Desdemona: Not to pick bad from bad, but by bad mend! Othello (Act IV, Scene iii) - William Shakespeare.
This is a wrapper round DESeq2 which standardises the process of
generating DESeq2::results
objects for a specifiable set of
comparisons. Each comparison is done in the context of a model (a
specification of what covariates need to be accounted for in
predicting the expression of any transcript). And each model is
formulated in a sample-set (which is usually all the samples, but can
be changed to drop samples, or look at a subset in an isolated way).
There are two inputs to the analysis pipeline: a raw DESeq2 object;
and an analysis specification. The DESeq2 object should be stored as
which contains all the counts in its counts
assay, and all the predictors should be stored as columns of the
slot. We'll show a simple way of turning the results of the
NF-Core RNASeq pipeline into a suitable object later.
All the hints as to what analyses are to be carried out are stored in
a .spec
file, and there can be as many of these as you want - so you
could have an overview.spec
file that tried out a handful of
approaches, and a publication.spec
that recorded the chosen
approach. Each .spec
file is in fact an R script (and so should be
treated with as much caution, security-wise, as any other script), but
is expected to be of a certain form, the first criterion is that it
should start and end as follows:
The highest level of any DESDemonA analysis is a choice as to what samples are to be analysed together. Often this is trivial, and the only sensible analysis is to look at all the samples together. But even in the simplest experiment, it might be observed for example that one sample is an outlier and we'd like to examine the effect of omitting or retaining this sample. We can accomplish this easily:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE
subset = sample_id != "id_of_bad_sample"
So a collection of samples is called a sample_set
, and we have two
(a list
) of them here. The subset
expression of a sample_set is
evaluated in the context of the colData
, so the first one always
evaluates to TRUE
, denoted that we include all samples; the second
one evaluates to FALSE
for a particular sample (assuming we have a
sample_id column in our colData
), dropping that sample.
Other reasons we may want to subset our samples into different configurations is: if there are two very different cohorts of samples where transcripts are likely to have substantially different noise profiles and we want to avoid contaminating one set of samples with the estimates of dispersion that hold for the other set. Of course it then becomes impossible to statistically test between the two cohorts, but we can have a third set that still combines them:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE
subset = condition == "tumour"
subset = condition == "normal"
It is possible to transform some of the predictors (columns of
) at this stage, but we will (describe this)[later]. But for
now we'll look at the main analysis attribute of a sample set, namely
the model we'll use to estimate the expression in the various
experimental conditions those samples were taken from:
DESeq2 uses R's standard one-sided formulas to inform the analysis as
to which predictors to use in fitting a negative-binomial model of
expression counts. The colData
slot should contain all the potential
predictors, and the design
slot of a DESeq2 object encodes a
considered choice of which are relevant to the biological
question. Obviously, if the question is to find which genes are
differentially expressed between two treatments, then a predictor
annotating which treatment a sample is subject to is necessary. But
quite often there will be other covariates need to be accounted for,
such as batch; or perhaps there's a subtler question of finding genes
that respond differently to treatment depending on the genotype of the
We may want to consider alternative models, for instance whether or not to include a batch effect: if the batch effect is negligible we won't want to use up degrees of freedom (ie power) estimating it, but if it's substantial then we want to make our estimates more precise by accounting for it. So we allow, in any given sample_set, for there to be multiple models:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE,
models = list(
accurate = model(
design = ~treatment + batch
powerful = model(
design = ~treatment
So once again the plural 'models' is a list of individual model
objects, which for the moment we've just specified by their design
exactly as we would for a DESeq
object. Once we have a model, we are
then in a position to test the significance of contrasts (e.g.
individual log fold-changes between conditions) and terms in the model
(e.g whether batch effect is necessary or not):
DESeq2 has multiple ways of specifying a contrast. All of these are supported, and again as 'comparisons' is plural, we can have a list of them, and have DESDemonA loop through all of them for the parent model:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE,
models = list(
accurate = model(
design = ~treatment + batch,
comparisons = list(
comp1 = "treat_vs_ctrl",
comp2 = c("treatment", "treat", "ctrl"),
comp3 = list(c("treat_vs_ctrl"), c("vehicle_vs_ctrl"), listValues=c(1,-1))
comp4 = c(1,0,-0.5,-0.5),
comp5 = ~treatment
So all of the traditional ways of specifying a contrast are represented, respectively:
by a single character, traditionally done in DESeq2 with
results(..., name="treat_vs_ctrl")
A character triplet
A two-component list of characters indicating the numerator and
denominator (with possible listValues
A numeric vector.
A formula specifying the reduced
term for carrying out Anova via
a likelihood ratio test.
You are referred to the DESeq2 reference manual for further details,
but one advantage of DESDemonA is that it allows a simple enumeration
of complex comparisons using machinery from the emmeans
We often find ourselves copying a contrast multiple times, with slight changes to elicit comparisons between different conditions. For example if our samples have been subject to three different treatment regimes, and a control, so treatment={control, vehicle, standard, novel_treatment}, and we wanted to compare everything to control, then we'd need to hand-write three comparisons. Instead we can now write
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE,
models = list(
accurate = model(
design = ~treatment + batch,
comparisons = list(
mult_comp(trt.vs.ctrl ~ treatment, ref="control")
where the trt.vs.ctrl
is a 'keyword' instructing as to which comparisons to
carry out - in this case every value of treatment
against the ones
labelled "control". There are a number of other helpful keywords:
is the most 'verbose', in that it will generate every
pair of comparisons, in this case there are six combinations, and it
can go up rapidly. Due to a slightly annoying convention, pairwise
choses an unintuitive ordering that would result in comparisons such
as 'control vs novel_treatment' (and a positive fold change would mean
higher expression in the control than the novel treatment), and
has the more conventional ordering of
'novel_treatment vs control' and it's more intuitive positive log
fold-change indicating higher expression in the treated to the
control. This assumes the levels of the factor are given in the
conventional order of the previous paragraph.
takes adjacent pairs along the levels, so again quite a
natural 'vehicle vs control', 'standard vs vehicle' and finally
'novel_treatment vs standard'
chooses one baseline (which we can select with an
additional ref
argument, rather than having to relevel
the data)
and compares everything else against it.
looks to see if splitting the levels at any particlar
point reveals a change between levels before vs after that
breakpoint, so amongst other things would test if the average of the
vehicle and control was different from the average of the
standard and novel treatment.
tests whether each individual level is different from the
average of the remaining levels.
When we don't have an interaction term in our model, this is everything we'd ever need, as for example the difference between 'novel_treatment' and 'control' is by construction independent of which batch we're in.
When our model includes an interaction between two main effects, say between treatment and genotype, then the magnitude of difference between two treatments can depend on the genotype. This leads to two types of follow-up question: stratifying the data by one factor, and then examining the effect of the other factor in each individual stratum, or; examining the interaction itself, so looking to see if the magnitude of effect is different in one stratum than another.
To make this more concrete for the genotype x treatment case, we could ask: which genes are responding to treatment in the KO; which genes are responding to treatment in the WT; which genes are differential between WT and KO in the untreated. These are all questions of the first type, and we can automatically generate their contrasts by:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE,
models = list(
accurate = model(
design = ~treatment * genotype,
comparisons = list(
mult_comp(revpairwise ~ treatment | genotype)
mult_comp(revpairwise ~ genotype | treatment)
so the |
symbol is to be read as "stratified by" (or "conditioned
on"). The first mult_comp
is stratifying the treatment, and will
generate the pairwise comparisons within treatment, separately for
each different genotype. The second is the dual question: For each
treatment, find the genes that are 'markers of genotype' within that
treatment group.
The second type of question, where we want to investigate a 'difference of differences', is achieved by the following grammar:
mult_comp(revpairwise+revpairwise ~ treatment + genotype, interaction=TRUE)
The terms on the right hand side of the formula enumerate the
predictors we're concerned in (there's no need to have their
interaction - that's already known because of the design
), and the
left hand side specifies the contrasts that are going to be considered
(so any of the keywords from the previous section) - there need's to
be either one (which will be applied to all predictors), or one per
factor on the other side of the formula (as here) in the respective
The above is probably quite intimidating, so please ask for help on this - I'll try to write something a bit more friendly.
With the ease of testing so many hypotheses comes a risk of fishing the data, resulting in spurious statistical associations. Strictly speaking, anything beyond one comparison on the data requires a more conservative approach than is achieved even with the traditional control for FDR to account for the multiplicity of genes.
The ideal situation is the tests are prespecified. If that is the case, then we should really run an anova to confirm that a change exists somewhere, and then do at most n-1 comparisons (where n is the number of levels in the factor of interest, so at most three comparisons for our four-treatment example) and choose transcripts where both the anova and contrast are significant. There's a further technical constraint that the comparisons should be independent but that is often ignored. If there are more comparisons of interest, then the p-values won't be controlled at the correct rate.
Often, the ideal situation is not achieved, and an exploratory approach is requested. Being strict one should immediately correct for the abundance of hypotheses in this situation. Pragmatically and traditionally we neither adjust in this situation nor consider possible adjusting in the pre-specificied case - this means that the p-values aren't correctly calibrated, and one of the reasons why I discourage presenting them in any quantitative form as part of the results.
One of the most common hurdles in complex designs is the rank-deficiency problem. The way the experiment has been described can result in the analysis struggling to identify an estimate for a particular experimental condition. This happens for one of three reasons:
The design has a fatal flaw. If all your treated samples are in one batch, and all your control samples in another batch, you cannot estimate the extent on how these individually influence expression.
Some conditions have no samples. For example, in our genotype x treatment experiment, we might not have a 'vehicle' treatment in one of our genotypes.
There is a nesting indicative of repeated measurements. Individuals might have submitted multiple samples (perhaps a time-course), and also be members of larger groups (their disease status, which is assumed constant throughout the time-course).
The latter two are remediable through some tweaks to the inputs of DESeq2, the first will need the advice of a statistician to see if anything is recoverable and at what compromise.
The 'missing condition' case is easily remedied by supplying the
option drop_unsupported_combinations=TRUE
to any model you want
this to apply to. The 'nesting' case normally requires a tweak to the
way factors are coded, and we have made it easy to achieve this
through a transform
option to any sample_set. Both options are
illustrated below:
sample_sets =list(
all = sample_set(
subset = TRUE,
transform = mutate(unit = recode_within(unit, genotype))
models = list(
nested = model(
design = ~timepoint * genotype + person:genotype,
comparisons = list(
mult_comp(revpairwise ~ timepoint | genotype),
The 'missing condition' case is achieved by just the one line; the
nesting is more complex - we firstly have to have a 'unit' column in
our colData
that identifies which biological unit (person, animal,
plate) a sample belongs to. Then the transform
line calls a recode_
function that tells us that unit is nested within genotype
here. And we alter the design
in accordance with the DESeq2 vignette
on within- and between- group comparisons.
The transform
statement can be used to adjust any of the colData
columns in-line, though it might be better to generate then in the
original DESeq2 data object that is taken as input.
Other than the overall modelling strategy, it's important to be able
to tune the analysis by choosing the parameters behind the
algorithms. It's possible to set any parameters that the core analysis
script has made available to you through the settings
top level
sample_sets =list(
settings=settings( ## analysis parameters
alpha = 0.05, ## p-value cutoff
lfcThreshold = 0, ## abs lfc threshold
baseMeanMin = 5, ## discard transcripts with average normalised counts lower than this
top_n_variable = 500, ## For PCA
showCategory = 25, ## For enrichment analyses
seed = 1, ## random seed gets set at start of script, just in case.
filterFun = IHW::ihw ## NULL for standard DESeq2 results, otherwise functions
It's necessary to configure git so that the author of any analyses you create is correctly assigned; this is a one-off process if you haven't done it before:
git config --global "First Last"
git config --global ""
To let the ts
command know where the template directory is, it is
necessary to set an environment variable template_config
. We
recommend the following in line in your .bashrc
export template_config=/camp/stp/babs/working/kellyg/templates/
(The contents of that
file will tell the ts
system the
location of template directories - if you want to have different ones,
you can set template_config
to a different file, and have that file
customise the contents.)
The process of generating the required analysis files will
necessarily write some files into the current directory, so it's
safest to move to a new empty directory, or ideally one containing
just a .babs
file. Then it's simply a case of running:
ts template
This will create the required files in the current directory.
directory to start an R analysis, in that it gives you a renv
environment containing the latest version of DESdemonA. But it doesn't
actually give you any scripts - they are all now generated by a
makefile that has been put in your directory.
ing an analysisThe makefile
is a set of scripts that ensure the initial analysis is
reproducible. It has the option to run the NF-Core RNASeq pipeline,
but for current purposes we will assume that this has already been
done. There are a few parameters that we still need to set, though
many will have sensible defaults. But the following need to be checked.
nf_outdir := results$(spec_suffix)# where to store results
# Where the downstream analysis should put it's results
des_outdir := ${nf_outdir}
# Where to look for experimental design information
des_metadata := inst/extdata/metadata.xlsx
tells us where the nf-core pipeline has put its results
(there's an extra spec_suffix
variable that is blank by default, and
can be used to flip between different nf-core runs that may have
different genomes). By default, the differential analysis will create
subdirectories in the same place nf-core does, but this can be
customised. Finally, we need to tell it where to find our
samplesheet. By default, this is in the inst/extdata
as that will mean the whole analysis will be easy to turn into an R
package for distribution.
Once these are set, then
make init
will generate some R scripts that will carry out the analysis.
You may notice that it contains a DESCRIPTION
file -
which is enough for R to think it is a package. I'm trying to promote
the bundling up of analysis scripts into a package - all data
generated by following this approach will be stored in a data
directory making it easier to distribute complete analyses.
The generated files are customised to represent the information that
could be retrieved from the .babs
file, so the yaml metadata in the
analysis scripts, and the fields of the projects DESCRIPTION
are filled in with sensible starting values given the project's context.
If you're not using BABS' standard approach, you'll want to edit the
file so that it is specific to your project, and
similarly the yaml metadata in the R scripts.
All that remains is to create your initial dds object and specificy your first analysis:
You should now have an 00_init.r
file and a 01_analyse.r
you can edit them, but they should be capable of being executed
automatically. The former just turns all the counts into a
universal DESeq2 object, with as much metadata as it can derive, such
as organism, colData etc. It creates a single object in the data
directory that all down-stream processes refer to. 01_analyse.r
one such script - which loads the universal count object, and
analyses it according to a spec file. Both of these will be
automatically run upon typing:
make analyses
which will discover all spec
files in the current directory, and
analyse the data according to the analysis plan. If you want to be
explicit and execute a specific plan e.g. default.spec
then you can
use the following (ie swapping the .spec
to _dds.rda
to run a
given spec file)
make data/default_dds.rda
If you want to remain in R and run the analysis 'manually' then the above are primarily doing
R> library(rmarkdown)
R> render("01_analysis.r", params(res_dir="results", spec_file="default.spec"))
As you see, 01_analysis.r
is the main script, so if you want to
customise the reports to add extra functionality, then this is the
place to start - I'll write some 'developer' documentation to cover
In addition to creating an R object which contains all the results of
all the analyses specified, any of these ways of invoking the
analysis will produce an HTML report in the results
The bioinformatician's output is contained in the
object. If you have R with the working directory at
the top level of our project, you will be able to access it with
R> data(default_dds)
(And any other name for your .spec
file will have a corresponding
expression, swapping 'default' to the relevant base-name). This is a
triply-nested list, called dds_model_comp
. The first corresponds to
the datasets, so for example
R> names(dds_model_comp)
[1] "all" "tumour" "normal"
corresponds to our situation where we analysed the tumour/normal cohorts both together and individually. The next level of the list corresponds to the models that were run on that dataset:
R> names(default_dds$all)
[1] "accurate" "powerful"
might represent the two different approaches we used to account for a potential batch effect. And finally the third level corresponds to the individual comparisons:
R> names(default_dds$all$accurate)
[1] "comp1" "comp2" "comp3" "comp4"
R> class(default_dds$all$accurate$comp1
[1] "DESeqDataSet"
R> mcols(default_dds$all$accurate$comp1)$results
DataFrame with 19319 rows and 11 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj weight symbol entrez class shrunkLFC
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <character> <character> <character> <numeric>
So we have the results
stored in the mcols
of each DESeqDataSet
that's stored in the third level of the list. You can use
purrr:map_depth(default_dds, .depth=3)
as one way of extracting
these, or loops, or ...
We also generate a standard report of the results, most of the sections being fairly self-explanatory. We may produce some more documentation on this at some point.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.