test_that("filterPixels function works.", {
path <- system.file("extdata/spillover", package = "imcRtools")
# Read in .txt
expect_silent(cur_sce <- readSCEfromTXT(path, verbose = FALSE))
assay(cur_sce, "exprs") <- asinh(counts(cur_sce)/5)
bc_key <- as.numeric(unique(cur_sce$sample_mass))
expect_silent(cur_sce <- CATALYST::assignPrelim(cur_sce, bc_key = bc_key,
verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(cur_sce$sample_mass, cur_sce$bc_id)
c(0.5496888, 0.5281406, 0.4944301, 0.4765845, 0.4958716),
tolerance = 0.000001)
cur_sce <- CATALYST::estCutoffs(cur_sce)
c("161" = 0.3900550, "162" = 0.2900170, "163" = 0.3900138, "164" = 0.3500177),
tolerance = 0.000001)
expect_silent(cur_sce <- CATALYST::applyCutoffs(cur_sce))
expect_equal(sum(cur_sce$bc_id == "0"), 2)
# Filter function shouldn't do anything
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce))
expect_identical(cur_sce_2, cur_sce)
sm_1 <- CATALYST::computeSpillmat(cur_sce)
sm_1 <- metadata(sm_1)$spillover_matrix
cur_sm <- matrix(c(1.000000000, 0.031443129, 0.009734712, 0.006518048,
0.015715159, 1.000000000, 0.048116187, 0.008250039,
0.003809504, 0.012159704, 1.000000000, 0.020214651,
0.005058069, 0.008457546, 0.028912343, 1.000000000),
ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di"),
c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di")))
expect_equal(sm_1, cur_sm)
# Change a few pixels
cur_sce_test <- cur_sce
cur_sam <- sample(1:ncol(cur_sce), 20)
cur_sce_test$bc_id[cur_sam] <- "test"
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id[cur_sam] == "0"))
expect_equal(sum(cur_sce_2$bc_id == "0"), 22)
cur_sce_test <- cur_sce
cur_sce_test$sample_mass[cur_sam] <- "test"
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id[cur_sam] == "0"))
expect_equal(sum(cur_sce_2$bc_id == "0"), 22)
sm_2 <- CATALYST::computeSpillmat(cur_sce_2)
sm_2 <- metadata(sm_2)$spillover_matrix
cur_sm <- matrix(c(1.000000000, 0.031379344, 0.009734712, 0.006434588,
0.015716916, 1.000000000, 0.048159650, 0.008242979,
0.003791071, 0.012178834, 1.000000000, 0.020185447,
0.005052712, 0.008413039, 0.028952340, 1.000000000),
ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di"),
c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di")))
expect_equal(sm_2, cur_sm)
# Don't correct pixels
cur_sce_test <- cur_sce
cur_sam <- sample(1:ncol(cur_sce), 20)
cur_sce_test$bc_id[cur_sam] <- "test"
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test,
correct_pixels = FALSE,
minevents = 18))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id[cur_sam] == "test"))
# Filter based on size
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test,
correct_pixels = FALSE,
minevents = 22))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id[cur_sam] == "0"))
cur_sce_test <- cur_sce
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test, minevents = 120))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id == "0"))
sm_3 <- CATALYST::computeSpillmat(cur_sce_2)
sm_3 <- metadata(sm_3)$spillover_matrix
cur_sm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1),
ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di"),
c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di")))
expect_equal(sm_3, cur_sm)
cur_sce_test <- cur_sce
cur_sce_test$bc_id[cur_sce_test$bc_id == "161"] <- c(rep("161", 20), rep("0", 80))
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- filterPixels(cur_sce_test, minevents = 21))
expect_true(all(cur_sce_2$bc_id[cur_sce$bc_id == "161"] == "0"))
sm_4 <- CATALYST::computeSpillmat(cur_sce_2)
sm_4 <- metadata(sm_4)$spillover_matrix
cur_sm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0,
0.015715159, 1, 0.04811619, 0.008250039,
0.003809504, 0.012159704, 1, 0.020214651,
0.005058069, 0.008457546, 0.02891234, 1),
ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di"),
c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di", "Dy163Di", "Dy164Di")))
expect_equal(sm_4, cur_sm)
# Error
regexp = "'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(filterPixels(object = cur_sce, bc_id = "test"),
regexp = "'bc_id' not in 'colData(object)'",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(filterPixels(object = cur_sce, spot_mass = "test"),
regexp = "'spot_mass' not in 'colData(object)'",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(filterPixels(object = cur_sce, minevents = "test"),
regexp = "'minevents' needs to be single numeric.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(filterPixels(object = cur_sce, correct_pixels = "test"),
regexp = "'correct_pixels' needs to be single logical.",
fixed = TRUE)
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