
#' Generic function that returns the CytoK features
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK features
#' @rdname CytoKFeatures
setGeneric(name = "CytoKFeatures",
           def = function(object) {

#' Generic function that returns the ordered CytoK features
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK features ordered by adjusted p values
#' @rdname CytoKFeaturesOrdered
setGeneric(name = "CytoKFeaturesOrdered",
           def = function(object) {

#' Generic function that returns the CytoK Differentially
#' Expressed (DE) features
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK DE features
#' @rdname CytoKDEfeatures
setGeneric(name = "CytoKDEfeatures",
           def = function(object) {

#' Generic function that returns the CytoK Data
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK Data
#' @rdname CytoKData
setGeneric(name = "CytoKData",
           def = function(object) {

#' Generic function that returns the CytoK level of
#' significance (alpha) 
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK alpha
#' @rdname CytoKalpha
setGeneric(name = "CytoKalpha",
           def = function(object) {

#' Generic function that returns the CytoK Feature Vars
#' Given a CytoK object, this function returns the
#' CytoK Feature Vars
#' @rdname CytoKFeatureVars
setGeneric(name = "CytoKFeatureVars",
           def = function(object) {
Ghoshlab/cytoKernel documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 9:17 a.m.