#' @title moonlight pipeline
#' @description moonlight is a tool for identification of cancer driver genes.
#' This function wraps the different steps of the complete analysis workflow.
#' Providing different solutions:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item MoonlighR::FEA
#' \item MoonlighR::URA
#' \item MoonlighR::PIA
#' }
#' @param cancerType select cancer type for which analysis should be run. panCancer
#' for all available cancer types in TCGA. Defaults to panCancer
#' @param dataType dataType
#' @param directory directory
#' @param BPname biological processes to use, if NULL: all processes will be used in analysis, RF for candidate; if not NULL the candidates for these processes will be determined (no learning)
#' @param cor.cut cor.cut Threshold
#' @param qnt.cut qnt.cut Threshold
#' @param Genelist Genelist
#' @param fdr.cut fdr.cut Threshold
#' @param logFC.cut logFC.cut Threshold
#' @param kNearest kNearest
#' @param nTF nTF
#' @param corThreshold corThreshold
#' @param nGenesPerm nGenesPerm
#' @param nBoot nBoot
#' @param DiffGenes DiffGenes
#' @param nSample nSample
#' @param thres.role thres.role
#' @param stage stage
#' @param subtype subtype
#' @param samples samples
#' @export
#' @return table with cancer driver genes TSG and OCG.
#' @examples
#' dataDEGs <- DPA(dataFilt = dataFilt, dataType = "Gene expression")
#' # to change with moonlight
moonlight <- function(cancerType="panCancer", dataType="Gene expression",
directory = "GDCdata", BPname = NULL,cor.cut = 0.6,
qnt.cut = 0.25, Genelist= NULL, fdr.cut = 0.01, logFC.cut = 1,
corThreshold = 0.6, kNearest = 3, nGenesPerm = 10, DiffGenes = FALSE,
nBoot = 100, nTF = NULL, nSample=NULL,thres.role = 0,
stage = NULL,subtype = 0, samples = NULL){
GDCprojects <- get("GDCprojects")
if(length(cancerType) == 1 && cancerType == "panCancer"){
cancerType <- sort(sapply(strsplit(grep("TCGA",GDCprojects,value=TRUE),"TCGA-"),"[",2))
res <- NULL
for(cancer.i in cancerType){
### get TCGA data
print("Get TCGA data")
print(paste("cancer type:", cancer.i))
dataFilt <- getDataTCGA(cancerType = cancer.i, dataType = dataType,
directory = directory, cor.cut = cor.cut, qnt.cut = qnt.cut,
nSample = nSample,stage = stage,
subtype = subtype, samples = samples)
### differential phenotype analysis
print("Differential phenotype analysis")
dataDEGs <- DPA(dataType = dataType, dataFilt = dataFilt, fdr.cut = fdr.cut,
logFC.cut = logFC.cut)
### functional enrichment analysis -> carried out in URA, not necessary hear
# print("-----------------------------------------")
# print("Functional enrichment analysis")
# print("-----------------------------------------")
# dataFEA <- FEA(BPname=BPname, DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs)
### gene regulatory network
print("Gene regulatory network")
#### parameter nTF for testing purposes
nTF <- nrow(dataDEGs)
Genelist <- rownames(dataDEGs)[1:nTF]
dataGRN <- GRN(TFs = Genelist, normCounts = dataFilt,
DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs,DiffGenes = FALSE,
nGenesPerm = nGenesPerm, kNearest = kNearest, nBoot = nBoot)
### upstream regulator analysis
print("Upstream regulator analysis")
dataURA <- URA(dataGRN = dataGRN, DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs, BPname = BPname)
### get TSG/OCG candidates using random forest
print("Get candidates")
listCandidates <- PRA(dataURA = dataURA, BPname = BPname, thres.role = thres.role)
res.i <- list(dataDEGs = dataDEGs,
dataURA = dataURA,
listCandidates = listCandidates)
res <- c(res, list(res.i))
names(res) <- cancerType
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