context("tests for setting up and modifying sqlite database")
dbPath <- system.file("extdata", "hg19.RCASDB.sqlite", package='RCAS')
dbPathTest <- file.path(getwd(), 'test.RCASDB.sqlite')
file.copy(from = dbPath, to = dbPathTest, overwrite = TRUE)
# Testing createDB function
test_that("Testing createDB function", {
expect_error(createDB(dbPath = dbPath,
genomeVersion = 'hg19',
update = FALSE),
regexp = 'A database already exists')
## Testing summarizeDatabaseContent function
summary <- summarizeDatabaseContent(dbPath = dbPathTest)
test_that("Testing summarizeDatabaseContent function", {
expect_is(summary, 'data.frame')
expect_equal(nrow(summary), 2)
expect_equal(ncol(summary), 5)
expect_identical(as.vector(summary$sampleName), c("FMR1", "FUS"))
mydb <- deleteSampleDataFromDB(dbPath = dbPathTest, sampleNames = 'FUS')
samples <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(mydb, 'processedSamples')
## Testing deleteSampleDataFromDB function
test_that("Testing deleteSampleDataFromDB function", {
expect_is(mydb, "SQLiteConnection")
expect_false('FUS' %in% samples$sampleName)
expect_true('FMR1' %in% samples$sampleName)
if(file.exists(dbPathTest)) {
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