knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The analysis of ChIP-seq samples outputs a number of enriched regions (commonly known as "peaks"), each indicating a protein-DNA interaction or a specific chromatin modification. When replicate samples are analyzed, overlapping peaks are expected. This repeated evidence can therefore be used to locally lower the minimum significance required to accept a peak. MSPC is a method for joint analysis of weak peaks. Given a set of peaks from (biological or technical) replicates, MSPC combines the p-values of overlapping enriched regions, and allows the "rescue" of weak peaks occurring in more than one replicate. In other words, MSPC comparatively evaluates ChIP-seq peaks and combines the statistical significance of repeated evidences, with the aim of lowering the minimum significance required to “rescue” weak peaks; hence reducing false-negatives.

Run MSPC from Command Line or as an R Package

The MSPC method is implemented as a C# .NET library with two interfaces: A cross-platform command line interface, and an R package. Both interfaces are built on the same library, hence they provide the same functionality and produce the same output.

The documentation for running the package from a terminal on Linux, macOS, and Windows is available at this page. The present package, rmspc, is developed to run MSPC from R. The package facilitates usage and integration of MSPC with pipelines/scripts written in R. This document explores how to use MSPC program from Rstudio, using the rmspc package.


A prerequisite for the rmspc package is .NET 6.0 (since it is developed on program implemented in C# .NET). You can check if .NET is installed using the command dotnet --info run in a terminal. If .NET is installed, the output of the command shows the version of the installed framework (should be 6.0 or newer). If not installed, you may install following these instructions.

Using the rmspc package

Installing and loading the package

The installation of the package goes as follows :

if (!require("BiocManager"))

If the package BiocManager is not installed in the user's computer, it will be installed as well.

A package only needs to be installed once. We load the rmspc package into an R session :


The package has one external function: mspc. This is the main function of the package that we use to run the MSPC program in R.

Required arguments of the mspc function

There are 4 required arguments that the user needs to specify to run the mspc function.

These arguments are:

More information about the arguments of the mspc function can be found in the package documentation.

It is important to note that the input argument can be given in two possible formats.

Scenario 1: Input as path file to BED files

In this first scenario, we suppose the samples we want to use as input data for the mspc function are in a BED file format. We will use for this example the external data available in the package.

path <- system.file("extdata", package = "rmspc")

We have two sample files available in the directory inst/extdata of the package :


More information about these sample files is available in the data documentation file.

We specify the input argument. In this first scenario, the input argument is a character vector. Each element of the vector is a file path of a BED file.

input1 <- paste0(path, "/rep1.bed")
input2 <- paste0(path, "/rep2.bed")
input <- c(input1, input2)

When the mspc function is called, it creates a number of files in the user's computer. If the user wishes to keep all the files generated in their computer, they can set the argument keep to TRUE.

More information regarding this argument is available in the documentation.

We run the mspc function as follows :

results <- mspc(
    input = input, replicateType = "Technical",
    stringencyThreshold = 1e-8,
    weakThreshold = 1e-4, gamma = 1e-8,
    keep = FALSE,GRanges = TRUE,
    multipleIntersections = "Lowest",
    c = 2,alpha = 0.05)

The mspc function prints the results of the MSPC program. The first line of the output printed gives the exported directory, which is the directory where the files generated by the mspc function are created.

The function returns the following:

  1. status: Integer. The exit status of running the mspc function. A 0 exit status means the function ran successfully.
  2. filesCreated: List of character vectors. It lists the names of the files generated while running the mspc function.
  3. GrangesObjects: GRanges list. All the files generated while running the mspc function are imported as GRanges objects, and are combined into a GRanges list.

It is important to note that the mspc function does not always return these three elements. The output of the function depends on the arguments keep and GRanges given to the mspc function.

In this example, we chose to set the argument keep to FALSE, and GRanges to TRUE.

By doing so, we chose to ask the function to return all the files generated as GRanges objects, but to not keep them in the computer. The objects returned by the mspc function in this example are therefore :


Each element of the GRangesObjects of the output can be accessed as such:


In order to understand better the output of the mspc function, let's go over the files generated while running the mspc function. These files are listed by the filesCreated object, returned by the mspc function :

Each category of peaks is defined as such :

Peaks with p-value >= weakThreshold.

Peaks with stringencyThreshold <= p-value < weakThreshold.

Peaks with p-value < stringencyThreshold.

Peaks that:

  1. are supported by at least c peaks from replicates, and
  2. their combined stringency (xSquared) satisfies the given threshold: xSquared >= the inverse of the right-tailed probability of gamma and
  3. if technical replicate, passed all the tests, and if biological replicate, passed at least one test.

  4. Discarded :

Peaks that:

  1. does not have minimum required (i.e., c) supporting evidence, or
  2. their combined stringency (xSquared) does not satisfy the given threshold, or
  3. if technical replicate, failed a test.

  4. TruePositive :

The confirmed peaks that pass the Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction at level alpha.

The confirmed peaks that fail Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction at level alpha.

More information about the files generated by the mspc function can be found here.

Scenario 2: Input as Granges objects

In this second scenario, we suppose the samples we want to use as input data for the mspc function are GRanges objects, loaded in the R environment the user is working on.

To exemplify this scenario, we will import the BED files, included in the package, as GRanges objects into our R environment.

In order to do so, we need to install and load the two following Bioconductor packages: GenomicRanges and rtracklayer.

BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges",dependencies = TRUE)
BiocManager::install("rtracklayer",dependencies = TRUE)

We load these packages to our R session as follows:


We now import the two BED files, that are available in the folder inst/extdata of the package, as GRanges objects.

path <- system.file("extdata", package = "rmspc")
input1 <- paste0(path, "/rep1.bed")
input2 <- paste0(path, "/rep2.bed")

GR1 <- rtracklayer::import(con = input1, format = "bed")
GR2 <- rtracklayer::import(con = input2, format = "bed")

We have now created 2 GRanges objects : GR1 and GR2. Here's what the GR1 object is like:


We can now combine the GRanges objects, GR1 and GR2, into a GRanges list. A Granges list is a list of several GRanges objects. It is defined as such:

GR <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList("GR1" = GR1, "GR2" = GR2)

The GRanges list GR created is the input we will give to the mspc function.

When we give a Granges list to the mspc function as input, each GRanges object of the GRanges list is exported as a BED file into the folder specified by the argument directoryGRangesInput.

More information about the directoryGRangesInput argument in the documentation.

We now will call the mspc function, as follows:

results <- mspc(
    input = GR, replicateType = "Biological",
    stringencyThreshold = 1e-8, weakThreshold = 1e-4,
    gamma =  1e-8, GRanges = TRUE, keep = FALSE,
    multipleIntersections = "Highest",
    c = 2,alpha = 0.05)

The objects returned by the mspc function in this example are:


Session Information

The output in this vignette was produced under the following conditions:


Bibliographic references

Jalili, V., Matteucci, M., Masseroli, M., & Morelli, M. J. (2015). Using combined evidence from replicates to evaluate ChIP-seq peaks. Bioinformatics, 31(17), 2761-2769. Link to the article

Genometric/rmspc documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 8:19 p.m.