#' Predict Condition
#' Uses the results of [analyzeRLFS] to predict whether a sample is "POS"
#' (robust R-loop mapping) or "NEG" (poor R-loop mapping). See *details*.
#' @param object An RLRanges object with [analyzeRLFS] already run.
#' Ignored if `rlfsRes` is provided.
#' @param rlfsRes If object not supplied, provide the rlfsRes list which is
#' obtained from `rlresult(object, "rlfsRes")`.
#' @param ... Internal use only.
#' @details
#' Following R-loop forming sequences (RLFS) analysis, the quality model
#' (see [RLHub::models]) is implemented for predicting the sample condition in
#' coordination with other results from [analyzeRLFS].
#' A prediction of “POS” indicates robust R-loop mapping, whereas “NEG”
#' indicates poor R-loop mapping. The succeeding sections describe this
#' process in greater detail.
#' ### Application of binary classification model
#' First, the binary classifier is applied, yielding a preliminary
#' prediction of quality. This is accomplished via the following
#' steps:
#' 1. Calculate the Fourier transform of the Z-score distribution
#' (see [analyzeRLFS]).
#' 2. Reduce the dimensions to the engineered feature set (see table below).
#' 3. Apply the preprocessing model (see [RLHub::models]) to normalize these
#' features
#' 4. Apply the classifier (see [RLHub::models]) to render a quality prediction.
#' #### Engineered feature set
#' Abbreviations: Z, Z-score distribution; ACF, autocorrelation function;
#' FT, Fourier Transform.
#' |feature |description |
#' |:-------|:----------------------------------------|
#' |Z1 |mean of Z |
#' |Z2 |variance of Z |
#' |Zacf1 |mean of Z ACF |
#' |Zacf2 |variance of Z ACF |
#' |ReW1 |mean of FT of Z (real part) |
#' |ReW2 |variance of FT of Z (real part) |
#' |ImW1 |mean of FT of Z (imaginary part) |
#' |ImW2 |variance of FT of Z (imaginary part) |
#' |ReWacf1 |mean of FT of Z ACF (real part) |
#' |ReWacf2 |variance of FT of Z ACF (real part) |
#' |ImWacf1 |mean of FT of Z ACF (imaginary part) |
#' |ImWacf2 |variance of FT of Z ACF (imaginary part) |
#' ### Final quality prediction
#' The results from the binary classifier are combined with other results from
#' [analyzeRLFS] to yield a final prediction. To yield a prediction of “POS”
#' all the following must be `TRUE`:
#' 1. The RLFS Permutation test P value is significant (p < .05). Stored as
#' `PVal Significant` in the results object.
#' 2. The Z-score distribution at 0bp is > 0. Stored as `ZApex > 0` in
#' the results object.
#' 3. The Z-score distribution at 0bp is > the start and the end. Sored as
#' `ZApex > ZEdges` in the results object.
#' 4. binary The classifier predicts a label of “POS”. Stored as
#' `Predicted 'POS'` in the results object.
#' @return An RLRanges object with predictions accessible via
#' `rlresult(object, "predictRes")`.
#' ### Structure
#' The results object is a named `list` of the structure:
#' * `Features`
#' - A `tbl` with three columns that describe the engineered features used
#' for prediction:
#' * `feature`: the name of the feature (see *details*).
#' * `raw_value`: The raw value of that feature in the supplied object.
#' * `processed_value`: The normalized value of that feature after
#' preprocessing (see *details*).
#' * Criteria
#' - The four criteria which must all be `TRUE` to render a
#' prediction of "POS" (see *details*).
#' * prediction
#' - The final prediction. "POS" indicates robust R-loop mapping, "NEG"
#' indicates poor R-loop mapping.
#' @examples
#' # Example data with analyzeRLFS already run
#' rlr <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "rlrsmall.rds", package = "RLSeq"))
#' # predict condition
#' rlr <- predictCondition(rlr)
#' # With rlfsRes
#' predRes <- predictCondition(rlfsRes = rlresult(rlr, "rlfsRes"))
#' @export
predictCondition <- function(object, rlfsRes = NULL, ...) {
# Obtain RLFS-Res if not supplied
if (is.null(rlfsRes)) {
rlfsRes <- rlresult(object, resultName = "rlfsRes")
rlfsGiven <- FALSE
} else {
rlfsGiven <- TRUE
# Check for missing packages and stop if found
pkgs <- vapply(
X = c("kernlab", "randomForest", "rpart", "MASS"),
FUN = requireNamespace,
quietly = TRUE,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
if (any(!pkgs)) {
pks <- paste0(names(pkgs)[which(!pkgs)], collapse = '", "')
'Packages needed for predictCondition() but not installed: "',
pks, '"'
# Dots are used to supply custom models for testing purposes only.
dots <- list(...)
if (length(dots) == 2) {
prepFeatures <- dots$prepFeatures
fftModel <- dots$fftModel
} else {
prepFeatures <- RLHub::prep_features(quiet = TRUE)
fftModel <- RLHub::fft_model(quiet = TRUE)
# Get pval
pval <- rlfsRes$perTestResults$`regioneR::numOverlaps`$pval
# Get Z
Z <- rlfsRes$`Z-scores`$`regioneR::numOverlaps`$shifted.z.scores
if (any(is.infinite(Z))) {
"Found Inf values in Z score distribution.",
" Set 'ntimes' higher in analyzeRLFS"
# Get edge and center Z values
shifts <- rlfsRes$`Z-scores`$`regioneR::numOverlaps`$shifts
Zcenter <- Z[which(shifts == 0)]
Zleft <- Z[which.min(shifts)]
Zright <- Z[which.max(shifts)]
# compute Fourier transform of Z
W <- fft(Z)
# compute autocorrelation on Z
Zacf <- drop(
lag.max = length(Z) / 1, plot = FALSE,
type = "covariance"
# compute Fourier transform of the autocorrelation
Wacf <- fft(Zacf)
# compute 1st and 2nd moments for Z, Zacf, Re(W), Im(W), Re(Wacf), Im(Wacf)
featuresRaw <- data.frame(
Z1 = mean(Z),
Z2 = sqrt(sum(Z^2)),
Zacf1 = mean(Zacf),
Zacf2 = sqrt(sum(Zacf^2)),
ReW1 = mean(Re(W)),
ReW2 = sqrt(sum(Re(W)^2)),
ImW1 = mean(Im(W)),
ImW2 = sqrt(sum(Im(W)^2)),
ReWacf1 = mean(Re(Wacf)),
ReWacf2 = sqrt(sum(Re(Wacf)^2)),
ImWacf1 = mean(Im(Wacf)),
ImWacf2 = sqrt(sum(Im(Wacf)^2))
# Standardize features
features <- stats::predict(prepFeatures, featuresRaw)
# Predict using stacked model
pred <- stats::predict(fftModel, features)
# Test each criteria for labeling "POS"
criteriaOne <- pval < .05
criteriaTwo <- Zcenter > 0
criteriaThree <- Zcenter > Zleft & Zcenter > Zright
criteriaFour <- toupper(pred) == "POS" || toupper(pred) == "CASE"
# Wrangle features raw
finalFeatures <- dplyr::bind_rows(features, featuresRaw) %>%
t() %>%
colnames(finalFeatures) <- c("raw_value", "processed_value")
finalFeatures$feature <- rownames(finalFeatures)
finalFeatures <- finalFeatures %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::relocate(.data$feature, .before = .data$raw_value)
# return results
reslst <- list(
Features = finalFeatures,
Criteria = list(
"PVal Significant" = criteriaOne,
"ZApex > 0" = criteriaTwo,
"ZApex > ZEdges" = criteriaThree,
"Predicted 'POS'" = criteriaFour
prediction = ifelse(criteriaOne & criteriaTwo &
criteriaThree & criteriaFour,
"POS", "NEG"
# Add to RLRanges and result
if (!rlfsGiven) {
methods::slot(object@metadata$results, "predictRes") <- reslst
} else {
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