knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", width = 100 ) options(width=100)
The best possible explanation on VEF and lMHL values is given in help files for
and generateMhlReport
methods, respectively.
Here we try to show some simplified and real situations,
i.e., different methylation patterns that may exist, and provide a visual
summary of epialleleR
The readers are welcome to try their own real and simulated data. If it might be of interest to others, please create an issue and these examples might get included in this vignette.
NB: the plotMetrics
function used below is a piece of spaghetti code, hence
hidden. If you still want to use it or see what it does - browse a
source code
of this vignette online.
require("data.table", quietly=TRUE) require("GenomicRanges", quietly=TRUE) require("ggplot2", quietly=TRUE) require("epialleleR", quietly=TRUE) plotMetrics <- function (bam.file, range, min.n=0, title="epialleles") { bam <- preprocessBam(bam.file=bam.file, verbose=FALSE) cg.beta <- generateCytosineReport(bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) cg.vef <- generateCytosineReport(bam, threshold.reads=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) cg.mhl <- generateMhlReport(bam, max.haplotype.window=20, verbose=FALSE) range.strand <- as.character(strand(range)) if (range.strand=="*") range.strand <- c("+", "-") metrics <- cbind( cg.beta[rname==as.character(seqnames(range)) & pos>=start(range) & pos<=end(range) & strand %in% range.strand, .(pos=factor(pos), beta=meth/(meth+unmeth))], cg.vef[rname==as.character(seqnames(range)) & pos>=start(range) & pos<=end(range) & strand %in% range.strand, .(VEF=meth/(meth+unmeth))], cg.mhl[rname==as.character(seqnames(range)) & pos>=start(range) & pos<=end(range) & strand %in% range.strand, .(lMHL=lmhl)] ) metrics.melt <-, id.vars="pos") metrics.melt[value<0.00001, value:=0] metrics.melt[, pos:=as.numeric(as.character(pos))] grid::grid.newpage() patterns <- extractPatterns(bam, range, verbose=FALSE)[strand %in% range.strand] ctx.size <- 3 - findInterval(ncol(patterns), c(20, 50)) epi.grob <- plotPatterns(patterns, marginal="count", npatterns.per.bin=Inf, context.size=ctx.size, plot=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, title=title, subtitle=NULL) values <- ggplot(metrics.melt, aes(x=pos, y=value, color=variable, group=variable)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") + scale_x_continuous(name=NULL, breaks=c()) + scale_y_continuous(position="right", name=NULL, trans="log10", limits=c(0.00001,1), breaks=10**-c(0:5)) + theme_light() + theme(legend.position="right") nul.grob <- ggplotGrob(ggplot()+theme_void()) nul.grob$widths[[7]] <- grid::unit(0.25, "null") val.grob <- ggplotGrob(values) full.plot <- rbind(epi.grob, cbind(nul.grob, val.grob)) grid::grid.draw(full.plot); }
out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="simulated", fileext=".bam") set.seed(1) # no epimutations simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( sapply( lapply(1:1000, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), 0, title="no epimutations") # one complete epimutation simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( paste(rep("Z", 10), collapse=""), sapply( lapply(1:999, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), title="one complete epimutation") # one partial epimutation simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( paste(c(rep("Z", 4), "z", "z", rep("Z", 4)), collapse=""), sapply( lapply(1:999, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), title="one partial epimutation") # another partial epimutation simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( "zZZZZZZZzz", sapply( lapply(1:999, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), title="another partial epimutation") # several partial epimutations simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( sapply( lapply(1:10, function (x) c(rep("Z", 6), rep("z", 4))), paste, collapse="" ), sapply( lapply(1:999, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), title="several partial epimutations") # several short partial epimutations simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, XM=c( sapply( lapply(1:10, function (x) c(rep("Z", 4), rep("z", 6))), paste, collapse="" ), sapply( lapply(1:999, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-10", "GRanges"), title="several short partial epimutations") # several overlapping partial epimutations simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, pos=1:10, XM=c( "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "ZZZZZZZZZz", "ZZZZZZZZzz", "ZZZZZZZzzz", "ZZZZZZzzzz", sapply( lapply(1:15, function (x) sample(c("Z",rep("z", 9)), 10)), paste, collapse="" ) ), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-20", "GRanges"), title="several overlapping partial epimutations") # amplicon 0% plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "amplicon000meth.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr17:43124861-43126026", "GRanges"), title="amplicon, 0%" ) # amplicon 10% plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr17:43124861-43126026", "GRanges"), title="amplicon, 10%" ) # sample capture, BMP7 plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr20:57266125-57268185:+", "GRanges"), title="sample capture, BMP7, + strand" ) # sample capture, BMP7 plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr20:57266125-57268185:-", "GRanges"), title="sample capture, BMP7, - strand" ) # sample capture, RAD51C plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr17:58691673-58693108:+", "GRanges"), title="sample capture, RAD51C, + strand" ) # sample capture, RAD51C plotMetrics( system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR"), as("chr17:58691673-58693108:-", "GRanges"), title="sample capture, RAD51C, - strand" ) # long-read sequencing, low methylation getXM <- function (p) {sample(x=c("z", "Z"), size=1, prob=c(p, 1-p))} probs <- (sin(seq(-2*pi, +1*pi, by = pi/25))+2)/3 simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, pos=1:10, XM=sapply(1:10, function (i) {paste(sapply(probs, getXM), collapse="")}), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-1000", "GRanges"), title="long-read sequencing, low methylation") # long-read sequencing, high methylation simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, pos=1:10, XM=sapply(1:10, function (i) {paste(sapply(1-probs, getXM), collapse="")}), XG="CT" ) plotMetrics(out.bam, as("chrS:1-1000", "GRanges"), title="long-read sequencing, high methylation")
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