#' .schnappsEnv
#' Environment for package
.schnappsEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#' shiny server relevant functions
#' @details Shiny app for the analysis of single cell data
#' @param localContributionDir path to the directory(ies) that contain additional functionality
#' @param defaultValueSingleGene single gene name to used as a default value.
#' @param defaultValueMultiGenes comma separated list of gene names to be used as a default value.
#' @param defaultValueRegExGene regular Expression used for gene selection
#' @param DEBUG TRUE/FALSE whether to show debugging information on the console
#' @param DEBUGSAVE TRUE/FALSE where or not save internal data (very time consuming)
#' @param historyPath location (directory) where history directories and data will be stored.
#' @param defaultValues list of default values to use for inputs
#' @param workers number of CPUs to be used for normlization/clustering
#' @param launch.browser a function to call with the application's URL.
#' @importFrom shinydashboard dashboardPage dashboardHeader dashboardSidebar sidebarMenu dashboardBody
#' tabItem menuSubItem menuItem
#' @importFrom shinyTree renderTree shinyTree
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput dataTableProxy
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%'
#' @importFrom shiny shinyApp runApp
#' @export schnapps
#' @examples
#' # create example data
#' data("scEx", package = "SCHNAPPs")
#' save(file = "scEx.Rdata", list = "scEx")
#' # use "scEx.Rdata" with load data functionality within the shiny app
schnapps <- function(localContributionDir = "~/Rstudio/shHubgit/Dummy/",
defaultValueSingleGene = "CD3g",
defaultValueMultiGenes = "cd3g, cd4, cd8b, ms4a1, TCF4, LILRA2, LYZ, cd79a, bcl11b, IL32, hbb, nkg7,MNDA",
defaultValueRegExGene = "", # tip: '^CD7$|^KIT$; genes with min expression
historyPath = NULL,
defaultValues = list(),
port = NULL,
workers = 2,
launch.browser = getOption("shiny.launch.browser", interactive())
# ,
# historyFile = NULL
) {
# on.exit({
# rm(list = c(".SCHNAPPs_locContributionDir",
# ".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueSingleGene",
# ".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueMultiGenes",
# ".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueRegExGene",
# envir = .schnappsEnv)
# })
assign(".SCHNAPPs_locContributionDir", localContributionDir, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueSingleGene", defaultValueSingleGene, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueMultiGenes", defaultValueMultiGenes, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueRegExGene", defaultValueRegExGene, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUG", DEBUG, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUGSAVE", DEBUGSAVE, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign("DEBUG", DEBUG, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign("DEBUGSAVE", DEBUGSAVE, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign("historyPath", historyPath, envir = .schnappsEnv)
assign("defaultValues", defaultValues, envir = .schnappsEnv)
# assign("historyFile", historyFile, envir = .schnappsEnv)
if (! "Wind" %in% installed.packages()){
devtools::install_github("haowulab/Wind", build_opts = c("--no-resave-data"))
options(future.globals.maxSize= 2024^3)
future::plan("multisession", workers = workers)
packagePath <- find.package("SCHNAPPs", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE) %>% paste0("/app/")
source(paste0(packagePath, "/serverFunctions.R"), local = TRUE)
# will be set during sourcing, but we need to define them, otherwise there will be a warning
scShinyUI <- NULL
scShinyServer <- NULL
devscShinyApp <<- FALSE
devscShinyApp <- FALSE
source(paste0(packagePath, "/server.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(packagePath, "/ui.R"), local = TRUE)
app <- shinyApp(ui = scShinyUI, server = scShinyServer, enableBookmarking = "server")
runApp(app, port = port,launch.browser = launch.browser)
# library(SCHNAPPs)
# schnapps(localContributionDir = "~/Rstudio/__shHubgit/bjContributions", defaultValueSingleGene = "cd52", defaultValueMultiGenes = "S100A4, CD52, S100A9, S100A8,")
#' Example data for schnapps app
#' A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000
#' diamonds. The variables are as follows:
#' * `scEx`: singlecellExperiment object
#' @format A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables
#' @source <http://www.diamondse.info/>
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.