# Created by Astrid Deschenes
# 2015-06-12
## Test the rjmcmcMethodsIntern.R functions
### {{{ --- Test setup ---
if(FALSE) {
library( "RUnit" )
library( "RJMCMC" )
### }}}
file_002 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
pattern = "yeastRes_Chr1_Seg_002.rds",
full.names = TRUE)
data_002 <- readRDS(file_002)
## Dk() function
test.Dk_result_k_inferior_to_kmax <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0, -1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Dk(9, 8, x)})
message <- paste0(" Dk_result_k_inferior_to_kmax() ",
"- A kmax inferior to k did not always returned 0")
checkIdentical(obs, rep(0, 8), msg = message)
test.Dk_result_with_various_values_of_k <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Dk(x, 8, 10)})
exp <- c(0.5000, 0.5000, 0.3750, 0.3125, 0.2500, 0.1875,
0.0000, 0.0000)
message <- paste0(" Dk_result_with_various_values_of_k() ",
"- Not all tested data generated expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.Dk_result_with_various_values_of_lambda <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 35, 24, 13, 1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Dk(7, x, 10)})
exp <- c(0.38888888888888, 0.4375000, 0.5000000, 0.1000000,
0.14583333333, 0.2692307692, 0.5000000)
message <- paste0(" Dk_result_with_various_values_of_lambda() ",
"- Not all tested data generated expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Bk() function
test.Bk_result_k_inferior_to_kmax <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0, -1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Bk(9, 8, x)})
message <- paste0(" Bk_result_k_inferior_to_kmax() ",
"- A kmax inferior to k did not always returned 0")
checkIdentical(obs, rep(0, 8), msg = message)
test.Bk_result_with_various_values_of_k <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Bk(x, 8, 10)})
exp <- c(0.4000000, 0.444444444444444, 0.5000000, 0.5000000, 0.5000000,
0.5000000, 0.5000000, 0.5000000)
message <- paste0(" Bk_result_with_various_values_of_k() ",
"- Not all tested data generated expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.Bk_result_with_various_values_of_lambda <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 2, 24, 3, 1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::Bk(7, x, 10)})
exp <- c(0.5000, 0.5000, 0.3750, 0.1250, 0.5000, 0.1875, 0.0625)
message <- paste0(" Bk_result_with_various_values_of_lambda() ",
"- Not all tested data generated expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## tnormale() function
test.tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_mu <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 2, 24, 3, 1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::tnormale(x, 7, x-1, x+1)})
exp <- c(8.1373885, 8.5671418, 6.8222181, 1.7017330, 23.4093112,
2.3737946, 0.48847584)
message <- paste0(" tnormale_result_with_various_values_ofm_mu() ",
"- Not all tested data with various mu generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_a <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::tnormale(8, 10090, x, 10)})
exp <- c(2.2091408741, 2.8786961586, 8.5411309921, 4.5581059972,
7.8565459593, 6.2785794538, 9.8004753529)
message <- paste0(" tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_a() ",
"- Not all tested data with various a generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_b <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::tnormale(10, 10090, 10, x)})
exp <- c(10.5411309921, 11.8004753529, 12.4993162124, 10.5176897766,
11.2364951059, 15.3437143272, 15.1289317804)
message <- paste0(" tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_b() ",
"- Not all tested data with various b generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_lambda <- function() {
obs <- mapply(c(9, 8, 6, 2, 24, 3, 1),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::tnormale(8, x, 7, 10)})
exp <- c(7.0218905285, 9.5625980973, 8.5250712962, 8.4394940419,
7.4477169047, 9.5883395894, 7.7767406354)
message <- paste0(" tnormale_result_with_various_values_of_lambda() ",
"- Not all tested data with various lambda generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## elementWithHighestMode() function
test.elementWithHighestMode_results_with_different_vectors <- function() {
obs <- lapply(list(test1 = c(1, 2, 3, 3, 21, 22),
test2 = c(2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 0),
test3 = c(12, 13, 13, 12, 1),
test4 = c(23, 22, 21, 20, 22, 22, 21, 21, 22)),
FUN = function(x) {RJMCMC:::elementWithHighestMode(x)})
exp <- list(test1 = 3L, test2 = 4L, test3 = NA, test4 = 22L)
message <- paste0(" elementWithHighestMode_results_with_different_vectors() ",
"- Not all tested vectors generated",
" expected values.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## priorMuDensity() function
test.priorMuDensity_with_1000_reads <- function() {
k <- 3L
nbrReads <- 500L
mu <- c(10000L, 26700L, 45000L)
sigma <- rep(400L, k)
delta <- rep(147, k)
weight <- c(0.3, 0.2, 0.5)
readsForward <- sapply(1:nbrReads, RJMCMC:::normal.mixture, k = k,
w = weight, mu = mu - delta/2, sigma = sigma)
readsReverse <- sapply(1:nbrReads, RJMCMC:::normal.mixture, k = k,
w = weight, mu = mu - delta/2, sigma = sigma)
reads <- sort(c(readsForward, readsReverse))
obs <- RJMCMC:::priorMuDensity(mu, reads)
exp <- 8.0883349761e-15
message <- paste0(" priorMuDensity_with_1000_reads() ",
"- The result is not the expected value.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
test.priorMuDensity_results_with_various_values_of_mu <- function() {
obs <- mapply(list(A=c(10200, 10300), B=c(10108, 10206, 10222),
C=c(10333, 10455, 10899)),
FUN = function(x) { RJMCMC:::priorMuDensity(x,
10000:11000) })
exp <- c(6.0557145969e-7, 4.6807063829e-10, 4.5053092518e-10)
message <- paste0(" priorMuDensity_results_with_various_values_of_mu() ",
"- Not all tested data with various mu generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## normal.mixture() function
test.normal_mixture_results_with_various_values_of_mu <- function() {
k <- 6
weight <- c(0.1, 0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.4)
sigma <- c(4,4,4,4,4,4)
mu <- list(A=c(4,6,7,8,34,44), B=c(2,16,17,21,24,34),
C=c(102, 103, 106, 200, 201, 222))
obs <- mapply(mu,
FUN = function(x) { RJMCMC:::normal.mixture(k = k,
weight = weight, mu = x, sigma = sigma)} )
exp <- c(3.58414331129, 22.65011231209, 199.13928138368)
message <- paste0(" normal_mixture_results_with_various_values_of_mu() ",
"- Not all tested data with various mu generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## student.mixture() function
test.student_mixture_results_with_various_values_of_mu <- function() {
k <- 6
weight <- c(0.1, 0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.4)
sigma <- c(4,4,4,4,4,4)
dfr <- sigma
mu <- list(A=c(4,6,7,8,34,44), B=c(2,16,17,21,24,34),
C=c(102, 103, 106, 200, 201, 222))
obs <- mapply(mu,
FUN = function(x) { RJMCMC:::student.mixture(k = k,
weight = weight, mu = x,
sigma = sigma, dfr = dfr)} )
exp <- c(3.61671572308, 17.43930668620, 201.78192965619)
message <- paste0(" student_mixture_results_with_various_values_of_mu() ",
"- Not all tested data with various mu generated",
" expected values.")
checkEqualsNumeric(obs, exp, msg = message)
## validatePrepMergeParameters() function
## Test the result when startPosForwardReads is NA
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = NA,
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_NA() ",
"- NA for startPosForwardReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosForwardReads is empty
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_empty <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_empty() ",
"- empty startPosForwardReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosForwardReads is not number
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_not_number <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c("A", "B"),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosForwardReads_not_number() ",
"- not number startPosForwardReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosReverseReads is NA
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = NA,
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_NA() ",
"- NA for startPosReverseReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosReverseReads is empty
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_empty <- function() {
seqinfo <- GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(c("chr1"), c(1000000), NA, "mock1")
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_empty() ",
"- empty startPosReverseReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosReverseReads is not number
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_not_number <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c("A", "B"),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_not_number() ",
"- not number startPosReverseReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when resultRJMCMC is NA
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_resultRJMCMC_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = NA, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("resultRJMCMC must be an object of class",
"\'rjmcmcNucleosomes\' or \'rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge\'.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_startPosReverseReads_not_number() ",
"- NA resultRJMCMC did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when resultRJMCMC is a number
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_resultRJMCMC_number <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = 33, extendingSize = 11,
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("resultRJMCMC must be an object of class",
"\'rjmcmcNucleosomes\' or \'rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge\'.")
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_resultRJMCMC_number() ",
"- number resultRJMCMC did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when nbBase is a string
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_nbBase_string <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = "ALLO",
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "extendingSize must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_nbBase_number() ",
"- string nbBase did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when nbBase is an array
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_nbBase_array <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = c(10, 11),
chrLength = 1000000), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "extendingSize must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_nbBase_string() ",
"- array nbBase did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when chrLength is a string
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_chrLength_string <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 74,
chrLength = "5000"), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "chrLength must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_chrLength_string() ",
"- string chrLength did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when chrLength is an array
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_chrLength_array <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 74,
chrLength = c(100, 200)), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "chrLength must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_chrLength_string() ",
"- array chrLength did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when all parameters are valid
test.validatePrepMergeParameters_all_valid <- function() {
obs <- RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
resultRJMCMC = data_002, extendingSize = 74,
chrLength = 200000)
exp <- 0
message <- paste0(" test.validatePrepMergeParameters_all_valid() ",
"- All valid parameters did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## validateParameters() function
## Test the result when nbrIterations is NA
test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = NA,
kMax = 4, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "nbrIterations must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_NA() ",
"- NA for nbrIterations did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when nbrIterations is zero
test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_zero <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 0,
kMax = 4, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "nbrIterations must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_zero() ",
"- Zero for nbrIterations did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when nbrIterations is negative
test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_negative <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = -1,
kMax = 4, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "nbrIterations must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_nbrIterations_zero() ",
"- Negative value for nbrIterations did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when kMax is NA
test.validateParameters_kMax_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = NA, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "kMax must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_kMax_NA() ",
"- NA value for kMax did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when kMax is zero
test.validateParameters_kMax_zero <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters (
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 0, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "kMax must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_kMax_zero() ",
"- Zero value for kMax did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when kMax is negative
test.validateParameters_kMax_negative <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters (
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = -1, lambda = 1, minReads = 5, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "kMax must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_kMax_negative() ",
"- Negative value for kMax did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when minReads is NA
test.validateParameters_minReads_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = NA, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "minReads must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_NA() ",
"- NA value for minReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when minReads is zero
test.validateParameters_minReads_zero <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 0, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "minReads must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_zero() ",
"- Zero value for minReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when minReads is negative
test.validateParameters_minReads_negative <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 3, lambda = 1, minReads = -1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "minReads must be a positive integer or numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_negative() ",
"- Negative value for minReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when lambda is NA
test.validateParameters_lambda_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = NA, minReads = 2, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "lambda must be a positive numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_NA() ",
"- NA value for lambda did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when lambda is zero
test.validateParameters_lambda_zero <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 0, minReads = 3, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "lambda must be a positive numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_zero() ",
"- Zero value for lambda did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when lambda is negative
test.validateParameters_lambda_negative <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = -1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "lambda must be a positive numeric"
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_minReads_negative() ",
"- Negative value for lambda did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosForwardReads is NA
test.validateParameters_startPosForwardReads_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = NA,
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_startPosForwardReads_NA() ",
"- NA value for startPosForwardReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosForwardReads is empty array
test.validateParameters_startPosForwardReads_empty <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_startPosForwardReads_empty() ",
"- Empty array for startPosForwardReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosReverseReads is NA
test.validateParameters_startPosReverseReads_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = NA,
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_startPosReverseReads_NA() ",
"- NA value for startPosReverseReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when startPosReverseReads is empty array
test.validateParameters_startPosReverseReads_empty_array <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = FALSE), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
"numeric values.")
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_startPosReverseReads_empty_array() ",
"- Empty array for startPosReverseReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when adaptIterationsToReads is string
test.validateParameters_adaptIterationsToReads_string <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = "allo"), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "adaptIterationsToReads must be a logical."
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_adaptIterationsToReads_string() ",
"- String for adaptIterationsToReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when adaptIterationsToReads is number
test.validateParameters_adaptIterationsToReads_number <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = 33), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "adaptIterationsToReads must be a logical."
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_adaptIterationsToReads_number() ",
"- Number value for adaptIterationsToReads did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when all parameters are valid
test.validateParameters_all_valid <- function() {
obs <- RJMCMC:::validateParameters(
startPosForwardReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
startPosReverseReads = c(72424.14, 72431.49, 72428.21,
72429.24, 72426.08),
nbrIterations = 2,
kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 146,
maxInterval = 292,
adaptIterationsToReads = TRUE)
exp <- 0
message <- paste0(" test.validateParameters_all_valid() ",
"- All valid parameters did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## validateRDSFilesParameters() function
## Test the result when RDSFiles is NA
test.validateRDSFilesParameters_RDSFiles_NA <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateRDSFilesParameters(
RDSFiles = NA), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "RDSFiles must be a list of valid RDS files"
message <- paste0(" test.validateRDSFilesParameters_RDSFiles_NA() ",
"- NA for RDSFiles did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result when RDSFiles is empty array
test.validateRDSFilesParameters_RDSFiles_empty_array <- function() {
obs <- tryCatch(RJMCMC:::validateRDSFilesParameters(
RDSFiles = c()), error=conditionMessage)
exp <- "RDSFiles must be a list of valid RDS files"
message <- paste0(" test.validateRDSFilesParameters_RDSFiles_empty_array() ",
"- Empty array for RDSFiles did not ",
"generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## postMerge() function
## Test the result of postMerge() function
test.postMerge_good_01 <- function() {
obs <- RJMCMC:::postMerge(startPosForwardReads = reads_demo$readsForward,
startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
resultRJMCMC = RJMCMC_result,
extendingSize = 10, chrLength = 80000)
exp <- c(72434.766272478853, 72544.048047704578, 73146.590899701128)
message <- paste0(" test.postMerge_good_01() ",
"- postMerge() did not generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
## Test the result of postMerge() function
test.postMerge_good_02 <- function() {
obs <- RJMCMC:::postMerge(startPosForwardReads = reads_demo$readsForward,
startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
resultRJMCMC = RJMCMC_result,
extendingSize = 100, chrLength = 80000)
exp <- c(72452.452375092398, 73146.590899701128)
message <- paste0(" test.postMerge_good_02() ",
"- postMerge() did not generated expected message.")
checkEquals(obs, exp, msg = message)
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