#' fdp-class
#' Container for class \code{fdp}
#' @name fdp-class
#' @rdname fdp-class
fdp <- R6::R6Class("fdp", public = list(
#' @field yaml a \code{list} containing the contents of the working
#' config.yaml
#' @field fdp_config_dir a \code{string} specifying the directory passed
#' from `fair run`
#' @field model_config a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the \code{storage_location} of the
#' working config.yaml
#' @field submission_script a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the \code{storage_location} of the
#' submission script
#' @field code_repo a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the GitHub repository
#' @field code_run a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{code_run} table
#' @field inputs a \code{data.frame} containing metadata associated with
#' \code{code_run} inputs
#' @field outputs a \code{data.frame} containing metadata associated with
#' \code{code_run} outputs
#' @field issues a \code{data.frame} containing metadata associated with
#' \code{code_run} issues
yaml = NULL,
fdp_config_dir = NULL,
model_config = NULL,
submission_script = NULL,
code_repo = NULL,
code_run = NULL,
inputs = NULL,
outputs = NULL,
issues = NULL,
#' @description Create a new \code{fdp} object
#' @param yaml a \code{list} containing the contents of the working
#' config.yaml
#' @param fdp_config_dir a \code{string} specifying the directory passed
#' from `fair run`
#' @param model_config a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the \code{storage_location} of the
#' working config.yaml
#' @param submission_script a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the \code{storage_location} of the
#' submission script
#' @param code_repo a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{object} table associated with the GitHub repository
#' @param code_run a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in
#' the \code{code_run} table
#' @return Returns a new \code{fdp} object
initialize = function(yaml,
code_run) {
stopifnot(is.character(fdp_config_dir), length(fdp_config_dir) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(model_config), length(model_config) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(submission_script), length(submission_script) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(code_run), length(code_run) == 1)
self$yaml <- yaml
self$fdp_config_dir <- fdp_config_dir
self$model_config <- model_config
self$submission_script <- submission_script
self$code_repo <- code_repo
self$code_run <- code_run
#' @description Print method
#' @param ... additional parameters, currently none are used
#' @export
print = function(...) {
contains_yaml <- !is.null(self$yaml)
contains_dir <- !is.null(self$fdp_config_dir)
contains_config <- !is.null(self$model_config)
contains_script <- !is.null(self$submission_script)
contains_coderun <- !is.null(self$code_run)
if (contains_yaml) cat("- Config file\n")
if (contains_dir) cat("- Config dir\n")
if (contains_config) cat("- Config file URL\n")
if (contains_script) cat("- Submission script URL\n")
if (contains_coderun) cat("- Code run URL\n")
if (!is.null(self$inputs)) {
cat("\n\n", "Inputs:", "\n")
self$inputs %>%
dplyr::select(data_product) %>%
if (!is.null(self$outputs)) {
cat("\n\n", "outputs:", "\n")
tmp <- self$outputs %>%
dplyr::select(use_component, use_data_product, use_version)
names(tmp) <- gsub("use_", "", names(tmp))
#' @description Record \code{code_run} inputs in \code{fdp} object
#' @param data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as a reference
#' @param use_data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_component a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product component, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_version a \code{string} specifying the data product version,
#' used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param path a \code{string} specifying the location of the data product
#' in the local data store
#' @param component_url a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in the
#' \code{object_component} table
#' @return Returns an updated \code{fdp} object
input = function(data_product,
component_url) {
index <- create_index(self)
if (is.null(self$inputs)) {
existing <- data.frame(index = numeric(),
data_product = character(),
use_data_product = character(),
use_component = character(),
use_version = character(),
use_namespace = character(),
path = character(),
component_url = character())
} else {
existing <- self$inputs
new <- data.frame(index = index,
data_product = data_product,
use_data_product = use_data_product,
use_component = use_component,
use_version = use_version,
use_namespace = use_namespace,
path = path,
component_url = component_url)
self$inputs <-, new)
#' @description Record \code{code_run} outputs in \code{fdp} object
#' @param data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as a reference
#' @param use_data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_component a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product component, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_version a \code{string} specifying the version of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param path a \code{string} specifying the location of the data product
#' in the local data store
#' @param data_product_description a \code{string} containing a description of
#' the data product
#' @param component_description a \code{string} containing a description of
#' the data product component
#' @param public
#' @return Returns an updated \code{fdp} object
output = function(data_product,
public) {
index <- create_index(self)
if (is.null(self$outputs)) {
existing <- data.frame(index = numeric(),
data_product = character(),
use_data_product = character(),
use_component = character(),
use_version = character(),
use_namespace = character(),
path = character(),
data_product_description = character(),
component_description = character(),
public = logical(),
hash = character(),
data_product_url = character(),
component_url = character(),
delete_if_duplicate = logical())
} else {
existing <- self$outputs
new <- data.frame(index = index,
data_product = data_product,
use_data_product = use_data_product,
use_component = use_component,
use_version = use_version,
use_namespace = use_namespace,
path = path,
data_product_description = data_product_description,
component_description = component_description,
public = public,
hash = NA,
data_product_url = NA,
component_url = NA,
delete_if_duplicate = NA)
self$outputs <-, new)
#' @description Return index of data product recorded in \code{fdp} object
#' so that an issue may be attached
#' @param data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param component a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product component, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param version a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product version, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @return Returns an index used to identify the data product
output_index = function(data_product,
namespace) {
index <- which(self$outputs$use_data_product == data_product &
self$outputs$use_component == component &
self$outputs$use_version == version &
self$outputs$use_namespace == namespace)
#' @description Record \code{issue} in \code{fdp} object
#' @param index a \code{numeric} index, used to identify each input and
#' output in the \code{fdp} object
#' @param type a \code{string} specifying the type of issue (one of
#' "data", "config", "script", "repo")
#' @param use_data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_component a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product component, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_version a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product version, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param issue a \code{string} containing a free text description of the
#' \code{issue}
#' @param severity an \code{integer} specifying the severity of the
#' \code{issue}
#' @return Returns an updated \code{fdp} object
raise_issue = function(index,
severity) {
if (is.null(self$issues)) {
existing <- data.frame(index = numeric(),
type = character(),
use_data_product = character(),
use_component = character(),
use_version = character(),
use_namespace = character(),
issue = character(),
severity = numeric())
} else {
existing <- self$issues
new <- data.frame(index = index,
type = type,
use_data_product = use_data_product,
use_component = use_component,
use_version = use_version,
use_namespace = use_namespace,
issue = issue,
severity = severity)
self$issues <-, new)
#' @description Record file hash and update path name in \code{fdp} object
#' @param use_data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_data_product_runid a \code{string} specifying the name of the
#' data product, the same as \code{use_data_product} excluding the RUN_ID
#' variable
#' @param use_version a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product version, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param hash a \code{string} specifying the hash of the file
#' @param new_path a \code{string} specifying the updated location (filename
#' is now the hash of the file) of the data product in the local data store
#' @param data_product_url a \code{string} specifying the URL of an
#' \code{object} associated with the \code{data_product}
#' @param delete_if_duplicate (optional) default is `FALSE`
#' @return Returns an updated \code{fdp} object
finalise_output_hash = function(use_data_product,
delete_if_duplicate = FALSE) {
# We want to record this data in all component rows so filtering by
# alias is not enough
index <- which(self$outputs$use_data_product == use_data_product &
self$outputs$use_namespace == use_namespace &
self$outputs$use_version == use_version)
if (length(index) == 0) {
stop("Handle not updated")
} else {
if (delete_if_duplicate) {
self$outputs$use_data_product[index] <- use_data_product_runid
self$outputs$hash[index] <- hash
self$outputs$path[index] <- NA
self$outputs$data_product_url[index] <- NA
self$outputs$delete_if_duplicate[index] <- TRUE
} else {
self$outputs$use_data_product[index] <- use_data_product_runid
self$outputs$hash[index] <- hash
self$outputs$path[index] <- new_path
self$outputs$data_product_url[index] <- data_product_url
self$outputs$delete_if_duplicate[index] <- FALSE
#' @description Record \code{data_product} and component URLs in \code{fdp}
#' object
#' @param use_data_product a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_component a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product component, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_version a \code{string} specifying the name of the data
#' product version, used as output in the \code{code_run}
#' @param use_namespace a \code{string} specifying the namespace in which
#' the data product resides, used as input in the \code{code_run}
#' @param component_url a \code{string} specifying the URL of an entry in the
#' \code{object_component} table
#' @return Returns an updated \code{fdp} object
finalise_output_url = function(use_data_product,
component_url) {
# Update handle with component URL
if ( {
index <- which(self$outputs$use_data_product == use_data_product &
self$outputs$use_namespace == use_namespace &
self$outputs$use_version == use_version &$outputs$use_component))
} else {
index <- which(self$outputs$use_data_product == use_data_product &
self$outputs$use_namespace == use_namespace &
self$outputs$use_version == use_version &
self$outputs$use_component == use_component)
self$outputs$component_url[index] <- component_url
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.