
test_that("pretty_mctq() | general test", {
    rlang::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet")
    data <- data.frame(
        a = 1,
        b = lubridate::duration(1.12345),
        c = hms::hms(1.12345)

    object <- pretty_mctq(data = data, round = TRUE, hms = TRUE)

    expect_true(hms::is_hms(object$b), TRUE)
    expect_true(hms::is_hms(object$c), TRUE)

    object <- pretty_mctq(data, round = TRUE, hms = FALSE)

    expect_equal(object$b, lubridate::duration(as.integer(data$b)))
    expect_equal(object$c, hms::hms(as.integer(data$c)))

test_that("pretty_mctq() | error test", {
    rlang::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet")
    # checkmate::assert_data_frame(data)
        data = 1, round = TRUE, hms = TRUE
    "Assertion on 'data' failed"

    # checkmate::assert_flag(round)
        data = datasets::iris, round = "a", hms = TRUE
    "Assertion on 'round' failed"

    # checkmate::assert_flag(hms)
        data = datasets::iris, round = TRUE, hms = ""
    "Assertion on 'hms' failed"

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mctq documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:22 p.m.