#' @title Nucleosome positioning mapping
#' @description Use of a fully Bayesian hierarchical model for chromosome-wide
#' profiling of nucleosome positions based on high-throughput short-read
#' data (MNase-Seq data). Beware that for a genome-wide profiling, each
#' chromosome must be treated separatly.
#' @param startPosForwardReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#' @param startPosReverseReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads. Beware that the start position of
#' a reverse read is always higher that the end positition.
#' @param nbrIterations a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the
#' number of iterations. Non-integer values of
#' \code{nbrIterations} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards
#' zero.
#' @param kMax a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the maximum number
#' of nucleosomes per region. Non-integer values
#' of \code{kMax} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards zero.
#' @param lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution. Default: 3.
#' @param minInterval a \code{numeric}, the minimum distance between two
#' nucleosomes.
#' @param maxInterval a \code{numeric}, the maximum distance between two
#' nucleosomes.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region. Non-integer values
#' of \code{minReads} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards
#' zero. Default: 5.
#' @param adaptIterationsToReads a \code{logical} indicating if the number
#' of iterations must be modified in function of the number of reads.
#' Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomes" containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call} the matched call.
#' \item \code{K} a \code{vector} of \code{integer}, the estimation of the
#' number of the nucleosomes for each iteration.
#' \item \code{k} a \code{integer}, the final estimation of the number
#' of nucleosomes.
#' \item \code{mu} a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' \item \code{sigmaf} a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{sigmar} a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{delta} a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and reverse reads
#' position densities for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{df} a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{w} a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the weight for each nucleosome. The sum of all \code{w} values
#' must be equal to \code{1}.
#' \item \code{qmu} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of rows
#' of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of each \code{mu}.
#' \item \code{qsigmaf} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of
#' rows of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of the variance of the
#' forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{qsigmar} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of
#' rows of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of the variance the
#' reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{qdelta} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of
#' rows of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of the distance between
#' the maxima of the forward and reverse reads
#' position densities for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{qdf} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of
#' rows of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of the degrees of freedom
#' for each nucleosome.
#' \item \code{qw} a \code{matrix} of \code{numerical} with a number of rows
#' of \code{k}, the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles of the weight for each
#' nucleosome.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Loading dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Nucleosome positioning, running both merge and split functions
#' result <- rjmcmc(startPosForwardReads = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
#' nbrIterations = 1000, lambda = 2, kMax = 30,
#' minInterval = 146, maxInterval = 292, minReads = 5)
#' ## Print the final estimation of the number of nucleosomes
#' result$k
#' ## Print the position of nucleosomes
#' result$mu
#' @importFrom MCMCpack ddirichlet rdirichlet
#' @importFrom stats dmultinom dpois rmultinom dt quantile
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid DeschĂȘnes
#' @export
rjmcmc <- function(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
nbrIterations, kMax, lambda = 3,
minInterval, maxInterval, minReads = 5,
adaptIterationsToReads = TRUE) {
# Get call information
cl <- match.call()
# Parameters validation
validateParameters(startPosForwardReads = startPosForwardReads,
startPosReverseReads = startPosReverseReads,
nbrIterations = nbrIterations,
kMax = kMax,
lambda = lambda,
minInterval = minInterval,
maxInterval = maxInterval,
minReads = minReads,
adaptIterationsToReads = adaptIterationsToReads)
# Casting specific inputs as integer
minReads <- as.integer(minReads)
nbrIterations <- as.integer(nbrIterations)
kMax <- as.integer(kMax)
#### Parameter Initialization ####
y <- c(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads)
nf <- length(startPosForwardReads)
nr <- length(startPosReverseReads)
nbrReads <- nf + nr
# Order reads an mark reverse reads as -1 in a new vector
d <- c(rep(1, nf), rep(-1, nr))
yOrder <- order(y)
y <- y[yOrder]
d <- d[yOrder]
## Fixed parameters
zeta <- 147
deltamin <- 142
deltamax <- 152
# Max and min read positions
minReadPos <- min(y)
maxReadPos <- max(y)
# Adapt the number of iterations
if (adaptIterationsToReads) {
nbrIterations <- ifelse(nbrReads <= 12, 1000, nbrIterations)
# List of fixed parameters
paramValues <- list(startPSF = startPosForwardReads,
startPSR = startPosReverseReads,
kmax = kMax,
lambda = lambda,
minReads = minReads,
y = y, nr = nr, nf = nf, nbrReads = nbrReads,
zeta = zeta, deltamin = deltamin, deltamax = deltamax,
minReadPos = minReadPos, maxReadPos = maxReadPos)
# Vector of the number of nucleosomes (integer values)
k <- rep(0L, nbrIterations)
# Vector of the position of the nucleosomes
mu <- matrix(0, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
sigmaf <- matrix(0, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
sigmar <- matrix(0, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
delta <- matrix(0, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
w <- matrix(0, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
# Vector of the degrees of freedom of the nucleosomes
df <- matrix(0L, nrow = nbrIterations, ncol = kMax)
k[1] <- 1L
mu[1, 1] <- runif(1, minReadPos, maxReadPos)
sigmaf[1, 1] <- 1
sigmar[1, 1] <- 1
delta[1, 1] <- runif(1, 0, 2*(mu[1, 1] - minReadPos))
w[1, 1] <- 1
df[1, 1] <- 3
kValue <- as.integer(k[1])
## Initialization of current values used in the loop
muValue <- mu[1,]
sigmafValue <- sigmaf[1,]
sigmarValue <- sigmar[1,]
deltaValue <- delta[1,]
wValue <- w[1,]
dfValue <- df[1,]
aValue <- rep(0, kMax + 1L)
aValue[1] <- minReadPos
aValue[as.integer(k[1]) + 1L] <- maxReadPos
dimValue <- rep(0, kMax)
dimValue[1] <- nbrReads
ktildeValue <- as.integer(k[1])
for (i in 2:nbrIterations) {
## List of current values that is going to be passed to sub-functions
varTilde <- list()
u <- runif(1)
if (kValue == 1L) {
## CASE : Number of nucleosomes equal to 1
if (u <= 0.5) {
## Birth move in case k=1
varTilde <- birthMoveK1(paramValues, kValue, muValue,
sigmafValue, sigmarValue, deltaValue,
wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue)
} ## end of Birth move in case k=1
else {
## Metropolis-Hastings move
varTilde <- mhMoveK1(paramValues, kValue, muValue,
sigmafValue, sigmarValue, deltaValue,
wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue)
} ## end Metropolis-Hastings move
} ## end CASE : Number of nucleosomes equal to 1
else {
## CASE : Number of nucleosomes larger than 1
if (u <= Dk(kValue, lambda, kMax)) {
## Death move
varTilde <- deathMove(paramValues, kValue, muValue,
sigmafValue, sigmarValue, deltaValue,
wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue)
} ## end of Death move
else {
if (u <= (Dk(kValue, lambda, kMax) +
Bk(kValue, lambda, kMax))) {
### Birth move
varTilde <- birthMove(paramValues, kValue, muValue,
sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
deltaValue, wValue, dfValue,
aValue, dimValue)
} ## end of Birth move
else {
## Metropolis-Hastings move
varTilde <- mhMove(paramValues, kValue, muValue,
sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
deltaValue, wValue, dfValue,
aValue, dimValue)
} ## end of Metropolis-Hastings move
} ## end of else
} ## end of moves in case larger than 1
v <- runif(1) #Acceptation/rejet
if (varTilde$rho >= v && varTilde$k <= kMax) {
# Acceptation, so values are updated
kValue <- varTilde$k
maxValue <- as.integer(kValue)
zeroVector <- rep(0, kMax - maxValue)
muValue <- c(varTilde$mu[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
sigmafValue <- c(varTilde$sigmaf[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
sigmarValue <- c(varTilde$sigmar[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
deltaValue <- c(varTilde$delta[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
dfValue <- c(varTilde$df[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
wValue <- c(varTilde$w[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
dimValue <- c(varTilde$dim[1:maxValue], zeroVector)
aValue <- c(varTilde$a[1:(maxValue + 1)], zeroVector)
## Prepared list used by merge and split function
kVal <- kValue
listUpdate <- list(k = kVal,
mu = muValue[1:kVal],
sigmaf = sigmafValue[1:kVal],
sigmar = sigmarValue[1:kVal],
delta = deltaValue[1:kVal],
df = dfValue[1:kVal],
w = wValue[1:kVal]
## Assign resulting values for this iteration
kVal <- listUpdate$k
k[i] <- kVal
naVector <- rep(NA, kMax - kVal)
mu[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$mu, naVector)
sigmaf[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$sigmaf, naVector)
sigmar[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$sigmar, naVector)
delta[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$delta, naVector)
w[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$w, naVector)
df[i, ] <- c(listUpdate$df, naVector)
} ###end of boucle RJMCMC
## ATTENTION: Beware that the potential return of NA is not handled
## Getting the number of nucleosomes with the highest frequency
km <- elementWithHighestMode(as.integer(k))
result <- NA
kPositions <- which(as.integer(k) == km)
mu_hat <- colMeans(mu[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE])
sigmaf_hat <- colMeans(sigmaf[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE])
sigmar_hat <- colMeans(sigmar[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE])
w_hat <- colMeans(w[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE])
delta_hat <- colMeans(delta[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE])
df_hat <- round(colMeans(df[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE]))
# Getting 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles for each important data type
qmu <- t(apply(mu[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
qsigmaf <- t(apply(sigmaf[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
qsigmar <- t(apply(sigmar[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
qdelta <- t(apply(delta[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
qdf <- t(apply(df[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
qw <- t(apply(w[kPositions, 1:km, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2,
FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
# Create the final list
result <- list(
call = cl,
K = k,
k = km,
mu = mu_hat,
sigmaf = sigmaf_hat,
sigmar = sigmar_hat,
delta = delta_hat,
df = df_hat,
w = w_hat,
qmu = qmu,
qsigmaf = qsigmaf,
qsigmar = qsigmar,
qdelta = qdelta,
qdf = qdf,
qw = qw
#' @title Merge nucleosome information from all RDS files present
#' in a same directory. Beware that only nucleosome information from same
#' chromosome should be merged together.
#' @description Merge nucleosome information, from all RDS files present
#' in a same directory, into one
#' object of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge".
#' @param directory a \code{character}, the
#' name of the directory (relative or absolute path) containing RDS files. The
#' RDS files must
#' contain R object of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomes" or
#' "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge".
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge" containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item k a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Use a directory present in the RJMCMC package
#' directoryWithRDSFiles <- system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC")
#' ## Merge nucleosomes info from RDS files present in directory
#' ## It is assumed that all files present in the directory are nucleosomes
#' ## result for the same chromosome
#' result <- mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectory(directoryWithRDSFiles)
#' ## Print the number and the position of the nucleosomes
#' result$k
#' result$mu
#' ## Class of the output object
#' class(result)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid DeschĂȘnes
#' @export
mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectory <- function(directory) {
## Validate that the directory exist
## Get the list of all RDS files present in the directory
fileList <- dir(directory, pattern = ".rds", full.names = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE)
## Extract information from each file
#' @title Merge nucleosome information for selected RDS files.
#' @description Merge nucleosome information present in RDS files into one
#' object of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge".
#' @param RDSFiles a \code{array}, the
#' names of all RDS used to merge nucleosome information. The files must
#' contain R object of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomes" or
#' "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge".
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge" containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item k a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Use RDS files present in the RJMCMC package
#' RDSFiles <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
#' full.names = TRUE, pattern = "*rds")
#' ## Merge nucleosomes info from RDS files present in directory
#' result <- mergeRDSFiles(RDSFiles)
#' ## Print the number and the position of the nucleosomes
#' result$k
#' result$mu
#' ## Class of the output object
#' class(result)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @export
mergeRDSFiles <- function(RDSFiles) {
## Validate parameters
## Return merge information provided by each file
#' @title A post treatment function to merge closely positioned nucleosomes,
#' from the same chromosome, identified by the \code{\link{rjmcmc}} function.
#' @description A helper function which merges closely positioned nucleosomes
#' to rectify the over splitting and provide a more conservative approach.
#' Beware that each chromosome must be treated separatly.
#' @param startPosForwardReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#' @param startPosReverseReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads. Beware that the start position of
#' a reverse read is always higher that the end positition.
#' @param resultRJMCMC an object of \code{class}
#' "rjmcmcNucleosomes" or "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge", the information
#' about nucleosome positioning for an entire chromosome or a region that must
#' be treated as one unit.
#' @param extendingSize a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the size of the consensus region used to group closeley
#' positioned nucleosomes.The minimum size of the consensus region is equal to
#' twice the value of the \code{extendingSize} parameter. The numeric will
#' be treated as an integer. Default: 74.
#' @param chrLength a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the lenght of the current chromosome. The length of the
#' chromosome is used to ensure that the consensus positions are all
#' located inside the chromosome.
#' @return a \code{array} of \code{numeric}, the updated values of the
#' nucleosome positions.
#' @examples
#' ## Fix seed
#' set.seed(1132)
#' ## Loading dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Nucleosome positioning, running both merge and split functions
#' result <- rjmcmc(startPosForwardReads = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
#' nbrIterations = 1000, lambda = 2, kMax = 30,
#' minInterval = 146, maxInterval = 292, minReads = 5)
#' ## Post-treatment function which merged closely positioned nucleosomes
#' postResult <- postTreatment(startPosForwardReads = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse, result, 74, 73500)
#' postResult
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @export
postTreatment <- function(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
resultRJMCMC, extendingSize = 74L, chrLength) {
## Validate parameters
validatePrepMergeParameters(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
resultRJMCMC, extendingSize, chrLength)
## Run post merging function and return results
return(postMerge(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
resultRJMCMC, extendingSize, chrLength))
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