
#' IUPAC code extended to consider deletions
#' The IUPAC_CODE_MAP_extended named character vector contains the mapping from
#' the IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity codes to their meaning adding the deletion
#' code "-", this is required for computing the consensus strings between
#' overlapping reads.
#' @format Named character vector
#' @source Adapted from Biostrings object \code{\link[Biostrings]{IUPAC_CODE_MAP}}

#' IUPAC ambiguity alphabet (2nc)
#' IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity alphabet for combinations of two nucleotides,
#' for use mostly by the txtools functions that generate datatables with
#' nucleotide frequency
#' @format Character vector

#' Simplified nucleotide alphabet
#' Simplified nucleotide alphabet for use mostly by the txtools functions that
#' generate datatables with nucleotide frequency
#' @format Character vector

#' Genomic Alignments example - Sk1 yeast
#' Paired-end alignment data extracted from the Schwartz et al., 2013, Sk1 yeast strain dataset.
#' @format GAlignmentPairs

#' Gene annotation example - Sk1 yeast
#' 2 genes models for the yeast strain Sk1
#' @format GRanges

#' Genome example - Sk1 yeast
#' Genomic sequence for chromosomes 4 and 5 of the yeast strain Sk1
#' @format DNAStringSet

#' RRACH sites annotation D. melanogaster
#' RRACH sites annotation for User's guide toy example for D. melanogaster
#' selected genes
#' @format GRanges

#' txtools-processed data - Case study # 1
#' @format list

#' txtools-processed data - Case study # 3
#' @format list

#' Sk1 rRNA modifications catalogue
#' Source: Taoka et al., 2016 (https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkw564)
#' @format data.table

#' txtools' core cols
#' txtools' core column names
#' @format character

#' txtools' core cols and refSeq
#' txtools' core column names including refSeq
#' @format character
AngelCampos/txtools documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 10:25 p.m.