# require(purrr)
# require(plotly)
# require(Seurat)
# require(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
# fluidRow(
# column(width = 2,
# numericInput(inputId = "lowFeature", label = "lowFeature", value = 2000)),
# column(width = 2,
# numericInput(inputId = "pctMT", label = "pctMT", value = 5)),
# column(width = 2,
# numericInput(inputId = "highFeature", label = "highFeature", value = 7000)),
# column(width = 2,
# numericInput(inputId = "nMT", label = "nMT", value = 5000)),
# column(width = 2,
# numericInput(inputId = "umiMTRatio", label = "umiMTRatio" , value= 100))
# ),
# actionButton(inputId = "button", label = "apply"),
# plotlyOutput("plotHist"),
# fluidRow(column(width = 6,
# plotlyOutput("plotUmap")),
# column(width = 6,
# plotlyOutput("plotUmap2")) ),
# fluidRow(
# column(width = 12,
# textOutput("numbers"))
# )
# )
# server <- function(input, output, session) {
# load("~/Rstudio/scShinyHubData/samy.1.RData")
# # load("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/example.SCEX.RData")
# # sc = scEx[,1:200]
# # save(file = "example.SCEX.RData", list = c("sc"))
# genesOfInterest = list(AT1 = c("AGER", "EMP2", "CAV1", "CLDN18", "CAV2"),
# AT2 = c("ALOX15B", "LRRK2", "ROS1", "SFTPA1", "CSF3R"),
# BASAL = c("MIR205HG", "KRT5", "EYA2", "CYP24A1", "KRT17"),
# Ciliated = c( "KCNE1B", "TCTEX1D4", "ANKRD66", "DYDC2", "C22orf15"),
# Club = c("SCGB3A2", "CYP2B7P", "ITGA9", "MGP", "ATL2"),
# Goblet = c("BPIFB1", "MUC5B", "LTF", "SCGB3A1", "SCGB1A1"),
# PNEC = c("GRP", "CHGA", "SCG2", "ASCL1", "CALCA"),
# Ionocyte = c("ASCL3", "FOXI1", "ATP6V1G3", "BSND", "HEPACAM2"),
# Mesothelial = c("CALB2", "VCAM1", "MEDAG", "GAS1", "HAS1"),
# AberrantBasaloid = c("PRSS2", "CDH2", "CAMK2N1", "MMP7", "EPHB2"))
# seuratdataOrg <- UpdateSeuratObject(as.Seurat(scEx, assay = "RNA", data=NULL))
# # seuratdata <- CreateSeuratObject(
# # counts = counts, min.cells = min.cells, min.features = min.genes,
# # project = "test"
# # )
# seuratdataOrg[["nCount_RNA"]] = colSums(seuratdataOrg, slot= 'counts')
# seuratdataOrg[["nFeature_RNA"]] = colSums(GetAssayData(seuratdataOrg, slot= 'counts') >0 )
# mito.genes <- grep(pattern = "^MT-", ignore.case = TRUE, x = rownames(x = seuratdataOrg), value = TRUE)
# RPS.genes <- grep(pattern = "^RPS", ignore.case = TRUE, x = rownames(x = seuratdataOrg), value = TRUE)
# seuratdataOrg[["nMito_RNA"]] = colSums(seuratdataOrg[mito.genes,], slot= 'counts')
# seuratdataOrg[["nRps_RNA"]] = colSums(seuratdataOrg[RPS.genes,], slot= 'counts')
# seuratdataOrg[["umiMT.ratio"]] = seuratdataOrg[["nCount_RNA"]]/seuratdataOrg[["nMito_RNA"]]
# potentialFactorials = c()
# potentialNumericals = c()
# for (cn in colnames(seuratdataOrg@meta.data)) {
# nUniq = length(unique(seuratdataOrg@meta.data[,cn]))
# if (nUniq <40 & nUniq >1) {
# potentialFactorials = c(potentialFactorials, cn)
# }
# if (is(seuratdataOrg@meta.data[,cn], "numeric")){
# potentialNumericals = c(potentialNumericals, cn)
# }
# }
# if (is(genesOfInterest, "list")) {
# for (idx in 1:length(genesOfInterest)) {
# gio = genesOfInterest[[idx]]
# gio = gio[gio %in% rownames(scEx)]
# genesOfInterest[[idx]] = gio
# }
# } else {
# genesOfInterest = genesOfInterest[genesOfInterest %in% rownames(scEx)]
# }
# seuratdataOrg = PercentageFeatureSet(object = seuratdataOrg, pattern = "^mt-|^MT-", col.name = "percent.mt")
# #############################################
# seuratdata = reactiveVal(seuratdataOrg)
# observeEvent(input$button, {
# sc <- subset(seuratdataOrg, subset =
# nFeature_RNA > input$lowFeature &
# nFeature_RNA < input$highFeature &
# percent.mt < input$pctMT &
# nMito_RNA < input$nMT &
# umiMT.ratio < input$umiMTRatio
# # &
# # phases == "G1"
# )
# all.genes <- rownames(sc)
# sc <- FindVariableFeatures(sc, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
# sc <- NormalizeData(sc, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000)
# sc <- ScaleData(sc, features = all.genes)
# sc <- RunPCA(sc, ndims.print = 1, nfeatures.print = 1)
# sc <- FindNeighbors(sc, dims = 1:30)
# sc <- FindClusters(sc, resolution = 0.5)
# sc <- RunUMAP(sc, dims = 1:30)
# seuratdata(sc)
# })
# output$plotHist <- renderPlotly({
# binSize = 20
# scols = c("#00AA00", "#AA0000")
# sc = seuratdata()
# tabl = table(sc[["cellTypes"]][,1], sc[["sampleNames"]][,1])
# sc
# tabl[,"SAC"] = tabl[,"SAC"] / sum( tabl[,"SAC"]) * 100
# tabl[,"WNA"] = tabl[,"WNA"] / sum( tabl[,"WNA"]) * 100
# fig <- plotly::plot_ly( alpha = 1)
# # browser()
# lev = unique(sc[["sampleNames"]][,1])
# for (idx in seq_along(lev)) {
# fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
# type = 'bar', color = I(scols[idx]),
# x = rownames(tabl),
# y = tabl[,lev[idx]],
# name = lev[idx]
# )
# }
# fig <- fig %>% layout(
# barmode="group",
# title = paste("percent sample"),
# bargap=0.1)
# cat(file = stderr(), "fig1 done\n")
# fig
# })
# output$plotUmap = renderPlotly({
# seuratdata = seuratdata()
# cn = "cellTypes"
# DimPlot(seuratdata, reduction = "umap", group.by = cn, label = T) + ggtitle(cn)
# }
# )
# output$plotUmap2 = renderPlotly({
# seuratdata = seuratdata()
# cn = "sampleNames"
# DimPlot(seuratdata, reduction = "umap", group.by = cn, label = T) + ggtitle(cn)
# }
# )
# output$numbers <- renderPrint({
# sc = seuratdata()
# str(table(sc[["sampleNames"]][,1]))
# })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)
# # marker = list(color = scols))
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