
context("Testing new_external_object()")

UID <- paste0("test_new_external_object_",
              openssl::sha1(x = as.character(Sys.time())))
path <- paste0(UID, ".h5")
path_url <- paste0("https://", path)
hash <- sha1(UID)

endpoint <- Sys.getenv("FDP_endpoint")

storage_root_url <- post_data("storage_root",
                              list(root = path_url),
                              endpoint = endpoint)

storage_location_url <- post_data("storage_location",
                                  list(path = path,
                                       hash = hash,
                                       storage_root = storage_root_url),
                                  endpoint = endpoint)

object_url <- post_data("object",
                        list(desription = "text",
                             storage_location_url = storage_location_url),
                        endpoint = endpoint)

namespace_url <- post_data("namespace",
                           list(name = "testuser",
                                full_name = "testuser"),
                           endpoint = endpoint)

data_product_url <- post_data("data_product",
                              list(name = UID,
                                   version = "0.1.0",
                                   object = object_url,
                                   namespace = namespace_url),
                              endpoint = endpoint)

Try the rDataPipeline package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rDataPipeline documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 5:06 p.m.