intro to history file organization and it procedure.
TODO: addin to remove files not needed anymore for a given active document (check load statements vs. files available and either list files or remove them, or move them.)
TODO: optional integration of shiny elements / modules
Basic information is already provided in the history. Here we just show how to create specific plots/tables.
sampNames <- levels(colData(scEx)$sampleNames) sampleCols=list() projectionColors$sampleNames <- allowedColors[seq_along(sampNames)]
dat <- data.frame(counts = Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx)[["counts"]])) dat$sample <- colData(scEx)$sampleNames scols <- projectionColors$sampleNames retVal <- ggplot(data = dat, aes(counts, fill = sample)) + geom_histogram(bins = 50) + labs(title = "Histogram for raw counts", x = "count", y = "Frequency") + scale_fill_manual(values = scols, aesthetics = "fill") retVal
samples = colData(scEx)$sampleNames counts <- table(samples) df <- ggplot(data = df,aes(x=samples, y=Freq, fill=samples)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_color_manual(values=scols)
geneListStr <- c("PDCD1") projectionVar <- "dbCluster" minExpr <- 1 coE_showPermutations <- FALSE # colPal = coE_geneGrp_vioFunc # TODO must be wrong # sampCol <- projectionColors$sampleNames ccols <- allowedColors[1:length(levels(projections$dbCluster))] upI <- coE_updateInputXviolinPlot() # no need to check because this is done in projections if (is.null(projections) | is.null(scEx_log)) { if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "output$coE_geneGrp_vio_plot:NULL\n") return(NULL) } if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) { save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/coE_geneGrp_vio_plot.RData", list = c(ls())) } # load(file="~/SCHNAPPsDebug/coE_geneGrp_vio_plot.RData") featureData <- rowData(scEx_log) retVal <- coE_geneGrp_vioFunc( genesin = geneListStr, projections = projections, scEx = scEx_log, featureData = featureData, minExpr = minExpr, dbCluster = projectionVar, coE_showPermutations = coE_showPermutations, sampCol = scols, ccols = ccols ) retVal
.schnappsEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv()) source("~/Rstudio/Schnapps/inst/app/contributions/DE_DataExploration/reactives.R") # panelplotFunc ---- # scEx_log singlecell Experiment object # projections as used in schnapps # genesin gene names to be plotted # dimx4, dimy4 dimensions to be plotted on # sameScale True/False # nCol number of columns for final plot # sampdes header for plot # cellNs cell names to be used retVal = panelPlotFunc(scEx_log, projections, genesin, "sampleNames", "UMI.count", sameScale = FALSE, nCol = 4, sampdesc = "all samples", cellNs = rownames(projections)) retVal
# g_id should be a valid rowname # geneNames needed for umicounts # geneNames2 needed for umicounts2 # clId clId <- levels(projections$dbCluster) # might not be used anymore # grpN, grpNs # if (length(grpN) > 0) { # if (length(grpNs[rownames(subsetData), grpN] == "TRUE") > 0 & sum(grpNs[rownames(subsetData), grpN] == "TRUE", na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { # grpNSub <- grpNs[rownames(subsetData), ] # selectedCells <- rownames(grpNSub[grpNSub[, grpN] == "TRUE", ]) # } # } # legend.position not used # logx, logy TRUE/FALSE # dimY can be "histogram" # dimX # dimCol can be "cellDensity" source("~/Rstudio/Schnapps/inst/app/defaultValues.R") source("~/Rstudio/Schnapps/inst/app/serverFunctions.R") DEBUG = FALSE .schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE = FALSE clId <- levels(projections$dbCluster) colnames(projections) p1 <- plot2Dprojection(scEx_log, projections = projections, g_id = rowData(scEx_log)[1,"symbol"], featureData = rowData(scEx_log), geneNames = NULL, geneNames2 = NULL, dimX = "UMI.count", dimY = "before.filter", clId, grpN = NULL, legend.position = NULL, grpNs = "", logx = FALSE, logy = FALSE, divXBy = "before.filter", divYBy = "None", dimCol = "cellDensity", colors = NULL ) p1
The som as implemented in SCHNAPPs will cluster the genes and output genes that cluster with a target gene. This makes sense when looking a given dbCluster and try to identify co-expressed genes. Here, we go through all the clusters and print out those groups of genes
suppressMessages(require(kohonen)) suppressMessages(require(Rsomoclu)) iData = as.matrix(assays(scEx_log)[[1]]) geneName = "ENSG00000073861" nSom = 20 featureData = rowData(scEx_log) for (dbCl in levels(projections$dbCluster)) { cols2use <- which(projections$dbCluster == dbCl) res2 <- Rsomoclu.train( input_data = iData[, cols2use], nSomX = nSom, nSomY = nSom, nEpoch = 10, radius0 = 0, radiusN = 0, radiusCooling = "linear", mapType = "planar", gridType = "rectangular", scale0 = 1, scaleN = 0.01, scaleCooling = "linear" ) colnames(res2$codebook) <- colnames(iData)[cols2use] rownames(res2$globalBmus) <- make.unique(as.character(rownames(iData)), sep = "_#_") simGenes <- rownames(res2$globalBmus)[which(res2$globalBmus[, 1] == res2$globalBmus[geneName, 1] & res2$globalBmus[, 2] == res2$globalBmus[geneName, 2])] print(paste("dbCluster:", dbCl)) print(featureData[simGenes,"symbol"]) }
myDiffExpFunctions <- list( c("Chi-square test of an estimated binomial distribution", "sCA_dge_CellViewfunc"), c("t-test", "sCA_dge_ttest"), c("DESeq2", "sCA_dge_deseq2"), c("seurat:wilcox", "sCA_dge_s_wilcox"), c("seurat:bimod", "sCA_dge_s_bimod"), c("seurat:t-test", "sCA_dge_s_t"), c("seurat:LR", "sCA_dge_s_LR"), c("seurat:neg-binomial", "sCA_dge_s_negbinom"), c("seurat:Poisson", "sCA_dge_s_poisson") ) dgeFunc = myDiffExpFunctions[[1]][2] if (dgeFunc %in% c("sCA_dge_deseq2", "sCA_dge_s_negbinom", "sCA_dge_s_poisson")) { scEx_log = scEx } # add projections # c1 = c("AAAGATGTCTACCTGC-1", "AAAGCAATCTGCGACG-1", "AACACGTTCGTACCGG-1", "AACCGCGAGCAGGCTA-1") projections$lung = projections$sampleNames %in% c("d3_lung", "d4_lung", "d8_lung", "d16_lung") clusterNr = 12 c1 = rownames(projections[projections$dbCluster == clusterNr & projections$lung,]) c2 = rownames(projections[projections$dbCluster == clusterNr & ! projections$lung,]) top.genes <-, args = list( scEx_log = scEx_log, cells.1 = c1, cells.2 = c2 )) featureData <- rowData(scEx) top.genes$symbol <- featureData[rownames(top.genes), "symbol"] if ("Description" %in% colnames(featureData)) { top.genes$Description <- featureData[rownames(top.genes), "Description"] } rownames(top.genes) <- make.unique(as.character(top.genes$symbol), sep = "_#_") DT::datatable(top.genes)
requires specific sample names and projections (lung) data cannot be shared but this can be used as a template nonetheless
#load scEx load(file = "~/Rstudio/Schnapps/history/hist_2020-Feb-19.13.03/scEx.360f308aaa23.RData")
#load scEx_log load(file = "~/Rstudio/Schnapps/history/hist_2020-Feb-19.13.03/scEx_log.360f5fa7f8ba.RData")
#load projections with umap load(file = "~/Rstudio/Schnapps/history/hist_2020-Feb-19.13.03/projections.360f2ba33a1b.RData")
scEx <- scEx$scEx featureData <- rowData(scEx) scEx_log <- scEx_log$scEx_log projections <- projections$projections projections$lung = FALSE projections$lung[grep("lung",projections$sampleNames)] = TRUE projections$lung = factor(projections$lung, levels = c(TRUE,FALSE)) scExAll = scEx scEx_logAll = scEx_log projectionsAll = projections
cellTypeMarkers = list( t.cells = c("CD3G", "CD3D", "CD3E", "CD2"), cd8 = c("CD8A", "GZMA"), # CD8+ T cells treg = c("CD4", "FOXP3"), # CD4+- Treg tbet = c("TBX21"), # t-bet b.cells = c("CD19", "CD79A"), # B cells nk.cells = c("KLRC1", "KLRC3"), # NK cells pc = c("SLAMF7", "IGKC"), # plasma cells macrophages = c("FCGR2A", "CSF1R"), # macrophages dc = c("FLT3"), # Dendritic cells plasmacytoid.dc = c("CLEC4C"), # plasmacytoid dendritic cells fibroblasts = c("COL1A2"), # fibroblasts myfibroblasts = c("MCAM", "MYLK"), # myfibroblasts ca.fibroblasts = c("FAP", "PDPN"), # cancer-associated fibroblasts malignant = c("EPCAM", "TP63"), # malignant cells endothelial = c("PECAM1", "VWF"), # endothelial cells melanocytes = c("PMEL", "MLANA"), # melanocytes cd103 = c("ITGAE"), cytotoxic = c("GZMB"), exhaution = c("PDCD1", "CTLA4", "LAG3", "HAVCR2","CD244", "CD160", "TIGIT" ) ) # which(featureData$symbol %in% "TIGIT") cellTypeCount = data.frame(row.names = rownames(projections)) for (ct in names(cellTypeMarkers)) { print(ct) print(cellTypeMarkers[[ct]]) # print(all(cellTypeMarkers[[ct]] %in% featureData$symbol)) geneIdx = which(featureData$symbol %in% cellTypeMarkers[[ct]]) if (length(geneIdx) > 1) { print(paste("sum: ", sum(colSums(assays(scEx)[[1]][geneIdx,]) > 0))) cellTypeCount[ct] = colSums(assays(scEx)[[1]][geneIdx,]) > 0 } else { print(paste("sum: ", sum(assays(scEx)[[1]][geneIdx,] > 0))) cellTypeCount[ct] = assays(scEx)[[1]][geneIdx,] > 0 } } # cellTypeCount[cellTypeCount$cd8 & cellTypeCount$b.cells,] ctcTab = table(cellTypeCount) ctcTab =,stringsAsFactors =FALSE)[,stringsAsFactors =FALSE)$Freq>0,] ctcTab = cbind(Freq = ctcTab$Freq, SumTrue = rowSums(ctcTab[,-ncol(ctcTab)] == "TRUE"), ctcTab[,-ncol(ctcTab)]) DT::datatable(ctcTab, )
inputData <- scEx_logAll anovaName = "CD4+cleaned"
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