`r read.dcf('DESCRIPTION', fields = 'Package')[1]`

pkg <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Package")[1]
title <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Title")[1]
description <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Description")[1]
URL <- read.dcf('DESCRIPTION', fields = 'URL')[1]
owner <- tolower(strsplit(URL,"/")[[1]][4])

r pkg: r title

r description

If you use r pkg, please cite:

r utils::citation(pkg)$textVersion


if(!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

remotes::install_github("`r URL`")
library(`r pkg`)



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rworkflows documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:08 a.m.