Using OSN on TMA Data

The Open Storage Network has allowed the Bioconductor project expanded offerings to cloud data. We demonstrate the usage of the RemoteZarr class to access Tissue MicroArray (TMA) data, one 'core' at a time.


Data Location

There are about 123 cores within the OSN storage location above. Cores are numerically labeled e.g., 1.zarr corresponds to core number one.

Data Representation

ZarrRemote class


endpoint and bucket inputs

The endpoint corresponds to the OSN website and the bucket input corresponds to the bucket name and subfolders where the .zarr archives can be located.

zr <- ZarrRemote(
    endpoint = "",
    bucket = "bir190004-bucket01/TMA11/zarr/"

URL input

A URL may also be used as the resource input. Both the endpoint and the bucket location will be deduced when possible.

zr <- ZarrRemote(
    resource = ""

Data Retrieval

Currently, data retrieval is possible on a single directory via the import method on the ZarrRemote class.

ZarrRemote import method

The import method makes internal use of the s3fs python module:

getMethod(import, "ZarrRemote")

This operation takes about three minutes to complete and produces an array object of approximately 2.3 GB.

  c99 <- import(zr, filename = "99.zarr")
#'   user  system elapsed 
#' 15.342   4.152 182.009

#' 2314764768 bytes

object_size(c99, unit = "GB", standard = "SI")
#' [1] "2.3 GB"

Image from channels 4, 5, 10, 17

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (channel in c(4, 5, 10, 17))
        c99[channel, , ],
        main = paste0("Channel No. ", as.character(channel)),
        useRaster = TRUE

Session Info


Bioconductor/ZarrExperiment documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:51 p.m.