## FIXME: <adjMat> adjacency matrix -- color w. +/- 1 ## FIXME: limma topTable --> GeneColorSet ## w. verbose=TRUE suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(GSEABase) library(hgu95av2.db) library(GO.db) })
A GeneSet
stores a set of related gene identifiers. Important components of
the gene set are a vector of identifiers, general descriptive information about
the set, and information about how the gene set was constructed. To construct a
gene set, use GeneSet
. For example, to create a gene set from the
identifiers in a subset of the sample ExpressionSet
in the
r Biocpkg('Biobase')
package use
data(sample.ExpressionSet) # from Biobase egs <- GeneSet(sample.ExpressionSet[201:250,], setName="Sample") egs
Each gene set may have a name. The gene set contains r length(geneIds(egs))
identifiers ('genes') from the ExpressionSet
. These are accessible using
, e.g.,
The gene set records that the identifiers are probeset names from the
annotation package r Biocpkg('hgu95av2.db')
, and that the source of the gene
set was an ExpressionSet
. Additional details are available:
The set identifier, set version, and creation date
provide mechanisms for carefully curating gene sets. Additional
information is automatically copied from the expression set used to
create egs
## FIXME: GeneSet(AnnotationIdentifier("hgu95av2")) --> non-empty ## FIXME: GeneSet(AnnotationIdentifier("hgu95av2"), ## collectionType=GOCollection()) filters on GOCollection (or KEGG)
View additional methods for creating gene sets with:
showMethods("GeneSet", inherited=FALSE)
These are described on the GeneSet
help page.
The identifier type of gene sets created from expression sets is r as.character(class(geneIdType(egs)))
Additional predefined identifiers are available:
names(slot(getClass("GeneIdentifierType"), "subclasses"))
It is possible to map between identifier types (provided the corresponding map in the annotation package exists):
mapIdentifiers(egs, EntrezIdentifier())
consults the gene set to determine that annotation (probeset)
identifiers are to be converted to Entrez IDs based on the mapping in
the r Biocpkg('hgu95av2.db')
The function mapIdentifiers
can automatically determine many of the common
maps; it is also possible to provide as a third argument an environment
containing an arbitrary map. Use the verbose
argument of mapIdentifiers
to be informed when the
map between identifier types is not 1:1.
A gene set can be created with different types of identifier, e.g., to create a gene set with Entrez IDs, use
library(annotate) # getEG eids <- unique(getEG(geneIds(egs), "hgu95av2")) eids <- eids[!is.na(eids)] GeneSet(EntrezIdentifier(), geneIds=as.character(eids))
The collectionType
of a gene set provides additional information about a gene set.
Available collection types are
names(slot(getClass("CollectionType"), "subclasses"))
Collection types are most important when creating gene sets. For instance, the
class allows creation of gene sets based on gene ontology (GO) terms.
The following command creates a gene set from two terms, including all
genes with a particular evidence code.
GeneSet(GOCollection(c("GO:0005488", "GO:0019825"), evidenceCode="IDA"), geneIdType=EntrezIdentifier("org.Hs.eg.db"), setName="Sample GO Collection")
This creates a gene set by
consulting an object in the r Biocpkg('GO.db')
A gene set created from an expression set, and with collection type GOCollection
consults the appropriate environment in the annotation package associated
with the expression set.
Gene sets encoded in XML following the schema and conventions of the Broad Institute can be read into R as follows:
fl <- system.file("extdata", "Broad1.xml", package="GSEABase") bgs <- GeneSet(BroadCollection(), urls=fl) bgs
The example above uses a local file, but the source for the gene set
might also be a web address accessible via http://
the protocol. The file name
is added to the url of the gene set. The set name and category of the
Broad collection indicate that the gene set contains gene symbols from
band 24 of the q arm of chromosome 16. The probe sets in chip hgu95av2
corresponding to these symbols can be determined by mapping identifiers
bgs1 <- mapIdentifiers(bgs, AnnotationIdentifier("hgu95av2")) bgs1
Subsetting creates sets with just the symbols identified. Subsetting can use indices or symbol names.
bgs[1:5] bgs[c("GALNS", "LOC646365")]
Logical operations provide a convenient way to identify genes with particular properties. For instance, the intersection
egs & bgs1
is empty (note that the identifiers in the two sets were of
the same type), indicating that none of the identifiers in egs
are on 16q24
Additional operations on sets include union (performed with |
) and
difference (setdiff
Methods exist to directly subset expression sets using gene sets
Remember that sample.ExpressionSet
contains just r nrow(sample.ExpressionSet)
probe sets, so the small size of the subset is not surprising. Note also that subsetting required mapping of symbol identifiers in bgs
to AnnotationIdentifiers
; this map used the annotation information in the expression set, and is not necessarily 1:1.
A GeneColorSet
is a gene set with "coloring" to indicate how features of genes and
phenotypes are associated. The following sample data describes how
changes in expression levels of several genes (with Entrez and Symbol
names) influence cisplatin resistance phenotype.
conn <- textConnection(" Entrez ID, Gene Symbol, Expression level, Phenotype response ##used to be MRP2 1244, ABCC2, Increase, Resistant 538, ATP7A, Increase, Resistant 540, ATP7B, Increase, Resistant 9961, MVP, Increase, Resistant ##the LRP below must be MVP ##LRP, Increase, Resistant - need to know which one 7507,XPA, Increase, Resistant 2067, ERCC1, Increase, Resistant ##TOP, Increase, Resistant - need to know which one, notes say II 672, BRCA1, Increase, Resistant 3725, JUN, Increase, Resistant #GCS, Increase, Resistant - my notes say alpha-GCS - so which one? ##I only found gamma at PubMed as being related 2730, GCLM, Increase, Resistant") tbl <- read.csv(conn, strip.white=TRUE, comment.char="#", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) close(conn) unlink(conn)
Note that three different aspects of data influence coloring: the phenotype under consideration (cisplatin resistance), whether expression responses refer to increasing or decreasing levels of gene expression, and whether the phenotypic response represents greater resistance or sensitivity to cisplatin. Here is the resulting gene color set:
gcs <- GeneColorSet(EntrezIdentifier(), setName="A color set", geneIds=as.character(tbl$Entrez.ID), phenotype="Cisplatin resistance", geneColor=tbl$Expression.level, phenotypeColor=tbl$Phenotype.response) gcs
Gene color sets can be used in the same way as gene sets, e.g., for subsetting
expression sets (provided the map between identifiers is 1:1, so that coloring
corresponding to identifiers can be determined). The coloring
method allows
access to the coloring information with a data frame interface; phenotype
and phenotypeColor
provide additional accessors.
A GeneSetCollection
is a collection of gene sets. Sets in the collection must
have distinct setName
s, but can be a mix of GeneSet
and GeneColorSet. Two
convenient ways to create a gene set collection are by specifying a source of
identifiers (e.g., an ExpressionSet
or AnnotationIdentifier
) and how the
identifiers are to be induced into sets (e.g., by consulting the GO or KEGG
gsc <- GeneSetCollection(sample.ExpressionSet[201:250,], setType=GOCollection()) gsc gsc[["GO:0005737"]]
In this example, the annotation identifiers of the sample expression set are
organized into gene sets based on their presence in GO pathways. Providing
arguments such as evidenceCode
to GOCollection
act to select just those
pathways satisfying the GO collection constraint:
GeneSetCollection(sample.ExpressionSet[201:300,], setType=GOCollection(evidenceCode="IMP"))
Sets in the collection are named after the GO terms, and can be accessed by numeric index or name.
A file or url containing several gene sets defined by Broad XML can be used to create a gene set collection, e.g.,
## FIXME: BroadCollection default to paste("c", 1:4, sep="") ## FIXME: GeneSetCollection(BroadCollection(), urls=fl); filters on bcCategory fl <- system.file("extdata", "Broad.xml", package="GSEABase") gss <- getBroadSets(fl) gss names(gss)
Identifiers within a gene set collection can be mapped to a common type (provided maps are available) with, for example,
gsc <- mapIdentifiers(gsc, EntrezIdentifier()) gsc gsc[["GO:0005737"]]
A convenient way to visualize a GeneSetCollection
is with the
r Biocpkg('ReportingTools')
## 'interesting' gene sets idx <- sapply(gsc, function(x) length(geneIds(x))) > 2 library(ReportingTools) gscReport <- HTMLReport( shortName="gsc_example", title="GSEABase Vignette GeneSetCollection", basePath=tempdir()) publish(gsc[idx], gscReport, annotation.db="org.Hs.eg") url <- finish(gscReport)
The report can be viewed with
This concludes a brief tour of gene sets and gene set collections
available in the r Biocpkg('GSEABase')
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.