
Defines functions print.summary.GauPro summary.GauPro predict.GauPro

Documented in predict.GauPro print.summary.GauPro summary.GauPro

# S3 methods for GauPro_kernel_model, which has class GauPro
# plot, print, and format are automatically dispatched, all others must be added

#' Predict for class GauPro
#' @param object Object of class GauPro
#' @param XX new points to predict
#' @param se.fit Should standard error be returned (and variance)?
#' @param covmat Should the covariance matrix be returned?
#' @param split_speed Should the calculation be split up to speed it up?
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return Prediction from object at XX
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 12
#' x <- matrix(seq(0,1,length.out = n), ncol=1)
#' y <- sin(2*pi*x) + rnorm(n,0,1e-1)
#' gp <- GauPro(X=x, Z=y, parallel=FALSE)
#' predict(gp, .448)
predict.GauPro <- function(object, XX, se.fit=F, covmat=F, split_speed=T, ...) {
  object$predict(XX=XX, se.fit=se.fit, covmat=covmat, split_speed=split_speed)

#' Summary for GauPro object
#' @param object GauPro R6 object
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to summary
#' @return Summary
#' @export
summary.GauPro <- function(object, ...) {

#' Print summary.GauPro
#' @param x summary.GauPro object
#' @param ... Additional args
#' @importFrom stats binom.test
#' @return prints, returns invisible object
#' @export
print.summary.GauPro <- function(x, ...) {
  # Formula
  cat("\t", x$formula, "\n\n")

  # Residuals

  # Importance
  cat("\nFeature importance:\n")

  # AIC
  cat("\nAIC:", x$AIC, "\n")

  # R-squared, Adj R-squared
  cat("\nPseudo leave-one-out R-squared       :")
  cat("  ", x$r.squaredLOO, "\n")
  cat("Pseudo leave-one-out R-squared (adj.):")
  cat("  ", x$r.squared.adjLOO, "\n")

  # Coverage
  pval68 <- signif(binom.test(x$coverage68LOO*x$N, x$N, .68)$p.value, 4)
  pval95 <- signif(binom.test(x$coverage95LOO*x$N, x$N, .95)$p.value, 4)
  cat("\nLeave-one-out coverage on", x$N,
      "samples (small p-value implies bad fit):\n")
  coverage68LOO <- signif(x$coverage68LOO, 4)
  coverage95LOO <- signif(x$coverage95LOO, 4)
  pvalchar <- 2 + max(nchar(format(coverage68LOO)),
  cat("\t68%: ", format(coverage68LOO, width=pvalchar),
      "       p-value:  ", pval68, "\n")
  cat("\t95%: ", format(coverage95LOO, width=pvalchar),
      "       p-value:  ", pval95, "\n")

  # Return invisible self

#' Kernel sum
#' @param k1 First kernel
#' @param k2 Second kernel
#' @return Kernel which is sum of two kernels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' k1 <- Exponential$new(beta=1)
#' k2 <- Matern32$new(beta=0)
#' k <- k1 + k2
#' k$k(matrix(c(2,1), ncol=1))
'+.GauPro_kernel' <- function(k1, k2) {
  if (is.numeric(k1) && k1==0) {
  if (is.numeric(k2) && k2==0) {
  if (!("GauPro_kernel" %in% class(k1))) {
    stop("Can only add GauPro kernels with other kernels")
  if (!("GauPro_kernel" %in% class(k2))) {
    stop("Can only add GauPro kernels with other kernels")
  kernel_sum$new(k1=k1, k2=k2)

#' Kernel product
#' @param k1 First kernel
#' @param k2 Second kernel
#' @return Kernel which is product of two kernels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' k1 <- Exponential$new(beta=1)
#' k2 <- Matern32$new(beta=0)
#' k <- k1 * k2
#' k$k(matrix(c(2,1), ncol=1))
'*.GauPro_kernel' <- function(k1, k2) {
  if (is.numeric(k1) && k1==1) {
  if (is.numeric(k2) && k2==1) {
  if (!("GauPro_kernel" %in% class(k1))) {
    stop("Can only multiply GauPro kernels with other kernels")
  if (!("GauPro_kernel" %in% class(k2))) {
    stop("Can only multiply GauPro kernels with other kernels")
  kernel_product$new(k1=k1, k2=k2)
CollinErickson/GauPro documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:32 p.m.