library(BiocStyle) knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = file.path("..", "extdata"))
This script downloads 517 images, as well as the associated single-cell data and cell segmentation masks from the Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) cell line spheroid dataset described in the following publication:
All data are openly available from zenodo. The code used to generate this dataset is available from the SpheroidPublication GitHub repository. Additional data associated with the same publication is available from the zenodo parent repository:
Here, we will download processed single-cell data and metadata, and process them to create a SingleCellExperiment object. We will then download the corresponding IMC images and cell segmentation masks and format them into CytoImageList
objects using the cytomapper package.
library(data.table) library(S4Vectors) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(cytomapper)
dataset_name <- "Zanotelli_2020_Spheroids" dataset_version <- "v1" cat("Dataset version:", dataset_version)
Set the working and output directories
# Temporary directory to unzip files workdir <- tempdir() Sys.setenv(workdir = workdir) # Output directory dataset_dir <- file.path(".", dataset_name) if(!(dir.exists(dataset_dir))) dir.create(dataset_dir) outdir <- file.path(dataset_dir, dataset_version) if(!(dir.exists(outdir))) dir.create(outdir) # Increase timeout period so that large files can be downloaded timeout <- getOption('timeout') options(timeout = 1000)
We download the full cell lines dataset from [@Zanotelli-2020-Spheroids], including single cell data and images from zenodo.
url_dat <- ("") download.file(url_dat, destfile = file.path(workdir, "")) unzip(file.path(workdir, ""), exdir = workdir) file.remove(file.path(workdir, "")) # List unzipped files writeLines(list.files(workdir))
We read in the following files:
: mean count intensities per cell.cell_obs.csv
: cell metadata.cell_var.csv
: marker and antibody metadata. image_meta.csv
: image metadata. relations_cell_neighbors.csv
: neighborhood information. cell_X <- fread(file.path(workdir, "cell_X.csv")) cell_meta <- fread(file.path(workdir, "cell_obs.csv")) cell_var <- fread(file.path(workdir, "cell_var.csv")) image_meta <- fread(file.path(workdir, "image_meta.csv")) cell_neighbors <- fread(file.path(workdir, "relations_cell_neighbors.csv"))
Add row and column names to the data tables and count matrix.
# Set object_id as cell metadata row names cell_meta <- cell_meta[, !duplicated(colnames(cell_meta)), with = FALSE] # Make values in the "goodname" column as unique # (for barcoding channels and GFP) cell_var[goodname == "BC", goodname := paste("barcoding", metal, sep = "_")] cell_var[goodname == "GFP", goodname := paste("GFP", metal, sep = "_")] # Set row and column names for the count matrix cell_X <- as.matrix(cell_X) rownames(cell_X) <- cell_meta$object_id colnames(cell_X) <- cell_var$measurement_id
Here, we will collect all cell and image metadata to generate the colData
entry of the final SingleCellExperiment
We first extract spatial measurements such as cell area, distance to rim, or cell location, and add them to cell metadata. Units are pixels
(with 1 px = 1 um), unless otherwise specified.
, cell_y
: object centroid position in image. cell_area
: area of the cell (units = um^2). distance_rim
: estimated distance to spheroid border. distance_sphere
: distance to spheroid section border. distance_other_sphere
: distance to other spheroid section in the same image. distance_background
: distance to background pixels. Columns are renamed for consistency with the other datasets.
# Fix measurement type and names for "dist-sphere", "dist-other" and "dist-bg" cell_var[goodname %in% c("dist-sphere", "dist-other", "dist-bg"), measurement_type := "Location"] cell_var[goodname == "dist-sphere", measurement_name := "dist-sphere"] cell_var[goodname == "dist-other", measurement_name := "dist-other"] cell_var[goodname == "dist-bg", measurement_name := "dist-bg"] # Extract relevant columns spatial_meas <- cell_var[measurement_type != "Intensity", measurement_id] spatial <- cell_X[, c(colnames(cell_X) %in% spatial_meas)] # Add column names spatial_names <- cell_var[measurement_type != "Intensity", goodname] colnames(spatial) <- spatial_names # Add the data to cell observations spatial <- DataFrame(spatial) cell_meta <- DataFrame(cell_meta) rownames(cell_meta) <- cell_meta$object_id cell_meta <- merge(cell_meta, spatial, by = "row.names") # Rename columns cell_meta <- DataFrame( cell_number = cell_meta$object_number, image_number = cell_meta$image_id, cell_obj_id = cell_meta$object_id, cell_x = cell_meta$Center_X, cell_y = cell_meta$Center_Y, cell_area = cell_meta$Area, distance_rim = cell_meta$dist.rim, distance_sphere = cell_meta$dist.sphere, distance_other_sphere = cell_meta$dist.other, distance_background = cell_meta$ )
We then read in image metadata. See the original dataset description for description of the columns content. Columns are renamed for consistency with the other datasets.
# Select relevant columns image_meta <- image_meta[, .( image_number, image_x = image_pos_x, image_y = image_pos_y, image_width = image_shape_w, image_height = image_shape_h, image_filename = image_stack_filename_FullStackComp, mask_filename = mask_filename_cell, cell_line = cellline, treatment_id = condition_id, treatment_name = condition_name, treatment_concentration = concentration, treatment_time_point = time_point, treatment_hasTelox = hastelox, plate_id, plate_well_name = well_name, slide_id, sampleblock_id, sampleblock_name, acquisition_id, site_id )]
We then merge the cell and image metadata data frames.
# Merge cell and image metadata cell_meta <- merge(cell_meta, DataFrame(image_meta), by = "image_number") cell_meta$cell_id <- paste(cell_meta$image_number, cell_meta$cell_number, sep = "_") cell_meta$image_name <- gsub("_cell.tiff", "", cell_meta$mask_filename) # Add cell_ids as row names rownames(cell_meta) <- cell_meta$cell_id # Remove merged data frames remove(spatial, image_meta)
We re-order the columns for consistency and order the table by image_number
and cell_number
# Order columns col_order <- c( "cell_id", "image_name", "image_number", "cell_number", "cell_line", "cell_x", "cell_y", "cell_area", "cell_obj_id", "distance_rim", "distance_background", "distance_sphere", "distance_other_sphere", "treatment_name", "treatment_id", "treatment_concentration", "treatment_time_point", "treatment_hasTelox", "image_width", "image_height", "image_x", "image_y", "image_filename", "mask_filename", "acquisition_id", "site_id", "slide_id", "plate_id", "plate_well_name", "sampleblock_id", "sampleblock_name" ) cell_meta <- cell_meta[, col_order] # Order rows cell_meta <- cell_meta[order(cell_meta$image_number, cell_meta$cell_number), ] # Add unique integers as cell identifiers cell_meta$cell_number_absolute <- 1:nrow(cell_meta)
Here, we collect all cell neighborhood relationships. This information will be added to the colPairs
slot of the SingleCellExperiment
We map the object ids in the cell_neighbors
data frame to cell_number_absolute
integers in the cell_meta
data frame.
# Subset cell neighbors to cells present in cell_meta cell_neighbors <- cell_neighbors[ cell_neighbors$object_id_cell %in% cell_meta$cell_obj_id & cell_neighbors$object_id_neighbor %in% cell_meta$cell_obj_id, ] # Map to absolute cell numbers (one unique integer per cell) cell_map <- cell_meta[, c("cell_obj_id", "cell_number_absolute")])) cell_neighbors$cell_from <- cell_map$cell_number_absolute[ match(cell_neighbors$object_id_cell, cell_map$cell_obj_id)] cell_neighbors$cell_to <- cell_map$cell_number_absolute[ match(cell_neighbors$object_id_neighbor, cell_map$cell_obj_id)]
Here, we will collect all marker-related information and collect it in a DataFrame
that will be the rowData
of the SingleCellExperiment
We first select the Intensity
and MeanIntensityComp
measurements, which means spillover-compensated mean marker intensity per cell. Columns are renamed for consistency with the other datasets.
# Select intensity measurement columns panel <- cell_var[measurement_type == "Intensity" & measurement_name == "MeanIntensityComp", ] panel <- panel[order(ref_plane_number), ] # Prepare the data frame panel <- panel[, .( channel = panel$ref_plane_number, metal = panel$metal, name = panel$goodname, short_name = panel$goodname, antibody_clone = panel$`Antibody Clone`, antibody_working = panel$working, antibody_cell_cycle = panel$is_cc, measurement_id = panel$measurement_id )]
We also rename markers for consistency with other datasets.
barcoding_channels <- c( "Pd102", "Rh103", "Pd104", "Pd105", "Pd106", "Pd108", "Pd108", "Pd110", "In113", "In115", "Pt194", "Pt195", "Bi209", "Y89") panel[metal %in% barcoding_channels, `:=` (short_name = paste0("BC_", metal), antibody_clone = NA)] panel[metal == "Te125", `:=` (name = "Telox2 probe", antibody_clone = NA)] panel[metal == "La139", `:=` (name = "methylated-Histone H3 [K27]", short_name = "me_H3")] panel[metal == "Pr141", `:=` (name = "Histone H3", short_name = "H3")] panel[metal == "Nd142", `:=` (name = "Epidermal growth factor receptor")] panel[metal == "Nd143", `:=` (name = "phospho-FAK [Y397]", short_name = "p_FAK")] panel[metal == "Nd144", `:=` (name = "phospho-MEK1/2 [S217/S221]", short_name = "p_MEK1_2")] panel[metal == "Nd145", `:=` (name = "phospho-MAPKAPK2 [T334]", short_name = "p_MAPKAPK2")] panel[metal == "Nd146", `:=` (name = "phospho-p70S6K [T389]", short_name = "p_p70S6K")] panel[metal == "Sm147", `:=` (name = "phospho-Aurora kinase B [T232]", short_name = "p_AURKB")] panel[metal == "Nd148", `:=` (name = "phospho-STAT1 [S727]", short_name = "p_STAT1")] panel[metal == "Sm149", `:=` (name = "phospho-p53 [S15]", short_name = "p_p53")] panel[metal == "Eu151", `:=` (name = "phospho-EGFR [Tyr1173]", short_name = "p_EGFR")] panel[metal == "Sm152", `:=` (name = "phospho-AMPK alpha [T172]", short_name = "p_AMPKa")] panel[metal == "Eu153", `:=` (name = "phospho-Histone H3 [S28]", short_name = "p_H3")] panel[metal == "Sm154", `:=` (name = "phospho-ERK1/2 [T202/Y204]", short_name = "p_ERK1_2")] panel[metal == "Gd155", `:=` (name = "phospho-HER2 [Y1196]", short_name = "p_HER2")] panel[metal == "Gd156", `:=` (name = "phospho-p38 [T180/Y182]", short_name = "p_p38")] panel[metal == "Gd158", `:=` (name = "phospho-GSK3 [S9]", short_name = "p_GSK3")] panel[metal == "Gd160", `:=` (short_name = "BIRC5")] panel[metal == "Dy161", `:=` (name = "Cyclin B1", short_name = "CCNB1")] panel[metal == "Dy162", `:=` (short_name = "VIM")] panel[metal == "Dy163", `:=` (name = "phospho-AKT [S473]", short_name = "p_AKT")] panel[metal == "Ho165", `:=` (name = "phospho-CDK1 [Y15]", short_name = "p_CDK1")] panel[metal == "Er166", `:=` (name = "Carbonic anhydrase IX", short_name = "CA9")] panel[metal == "Er168", `:=` (short_name = "Ki67")] panel[metal == "Er170", `:=` (name = "phospho-JNK [T183/Y185]", short_name = "p_JNK")] panel[metal == "Yb171", `:=` (name = "phospho-S6 [S235/S236]", short_name = "p_S6")] panel[metal == "Yb172", `:=` (name = "cleaved-Caspase 3", short_name = "c_CASP3")] panel[metal == "Yb173", `:=` (name = "phospho-STAT3 [Y705]", short_name = "p_STAT3")] panel[metal == "Yb174", `:=` (short_name = "c_PARP")] panel[metal == "Lu175", `:=` (name = "phopsho-Rb [S807/S811]", short_name = "p_Rb")] panel[metal == "Yb176", `:=` (name = "DYKDDDDK tag")] panel[metal == "Ir193", `:=` (antibody_clone = NA)]
Finally, we convert the panel table to a DataFrame
and add target short_names as row names.
panel <- as(panel, "DataFrame") rownames(panel) <- panel$short_name
Here, we will prepare the counts matrix that will be stored in the assay
slot of the SingleCellExperiment
Select measurements
The measurement matrix contains different cell-level measurements:
- MeanIntensityComp
: mean intensity per cell, spillover-compensated.
- NbMeanMeanIntensityComp
: mean intensity of neighboring cells, spillover-compensated.
We will not retain the other measurements in the final SCE object:
- MeanIntensity
:mean intensity measured on compensated images.
- MinIntensity
: min intensity measured on compensated images.
- MaxIntensity
: max intensity measured on compensated images.
- StdIntensity
: intensity std measured on compensated images.
# Select intensity measurement columns in counts matrix cell_var <- cell_var[measurement_name %in% c("MeanIntensityComp", "NbMeanMeanIntensityComp"), ] cell_X <- cell_X[, colnames(cell_X) %in% cell_var$measurement_id]
Prepare count matrices
Here, we create one count matrix for mean cell intensities (MeanIntensityComp
) and one count matrix for mean intensities of neighboring cells (NbMeanMeanIntensityComp
# Select the ids of measurements to subset cell_meas <- cell_var[ cell_var$measurement_name == "MeanIntensityComp", ]$measurement_id neighb_meas <- cell_var[ cell_var$measurement_name == "NbMeanMeanIntensityComp", ]$measurement_id # Create the two matrices counts_X <- cell_X[, colnames(cell_X) %in% cell_meas] counts_neighb_X <- cell_X[, colnames(cell_X) %in% neighb_meas] # Make panel for neighboring cell counts panel_neighb <- cell_var[ cell_var$measurement_name == "NbMeanMeanIntensityComp", ] panel_neighb <- merge(panel_neighb, panel[, c("metal", "short_name")], by = "metal") # Make sure the panels and counts matrices are in the same order counts_X <- counts_X[, order(match(colnames(counts_X), panel$measurement_id))] counts_X <- counts_X[order(match(rownames(counts_X), cell_meta$object_id)), ] counts_neighb_X <- counts_neighb_X[, order(match(colnames(counts_neighb_X), panel_neighb$measurement_id))] counts_neighb_X <- counts_neighb_X[order(match(rownames(counts_neighb_X), cell_meta$object_id)), ] # Rename the rows and columns of the count matrices colnames(counts_X) <- panel$short_name rownames(counts_X) <- cell_meta$cell_id colnames(counts_neighb_X) <- panel_neighb$short_name rownames(counts_neighb_X) <- cell_meta$cell_id cell_meta$object_id <- NULL # Remove original counts matrix remove(cell_X)
We have now obtained all data and metadata required to create the SingleCellExperiment
sce <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(counts = t(counts_X)), rowData = panel, colData = cell_meta ) mainExpName(sce) <- paste(dataset_name, dataset_version, sep = "_")
We apply two different counts transformations:
- exprs
: arcsinh-transformed counts (cofactor = 1).
- quant_norm
: censored + quantile-normalized counts.
assay(sce, "exprs") <- asinh(counts(sce) / 1) quant <- apply(assay(sce, "counts"), 1, quantile, probs = 0.99) assay(sce, "quant_norm") <- apply(assay(sce, "counts"), 2, function(x) x / quant) assay(sce, "quant_norm")[assay(sce, "quant_norm") > 1] <- 1 assay(sce, "quant_norm")[assay(sce, "quant_norm") < 0] <- 0
We create a new SingleCellExperiment
object containing counts for neighboring cells and add it to the altExp
slot. The data can be retrieved using altExp(sce, "neighboring_cells")
# Order the count matrix counts_neighb_X <- counts_neighb_X[, order(match(colnames(counts_neighb_X), rownames(panel)))] sce_neighb <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(counts = t(counts_neighb_X)), rowData = panel, colData = cell_meta ) # Re-order the SCE objects by image and cell number sce <- sce[, order(sce$image_number, sce$cell_number)] sce_neighb <- sce_neighb[, order( sce_neighb$image_number, sce_neighb$cell_number)] altExp(sce, "neighboring_cells") <- sce_neighb
We generate a SelfHits object containing pairings of neighboring cells and store it in the colPairs
slot of the SingleCellExperiment
Integers in the colPairs(sce, "neighborhood")
object are unique cell numbers that map to colData(sce)$cell_number_absolute
colPair(sce, "neighborhood") <- SelfHits(from = cell_neighbors$cell_from, to = cell_neighbors$cell_to, nnode = ncol(sce))
We save the SingleCellExperiment
object for upload to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub")
saveRDS(sce, file.path(outdir, "sce.rds"))
Finally, we remove the downloaded files and generated objects to save storage space.
remove(sce_neighb, cell_meta, cell_neighbors, cell_var, cell_map,
counts_X, counts_neighb_X)
We first remove images that are not the SingleCellExperiment
image_files <- list.files(file.path(workdir, "images")) image_files <- image_files[!(image_files %in% sce$image_filename)] unlink(file.path(workdir, "images", image_files), recursive = TRUE)
We use the loadImages
function of the cytomapper
package to read the images into a CytoImageList
images <- loadImages(file.path(workdir, "images"), pattern = "_comp.tiff")
We also remove masks that are not the SingleCellExperiment
object and read the remaining masks into a CytoImageList
mask_files <- list.files(file.path(workdir, "masks")) mask_files <- mask_files[!(mask_files %in% sce$mask_filename)] unlink(file.path(workdir, "masks", mask_files), recursive = TRUE)
masks <- loadImages(file.path(workdir, "masks"), pattern = "_cell.tiff")
We will now process the images and masks to make them compatible with the cytomapper
The masks are 16-bit images and need to be re-scaled in order to obtain integer cell ids.
# Before scaling masks[[1]] masks <- scaleImages(masks, value = (2 ^ 16) - 1) # After scaling masks[[1]]
Images are scaled in the same way.
# Before scaling images[[1]] images <- scaleImages(images, value = (2 ^ 16) - 1) # After scaling images[[1]]
Next, we add image names to the images and masks objects, these names correspond to the image_name
column in colData(sce)
. This information is stored in the metadata columns of the CytoImageList
objects and is used by cytomapper
to match single cell data, images and masks.
mcols(images)$image_name <- gsub("_comp", "", names(images)) mcols(masks)$image_name <- gsub("_cell", "", names(masks)) identical(mcols(images)$image_name, mcols(masks)$image_name)
We will also add image_numbers
to the metadata columns of the images
and masks
ref_images <- unique(colData(sce)[, c("image_name", "image_number")]) mcols(images) <- merge(mcols(images), ref_images, by = "image_name") mcols(masks) <- merge(mcols(masks), ref_images, by = "image_name") identical(mcols(images)$image_number, mcols(masks)$image_number)
Finally, we will add protein short names as channel names of the images
object with , corresponding to the row names of the SingleCellExperiment
object and to the short_name
column of rowData(sce)
channelNames(images) <- rowData(sce)$short_name
Finally, we will save the generated CytoImageList
images and masks objects for uploading to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub")
saveRDS(masks, file.path(outdir, "masks.rds"))
saveRDS(images, file.path(outdir, "images.rds"))
Remove all files from the temporary working directory.
downloaded_files <- list.files(workdir) downloaded_files <- downloaded_files[!downloaded_files %in% "BiocStyle"] unlink(file.path(workdir, downloaded_files), recursive = TRUE) # Reset original timeout value options(timeout = timeout)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.