5/1/2018, summary 1. "extract_array", updated, to return only array. (for 1-dimensional data also). 2. dim, dimnames, type for "GDSArray" works by implementing "extract_array" correctly. 3. show method works for "DelayedSubset" object inside vignette, by depending on S4Vector 0.17.43. 4. gdsnodes(GDSFile) returns only the gds nodes that could construct unique ‘GDSArray’ objects, which means that the gds node has non-zero-dimensions, and is actually array, and all ‘GDSArray’s returned from these nodes are unique (by excluding the gds nodes that has `code~ prefix).




gf$variant.id <1348> GDSArray object of type "integer": Error in dimnames(x) <- value : 'dimnames' applied to non-array gf$genotype$data -- correct! gf$phase$data -- correct!


Bioconductor/GDSArray documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 9:57 p.m.