
This document describes how to create a Bioconductor probe package from the reporter sequence information of a particular chip. Probe packages are a convenient way for distributing and storing the probe sequences and related information.

First, let us load the r Biocpkg("AnnotationForge") package.


For Affymetrix genechips

In this section we see how a probe package can be created for Affymetrix genechips from the tabulator-separated sequence files that can be obtained from the vendor (at https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/support.html). As an example, the file HG-U95Av2_probe_tab.gz is provided in the extdata subdirectory of the r Biocpkg("AnnotationForge") package.

filename <- system.file("extdata", "HG-U95Av2_probe_tab.gz", 
outdir   <- tempdir()
me       <- "Wolfgang Huber <w.huber@dkfz.de>"
species  <- "Homo_sapiens"
                 datafile   = gzfile(filename, open="r"),
                 outdir     = outdir,
                 maintainer = me,
                 species    = species,
                 version    = "0.0.1")

For other chiptypes {#subsec.otherarraytypes}

To deal with different file formats and additional types of probe annotation data from public or in-house databases, the function makeProbePackage offers a great deal of flexibility. The user can specify her own import function through the importfun argument. By default, its value is getProbeDataAffy, a function that reads tabular Affymetrix genechip sequence files. Import functions for other types of arrays can be adapted from this prototype.

The help pages and R code contained in the produced packages are derived from a template directory that obeys the usual R package conventions [-@Rfoundation1999]. The input parameters of an import function are A prototype for such a directory is provided within the package r Biocpkg("AnnotationForge"). To facilitate the automated production of large numbers of similar packages, we provide a text substitution mechanism similar to the one used in the GNU configure system.

The output of an import function is a named list with elements

For more details, please refer to the help files for the functions makeProbePackage and getProbeDataAffy. For an example, refer to the source code of getProbeDataAffy.

References {-}

Bioconductor/AnnotationForge documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 6:30 a.m.