knitr::opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = file.path("..", "extdata"))


This script loads example data acquired by the IMMUcan consortium. The data was processed as part of the IMC data analysis book and is hosted at


Loading required R packages

dataset_name <- "IMMUcan_2022_CancerExample"
dataset_version <- "v1"
cat("Dataset version:", dataset_version)

Setting the working and output directories

# Temporary directory to unzip files
workdir <- tempdir()
Sys.setenv(workdir = workdir)

# Output directory
dataset_dir <- file.path(".", dataset_name)
if(!(dir.exists(dataset_dir))) dir.create(dataset_dir)

outdir <- file.path(dataset_dir, dataset_version)
if(!(dir.exists(outdir))) dir.create(outdir)

# Increase timeout period so that large files can be downloaded
timeout <- getOption('timeout')
options(timeout = 1000)

Single cell data

Import single cell data

We will download the already processed data and convert the SpatialExperiment into a SingleCellExperiment object.

              destfile = file.path(workdir, "spe.rds"))
spe <- readRDS(file.path(workdir, "spe.rds"))
sce <- as(spe, "SingleCellExperiment")

Prepare data

Here, we modify the SingleCellExperiment object for consistency with other datasets.

Cell-level metadata

sce$image_name <- sce$sample_id
sce$cell_number <- sce$ObjectNumber

# Add image numbers and cell ids
image_names <- unique(colData(sce)$image_name)
image_numbers <- 1:length(image_names)
names(image_numbers) <- image_names
sce$image_number <- image_numbers[colData(sce)$image_name]

sce$cell_id <- paste(sce$image_number, sce$cell_number, sep = "_")

# Synchronise additional columns
sce$cell_type <- sce$celltype
sce$image_width <- sce$width_px
sce$image_height <- sce$height_px

sce$cell_area <- sce$area
sce$cell_major_axis_length <- sce$major_axis_length
sce$cell_minor_axis_length <- sce$minor_axis_length
sce$cell_eccentricity <- sce$eccentricity

# Add cell ids as row names
colnames(sce) <- colData(sce)$cell_id

Store cell coordinates in colData(sce)

colData(sce)$cell_x <- spatialCoords(spe)[, "Pos_X"]
colData(sce)$cell_y <- spatialCoords(spe)[, "Pos_Y"]

Marker metadata

Here, we will make the marker metadata (rowData(sce)) consistent with other datasets.

First, add short_name and full_name columns and rename other columns.

# Add short names, metal and channel numbers
rowData(sce)$short_name <- rowData(sce)$name
rowData(sce)$metal <- rowData(sce)$channel
rowData(sce)$channel <- 1:nrow(rowData(sce))

# Rename columns
renaming_vector <- c(
  channel = "channel",
  metal = "metal",
  short_name = "short_name",
  full_name = "Target",
  name = "name",
  marker_class = "marker_class",
  antibody_clone = "Antibody.Clone",
  antibody_tube_number = "Tube.Number",
  antibody_stock_conc = "Stock.Concentration",
  antibody_final_conc_or_dilution = "Final.Concentration...Dilution",
  antibody_ul_to_add = "",
  use_channel = "use_channel",
  used_for_clustering = "used_for_clustering",
  channel_name = "channel_name",
  keep = "keep",
  ilastik = "ilastik",
  deepcell = "deepcell"

panel <- rowData(sce) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::rename(all_of(renaming_vector)) %>%

# Re-order columns
setcolorder(panel, names(renaming_vector))

We then modify marker short names and full names for consistency.

panel[metal == "Y89", `:=` (full_name = "Myeloperoxidase")]
panel[metal == "In113", `:=` (short_name = "H3")]
panel[metal == "In115", `:=` (full_name = "Smooth muscle actin")]
panel[metal == "Nd143", `:=` (full_name = "HLA_DR", short_name = "HLA_DR")]
panel[metal == "Nd144", `:=` (antibody_clone = "polyclonal_CD27",
                              antibody_ul_to_add = 1.5)]
panel[metal == "Nd148", `:=` (full_name = "Beta-2-microglobulin")]
panel[metal == "Eu151", `:=` (full_name = "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1",
                              short_name = "IDO1")]
panel[metal == "Sm152", `:=` (full_name = "CD3 epsilon", short_name = "CD3e")]
panel[metal == "Eu153", `:=` (
  full_name = "Lymphocyte activation gene 3 protein",
  short_name = "LAG3",
  antibody_ul_to_add = 1.4)]
panel[metal == "Gd155", `:=` (
  full_name = "Programmed cell death protein 1",
  short_name = "PD_1")]
panel[metal == "Gd156", `:=` (
  full_name = "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta",
  short_name = "PDGFRB")]
panel[metal == "Tb159", `:=` (full_name = "Granzyme B", short_name = "GZMB")]
panel[metal == "Gd160", `:=` (full_name = "Programmed death-ligand 1",
                              short_name = "PD_L1")]
panel[metal == "Dy163", `:=` (full_name = "Forkhead box P3")]
panel[metal == "Dy164", `:=` (full_name = "Inducible T-cell costimulator",
                              short_name = "ICOS")]
panel[metal == "Ho165", `:=` (full_name = "CD8 alpha")]
panel[metal == "Er166", `:=` (full_name = "Carbonic anhydrase IX",
                              short_name = "CA9")]
panel[metal == "Er168", `:=` (full_name = "Ki-67", short_name = "Ki67")]
panel[metal == "Tm169", `:=` (
  full_name = "V-type Ig domain-containing suppressor of T-cell activation")]
panel[metal == "Yb173", `:=` (full_name = "E-Cadherin", short_name = "CDH1")]
panel[metal == "Yb174", `:=` (antibody_clone = "polyclonal_CD303")]
panel[metal == "Lu175", `:=` (full_name = "CD206")]
panel[metal == "Yb176", `:=` (full_name = "cleaved-PARP",
                              short_name = "c_PARP")]
panel[metal == "Ir191", `:=` (full_name = "Iridium 191", short_name = "DNA1",
                              antibody_clone = NA,
                              antibody_tube_number = NA)]
panel[metal == "Ir193", `:=` (full_name = "Iridium 193", short_name = "DNA2",
                              antibody_clone = NA,
                              antibody_tube_number = NA)]

Finally, we convert the panel table to a DataFrame and add target short_names as row names.

panel <- as(panel, "DataFrame")
panel$antibody_ul_to_add <- as.numeric(panel$antibody_ul_to_add)
rownames(sce) <- rownames(panel) <- panel$short_name
rowData(sce) <- panel

SingleCellExperiment object

Finalize the object

mainExpName(sce) <- paste(dataset_name, dataset_version, sep = "_")

Save on disk

We save the SingleCellExperiment object for upload to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

saveRDS(sce, file.path(outdir, "sce.rds"))

Images and cell masks

Import images and masks

              destfile = file.path(workdir, "images.rds"))

images <- readRDS(file.path(workdir, "images.rds"))
              destfile = file.path(workdir, "masks.rds"))

masks <- readRDS(file.path(workdir, "masks.rds"))

Prepare images and masks

We will now process the images and masks to make them consistent with other datasets.

Add image names and numbers

Next, we add image names and numbers to the images and masks objects, these names correspond to the image_name (respectively, image_number) column in colData(sce). This information is stored in the metadata columns of the CytoImageList objects and is used by cytomapper to match single cell data, images and masks.

# Add image names
mcols(images)$image_name <- mcols(images)$sample_id
mcols(masks)$image_name <- mcols(masks)$sample_id

# Add image numbers
mcols(images)$image_number <- image_numbers[mcols(images)$image_name]
mcols(masks)$image_number <- image_numbers[mcols(masks)$image_name]

# Fix patient_id column name
names(mcols(images))[names(mcols(images)) == "patient_id.V1"] <- "patient_id"
names(mcols(masks))[names(mcols(masks)) == "patient_id.V1"] <- "patient_id"

Add channel names

Finally, we will add protein short names as channel names of the images object with , corresponding to the row names of the SingleCellExperiment object and to the short_name column of rowData(sce).

if (! identical(rowData(sce)$name, channelNames(images)))
  stop("image names in 'sce' and 'images' objects are different")

# Add channel names to the "images" object
channelNames(images) <- rowData(sce)$short_name

Save on disk

Finally, we will save the generated CytoImageList images and masks objects for uploading to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

saveRDS(masks, file.path(outdir, "masks.rds"))
saveRDS(images, file.path(outdir, "images.rds"))

Clean up

Remove all files from the temporary working directory.

downloaded_files <- list.files(workdir)
downloaded_files <- downloaded_files[!downloaded_files %in% "BiocStyle"]
unlink(file.path(workdir, downloaded_files), recursive = TRUE)

# Reset original timeout value
options(timeout = timeout)

Session information


BodenmillerGroup/imcdatasets documentation built on March 20, 2024, 9:24 a.m.