#' @include constructor.R
#' Recompute missing values of cacomp object.
#' @description
#' The caobj needs to have the std_coords_cols, the prin_coords_rows and D
#' calculated. From this the remainder will be calculated.
#' Future updates might extend this functionality.
#' @return
#' A cacomp object with additional calculated row_masses, col_masses,
#' std_coords_rows, U and V.
#' @param calist A list with std_coords_cols, the prin_coords_rows and D.
#' @param mat A matrix from which the cacomp object is derived from.
#' @param rm_zeros Removes rows & columns containing only zeros.
#' @param top number of most variable rows to keep when running cacomp.
#' Default is nrow(mat).
#' @param ... Further arguments forwarded to cacomp.
recompute <- function(calist, mat, rm_zeros = TRUE, top = nrow(mat), ...){
stopifnot(is(calist, "list"))
stopifnot(is(mat, "matrix") | is(mat, "dgCMatrix"))
mat <- rm_zeros(mat)
# make stock of what we have
std_rows <- is.null(calist$std_coords_rows)
std_cols <- is.null(calist$std_coords_cols)
prin_rows <- is.null(calist$prin_coords_rows)
prin_cols <- is.null(calist$prin_coords_cols)
sp_rows <- std_rows & prin_rows
sp_cols <- std_cols & prin_cols
d <- is.null(calist$D)
v <- is.null(calist$V)
u <- is.null(calist$U)
# mat <- var_rows(mat = mat,
# top = nrow(mat))
res <- comp_std_residuals(mat=mat)
S <- res$S
tot <- res$tot
rowm <- res$rowm
colm <- res$colm
if(std_rows & !u) {
calist$std_coords_rows <- sweep(x = calist$U,
STATS = sqrt(rowm),
FUN = "/")
std_rows <- FALSE
if(std_cols & !v){
calist$std_coords_cols <- sweep(x = calist$V,
STATS = sqrt(colm),
FUN = "/")
std_cols <- FALSE
call_svd <- FALSE
done <- FALSE
while (isFALSE(done)){
if (std_cols){
if (d){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
# check if we can get D with row coords, otherwise call cacomp
if(std_rows | prin_rows){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_rows[1,]/calist$std_coords_rows[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else if (prin_cols){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
# calculate std_coords
calist$std_coords_cols <- sweep(calist$prin_coords_cols,
std_cols <- FALSE
} else if (d) {
if (prin_cols) {
# check if we can get d through rows, otherweise cacomp
if(std_rows | prin_rows){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_rows[1,]/calist$std_coords_rows[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else {
# calculate d from col coordinates
# calist$D <- colMeans(sweep(calist$prin_coords_cols,
# 1,
# calist$std_coords_cols,
# "/"))
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_cols[1,]/calist$std_coords_cols[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else if (prin_cols){
# calculate prin_cols with D and std
calist$prin_coords_cols <- sweep(calist$std_coords_cols,
prin_cols <- FALSE
} else {
# all calculated
done <- TRUE
done <- FALSE
while (isFALSE(done)){
if (std_rows){
if (d){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
# check if we can get D with row coords, otherwise call cacomp
if(std_cols | prin_cols){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_cols[1,]/calist$std_coords_cols[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else if (prin_rows){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
# calculate std_coords
calist$std_coords_rows <- sweep(calist$prin_coords_rows,
std_rows <- FALSE
} else if (d) {
if (prin_rows) {
# check if we can get d through rows, otherweise cacomp
if(std_cols | prin_cols){
call_svd <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
} else {
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_cols[1,]/calist$std_coords_cols[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else {
# calculate d from col coordinates
# calist$D <- colMeans(sweep(calist$prin_coords_rows, 1, calist$std_coords_rows, "/"))
calist$D <- calist$prin_coords_rows[1,]/calist$std_coords_rows[1,]
d <- FALSE
} else if (prin_rows){
# calculate prin_rows with D and std
calist$prin_coords_rows <- sweep(calist$std_coords_rows, 2, calist$D, "*")
prin_rows <- FALSE
} else {
# all calculated
done <- TRUE
message("Calling cacomp to recompute from matrix.")
ca <- cacomp(mat, princ_coords = 3, top = top, ...)
} else {
if (nrow(mat) != nrow(calist$std_coords_rows)){
stop("mat does not have have the correct number of rows.")
if (ncol(mat) != nrow(calist$std_coords_cols)){
stop("mat does not have have the correct number of columns.")
calist$std_coords_rows[is.na(calist$std_coords_rows)] <- 0
calist$std_coords_cols[is.na(calist$std_coords_cols)] <- 0
calist$std_coords_rows[is.infinite(calist$std_coords_rows)] <- 0
calist$std_coords_cols[is.infinite(calist$std_coords_cols)] <- 0
ordidx <- match(rownames(calist$prin_coords_rows), names(rowm))
calist$row_masses <- rowm[ordidx]
ordidx <- match(rownames(calist$std_coords_cols), names(colm))
calist$col_masses <- colm[ordidx]
if (u) calist$U <- sweep(calist$std_coords_rows,
if (v) calist$V <- sweep(calist$std_coords_cols,
calist$tot_inertia <- sum(calist$D^2)
calist$row_inertia <- Matrix::rowSums(S^2)
calist$col_inertia <- Matrix::colSums(S^2)
calist$top_rows <- nrow(mat)
calist$dims <- length(calist$D)
ca <- do.call(new_cacomp, calist)
#' Create cacomp object from Seurat/SingleCellExperiment container
#' @description
#' Converts the values stored in the Seurat/SingleCellExperiment dimensional
#' reduction slot "CA" to a cacomp object.
#' If recompute = TRUE additional parameters are recomputed from the saved
#' values without rerunning SVD (need to specify assay to work).
#' @details
#' By default extracts std_coords_cols, D, prin_coords_rows, top_rows and dims
#' from obj and outputs a cacomp object.
#' If recompute = TRUE the following are additionally recalculated
#' (doesn't run SVD):
#' U, V, std_coords_rows, row_masses, col_masses.
#' @return
#' A cacomp object.
#' @param obj An object of class "Seurat" or "SingleCellExperiment"
#' with a dim. reduction named "CA" saved. For obj "cacomp" input is returned.
#' @param assay Character. The assay from which extract the count matrix,
#' e.g. "RNA" for Seurat objects or "counts"/"logcounts" for
#' SingleCellExperiments.
#' @param ... Further arguments.
#' @export
setGeneric("as.cacomp", function(obj, ...) {
#' @description as.cacomp.cacomp returns input without any calculations.
#' @rdname as.cacomp
#' @export
setMethod(f = "as.cacomp", signature=(obj="cacomp"), function(obj, ...) {
stopifnot(is(obj, "cacomp"))
#' @description Recomputes missing values and returns cacomp object from a list.
#' If you have a *complete* cacomp object in list form,
#' use do.call(new_cacomp, obj).
#' @param mat Original input matrix.
#' @rdname as.cacomp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #########
#' # lists #
#' #########
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#' x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' # Run correspondence analysis
#' ca <- cacomp(obj = cnts, princ_coords = 3)
#' ca_list <- as.list(ca)
#' # Only keep subset of elements for demonstration
#' ca_list <- ca_list[c("U", "std_coords_rows", "std_coords_cols")]
#' # convert (incomplete) list to cacomp object.
#' ca <- as.cacomp(ca_list, mat = cnts)
setMethod(f = "as.cacomp",
function(obj, ..., mat = NULL) {
try_obj <- try(do.call(new_cacomp, obj), silent = TRUE)
if (is(try_obj, "try-error")){
obj <- recompute(calist = obj, mat = mat)
} else if (is(try_obj, "cacomp")){
} else {
stop("Unexpected output from try().")
#' @description
#' as.cacomp.Seurat: Converts the values stored in the Seurat DimReduc slot
#' "CA" to an cacomp object.
#' @param slot character. Slot of the Seurat assay to use. Default "counts".
#' @rdname as.cacomp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##########
#' # Seurat #
#' ##########
#' library(Seurat)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#' x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = cnts)
#' seu <- cacomp(seu, return_input = TRUE)
#' ca <- as.cacomp(seu, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")
setMethod(f = "as.cacomp",
function(obj, ..., assay="RNA", slot = "counts") {
stopifnot("obj doesn't belong to class 'Seurat'" = is(obj, "Seurat"))
stopifnot("obj doesn't contain a DimReduc object named 'CA'. Try running cacomp()." =
"CA" %in% names(obj@reductions))
if (is.null(assay)) assay <- Seurat::DefaultAssay(obj)
ca_list <- list("std_coords_cols" = Seurat::Embeddings(obj, reduction = "CA"),
"D" = Seurat::Stdev(obj, reduction = "CA"),
"prin_coords_rows" = Seurat::Loadings(obj, reduction = "CA"))
ca_list$top_rows <- nrow(ca_list$prin_coords_rows)
ca_list$dims <- length(ca_list$D)
colnames(ca_list$std_coords_cols) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ncol(ca_list$std_coords_cols)))
colnames(ca_list$prin_coords_rows) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ncol(ca_list$prin_coords_rows)))
names(ca_list$D) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(length(ca_list$D)))
stopifnot("Assay is needed to recompute cacomp." = !is.null(assay))
seu <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = obj, assay = assay, slot = slot)
seu <- as.matrix(seu)
seu <- seu[rownames(ca_list$prin_coords_rows),]
ca_obj <- recompute(calist = ca_list, mat = seu)
# ca_obj <- do.call(new_cacomp, ca_list)
#' @description
#' as.cacomp.SingleCellExperiment: Converts the values stored in the
#' SingleCellExperiment reducedDim slot "CA" to a cacomp object.
#' @rdname as.cacomp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ########################
#' # SingleCellExperiment #
#' ########################
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#' x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts=cnts))
#' sce <- cacomp(sce, return_input = TRUE)
#' ca <- as.cacomp(sce, assay = "counts")
setMethod(f = "as.cacomp",
function(obj, ..., assay="counts") {
sce_ca <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(obj, "CA")
stopifnot("Attribute singval of dimension reduction slot CA is empty.\nThis can happen after subsetting the sce obj." =
!is.null(attr(sce_ca, "singval")))
stopifnot("Attribute prin_coords_rows of dimension reduction slot CA is empty.\nThis can happen after subsetting the sce obj." =
!is.null(attr(sce_ca, "prin_coords_rows")))
ca_list <- list("std_coords_cols" = sce_ca,
"D" = attr(sce_ca, "singval"),
"prin_coords_rows" = attr(sce_ca, "prin_coords_rows"))
if(is.null(assay)) assay <- "counts"
attr(ca_list$std_coords_cols, "prin_coords_rows") <- NULL
attr(ca_list$std_coords_cols, "singval") <- NULL
attr(ca_list$std_coords_cols, "percInertia") <- NULL
ca_list$top_rows <- nrow(ca_list$prin_coords_rows)
ca_list$dims <- length(ca_list$D)
stopifnot("Assay is needed to recompute cacomp." = !is.null(assay))
scemat <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(obj, assay)
scemat <- scemat[rownames(ca_list$prin_coords_rows),]
ca_obj <- recompute(calist = ca_list, mat = scemat)
# ca_obj <- do.call(new_cacomp, ca_list)
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