
Defines functions Dockstore .api_header

Documented in Dockstore

## sub-class to allow method dispatch

#' @export
.Dockstore <- setClass(
    contains = "Service",
    slots = c(api_header = "character")

.api_header <- function(x) x@api_header

## construct a singleton instance for this service

#' @rdname Services
#' @aliases Dockstore-class operations,Dockstore-method
#' @return `Dockstore()` represents the API of the Dockstore platform to
#'     share Docker-based tools in CWL or WDL or Nextflow at
#'     \url{https://dockstore.org}
#' @format NULL
#' @examples
#' Dockstore()
#' @export
Dockstore <-
    api_header <- character()
    path <- authenticate_path("dockstore")
    if (file.exists(path)) {
        token <- read_json(path)$token
        api_header <- c(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token))
            host = "dockstore.org",
            config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L, ssl_verifyhost = 0L),
            api_reference_version = .DOCKSTORE_API_REFERENCE_VERSION,
            authenticate = FALSE,
            api_reference_url = "https://dockstore.org/api/openapi.yaml",
        api_header = api_header

#' @export
    "operations", "Dockstore",
    function(x, ..., .deprecated = FALSE)
    ## Use .api_header() for authentication.
    value <- callNextMethod(
        x, .headers = .api_header(x), ..., .deprecated = .deprecated
    ## Some operations have a poorly defined operationId in the json
    value[grep("[_,]+", names(value), invert = TRUE)]
Bioconductor/AnVIL documentation built on Jan. 26, 2025, 8:16 a.m.