)" = "out.facScale"),
"Groups:" = c("[Groups]" = "nGroups",
"[Group Probs]" = "group.prob"),
"Diff expr:" = c("[Probability]" = "de.prob",
"[Down Prob]" = "de.downProb",
"[Location]" = "de.facLoc",
"[Scale]" = "de.facScale"),
"BCV:" = c("(Common Disp)" = "bcv.common",
"(DoF)" = "bcv.df"),
"Dropout:" = c("[Type]" = "dropout.type",
"(Midpoint)" = "dropout.mid",
"(Shape)" = "dropout.shape"),
"Paths:" = c("[From]" = "path.from",
"[Steps]" = "path.nSteps",
"[Skew]" = "path.skew",
"[Non-linear]" = "path.nonlinearProb",
"[Sigma Factor]" = "path.sigmaFac"))
showPP(object, pp)
#' @rdname expandParams
setMethod("expandParams", "SplatParams", function(object) {
n <- getParam(object, "nBatches")
vectors <- c("batch.facLoc", "batch.facScale")
object <- callNextMethod(object, vectors, n)
n <- getParam(object, "nGroups")
vectors <- c("de.prob", "de.downProb", "de.facLoc", "de.facScale",
"path.from", "path.nSteps", "path.skew")
object <- callNextMethod(object, vectors, n)
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