#' @title KallistoMetadata S4 class
#' @description An S4 class that is the desendant of the AbundanceMetadata class.
#' It contains all metadata needed to run kallisto analysis.
#' All slots of this class have a default value. You do not need to edit them to
#' run the package
#' @slot download_kallisto A logical allowing to use an already installed version
#' of kallisto or to download a version that will be used only by this package
#' @slot kallisto_windows_url URL to the binary of kallisto for windows
#' @slot kallisto_linux_url URL to the binary of kallisto for linux
#' @slot kallisto_osx_url URL to the binary of kallisto for MacOS
#' @slot kallisto_windows_dir Name of the directory where kallisto will be installed
#' on windows
#' @slot kallisto_linux_dir Name of the directory where kallisto will be installed
#' on linux
#' @slot kallisto_osx_dir Name of the directory where kallisto will be installed
#' on Mac
#' @slot unix_kallisto_name Name of the kallisto executable in linux and macOS
#' @slot windows_kallisto_name Name of the kallisto executable in windows
#' @slot index_file Name of index file generated by kallisto with default kmer
#' size. It will be generated using the fasta file that contains both
#' transcriptomic and intergenic regions. Do not use an index you generated
#' outside of this package. This file is created by the pipeline.
#' You should edit this slot only if you already have such a file with a
#' different name. This file must be store at get_tool_path()
#' @slot k15_index_file same as index_file. This index is generated with smallest
#' kmers and will be used only for libraries containing reads smallest than 50nt.
#' @slot single_end_parameters kallisto parameters used to run a single end mapping
#' @slot pair_end_parameters kallisto parameters used to run a pair end mapping
#' @slot overwrite_index logical allowing to overwrite already existing index. FALSE by
#' default. Then by default already existing index files will not be generated again.
#' @slot overwrite_quant logical allowing to overwrite already existing abundance.txt
#' files. FALSE by default. Then by default already existing quantitfdication files will
#' not be generated again.
#' @slot overwrite_calls logical allowing to overwrite already existing present/absent
#' calls. FALSE by default. Then by default already generated calls will not be
#' generated again.
#' @exportClass KallistoMetadata
KallistoMetadata <- setClass(
# Set the name for the class
Class = "KallistoMetadata",
# Define the slots
representation = representation(
download_kallisto = "logical",
kallisto_windows_url = "character",
kallisto_linux_url = "character",
kallisto_osx_url = "character",
kallisto_windows_dir = "character",
kallisto_linux_dir = "character",
kallisto_osx_dir = "character",
unix_kallisto_name = "character",
windows_kallisto_name = "character",
index_file = "character",
k15_index_file = "character",
single_end_parameters = "character",
pair_end_parameters = "character",
overwrite_index = "logical",
overwrite_quant = "logical",
overwrite_calls = "logical"
# Set the default values for the slots.
prototype = prototype(
# slots defined in parent AbundanceMetadata Class
tool_name = "kallisto",
abundance_file = "abundance.tsv",
abundance_file_without_tx_version = "abundance_without_tx_version.tsv",
transcript_id_header = "target_id",
count_header = "est_counts",
abundance_header = "tpm",
eff_length_header = "eff_length",
read_size_kmer_threshold = 50,
# slots specific to Class
download_kallisto = FALSE,
kallisto_windows_url =
kallisto_linux_url =
kallisto_osx_url =
kallisto_windows_dir = "kallisto",
kallisto_linux_dir = "kallisto_linux-v0.45.0",
kallisto_osx_dir = "kallisto",
unix_kallisto_name = "kallisto",
windows_kallisto_name = "kallisto.exe",
index_file = "transcriptome.idx",
#transcriptome index file for kmer size = 15
k15_index_file = "transcriptome_k15.idx",
single_end_parameters = "-t 1 --single -l 180 -s 30 --bias",
pair_end_parameters = "-t 1 --bias",
overwrite_index = FALSE,
overwrite_quant = FALSE,
overwrite_calls = TRUE
# This class also have attributs/methods of AbundanceMetadata class (inheritence)
contains = "AbundanceMetadata"
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