
## show method for Anota2seqDataSet
## This method should give you a general overview of your data

          definition = function(object){
              cat("Information on input data.\n")
              cat(paste("dataP and dataT contain data for",nrow(object@dataP),"mRNA and",ncol(object@dataP),"samples.","\n",sep=" "))
              cat("Your sample classes are:\n","\t",levels(as.factor(object@phenoVec)),"\n",sep=" ")
              if(is.null(object@contrasts) == FALSE){
                  cat("contrasts used in the analysis are:\n")
                  for(rows in 1:dim(object@contrasts)[1]){
                      for(cols in 1:dim(object@contrasts)[2]){
              if(is.null(object@contrasts) == TRUE){
                  cat("\nNo custom contrasts set, default will be used.\n")
              if(is.null(object@translatedmRNA) == TRUE){
                  cat("No differential expression analysis for translated mRNA has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@totalmRNA) == TRUE){
                  cat("No differential expression analysis for total mRNA has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@translation) == TRUE){
                  cat("No analysis of translation has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@buffering) == TRUE){
                  cat("No analysis of buffering has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@translatedmRNA) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for differential expression analysis of translated mRNA detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@totalmRNA) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for differential expression analysis of total mRNA detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@translation) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for analysis of translation detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@buffering) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for analysis of buffering detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTranslatedmRNA) == TRUE){
                  cat("No selected data of differential expression analysis for translated mRNA has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTotalmRNA) == TRUE){
                  cat("No selected data of differential expression analysis for total mRNA has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTranslation) == TRUE){
                  cat("No selected data of analysis of translation has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedBuffering) == TRUE){
                  cat("No selected data of analysis of buffering has been detected.\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTranslatedmRNA) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for differential expression analysis of translated mRNA detected:\n")
                  showSelectedOutput(object,"translated mRNA")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTotalmRNA) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for differential expression analysis of total mRNA detected:\n")
                  showSelectedOutput(object,"total mRNA")
              if(is.null(object@selectedTranslation) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for analysis of translation detected:\n")
              if(is.null(object@selectedBuffering) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for analysis of buffering detected:\n")
              if(is.null(object@mRNAAbundance) == TRUE){
                  cat("\nNo output for mRNA abundance genes.\n")
              if(is.null(object@mRNAAbundance) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nOutput for mRNA abundance genes detected.\n")
                  showSelectedOutput(object,"mRNA abundance")
              if(is.null(object@mRNAAbundance) == FALSE){
                  cat("\nRegulatory modes selection:\n")
                  showRegModeOutput(object,"abundance","mRNA abundance")
ChrOertlin/anota2seq documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 2:17 p.m.